I was just thinken

I was just thinken...
>DRIVING to the gym to lift weights
how is this considered natural?

What's wrong with it? Not everyone is a hipster living in a shoebox in some diverse and multicultural neighborhood within walking distance of everything. Some of us have real jobs and can afford a decent home in the suburbs where the gym is too far to walk to every day.

Someone post that pic of an escalator outside a gym that everyone's taking instead of the stairs

You could at least take the bike.

>implying the city is cheap and suburbs expensive
It's not 1975 user, I give it 20 years before most suburbs turn into the shitholes that people abandoned for the suburbs

It's still more expensive to live in the suburbs than it is to live in the city

the city is for poor people or millionaires. There's no middle class living in inner cities. And given this is Veeky Forums, I'm entitled to assume anyone living in one and posting here is a disgusting hipster working a meme job or on welfare.

It isn't in any place that actually matters. Maybe in your flyover state, where I live (bay area) the suburbs are expensive and the city is inconceivable. I seriously do not understand how anyone affords it. Living with my parents until I finish my degree so I can leave this place. I love my area(Sonoma county) but fuck paying $1200+ for a fucking studio

No, the poor commute and are stuck on the 101 for hours getting home or are stuffed in a BART train

lifting weights isn't "natural"
setting goals isn't "natural"
wanting to obtain a certain body aesthetic isn't "natural"

the fuck you mean natural

dude those digits aren't natural

Anything an organism does on this planet in natural

fanks m8

breathing isn't natural either cause u gotta stop and start doing it manually like you're doing now


lifting weights isn't even that good for you, especially since everybody here is anti cardio lmao. you think we give a fuck about health? we're animals.

nice shitpost. looks natural

is posting on Veeky Forums natty

>lives in California
>making fun of other states

Great input. Everyone include him now! Make him feel special

Like this in the Philly area. $1000/mo for a two bedroom in the city (outside of Center City proper), $1500 for the same in the burbs.

>natural health center


California is the best state in the union, don't be mad at me because you live in doesn'tmatter, OK

better than smoking on the way to the gym

lmao, it takes 20 minutes for me to drive to the gym.

Fuck walking that, especially in the Texas heat.