>Doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

not fitness related fuck off

What about
>i dont want to


haha lol guys lets waste enormous amounts of money over the course of our lives on these little sticks that make you feel and smell like shit, cough up a gasket and die early u not cool bro?


Cigarettes give you shitty lungs and kills your cardio.

They taste like shit.

Why would I smoke, give me one good reason


Ylis on speed again :DD
Non-smokers are just manchildren

smoking for the most part is now associated with poor ignorant people and edgy kids.

Losing weight isn't hard anyways.

Been a while since I've seen this pasta

Do you ever get tired of the same shit thread?

You're forgetting
>Makes you look like an edgy autist

>still smoking cigarettes

>Inhaling the smoke jew

Good goy

>I fucked my life up so I must sabotage the life of others

Dude, why did you honestly make this shit thread?
Think about your life and the choices that led you to this juncture.

tobacco company shill pls go

I have a good looking friend (homo) who comes back from a cig break smelling like ashes and ass.

Vanity is reason enough to not smoke

I smoke and I honestly hate it. Quitting is not a problem, suffering the unbearable "consequences" or side-effects of quitting is.

I can't shit if I don't smoke. No joke. No matter of starch, exercise, or water can stop my constipation when I try to stop smoking. I did 2 months of eating laxatives and feeling like shit, only to start smoking again to stop the pain.

I am literally an addict. My shits are amazingly smooth again tho'

Are you me?

>not addicting
kys yourself

Well, theyre the beat coping mechanism for stress on the market. Besides xanax and alchohol.

They dont kill cardio.
Source: 3rd year smoking between 5-20 a day, 14 min 2 mile. Granted you have to work a bit harder and drink more water.

Theyre not expensive depending where you live and how often you smoke. A pack of name brands here is 3$ but i can go to the reservation and get a pack of shit sticks for 65 cents.

However yes they can effect you negatively if you smoke too many. Which you cant even feel the effects if you smoke more than one an hour. Yes, they can give cancer, but who wants to be older than 60 anyway?

that's because tobacco is a natural laxative.

so if you want to quit, buy laxatives next time. problem solved.

> I did 2 months of eating laxatives and feeling like shit

read the whole post before you respond

didn't need to, all i read was crybaby who won't stop smoking

>tfw cigarettes are $10 a pack where I live
biggest deciding factor in me quitting.

Beautiful. A great contribution from our finnish overlords

>Is life a contest about who lives the longest?

I mean you can die early if you want, clearly trolling but for smokers who defend it why would you smoke? It's pointless like video games, a time and money waster except this one also carries a high risk of lung cancer and is slightly less addicting

>3rd year smoking between 5-20 a day, 14 min 2 mile. Granted you have to work a bit harder and drink more water.

Don't you wonder how fast you could be without?

>who wants to be older than 60 anyway?

Maybe you at 60? I highly doubt you would be cool with a horrible, painful death at 60, not seeing your grandchilren grow up etc... You are obviously far from guaranteed to develop cancer, but why risk it?

I mean, your choice and all, but it blows my mind that people would still choose to smoke in this day and age. There are coping mechanisms that don't involve drugs...

t. 18 year old who just smoked his first cigarette

I only smoke 1 ciggie a day
Could it affect my gains?

It's not only about living a long life, it's also about not spending your lasts years with a bad cardio-vasculary system, taking meds 3 times a day and being exhausted and out of breath everytime you walk for 3 minutes.
Source : I'm a nurse in an intensive care cardio ward. (at least 70% of the patients smoke)

don't cut yourself on that edge, son

>they don't kill cardio
2 of my friends were pro swimmers, even after they stopped swimming they had best cardio in class for years, after half a year of smoking they couldn't even get to our classroom without being winded from stairs

i've yet to meet a smoker who can keep up with me and i jog fucking 15 minutes 2 times a week

1/10 try again plz

smoking is kool xD

Blood toxicity faggot
Enjoy your shit gains

Never thought I'd get memed this bad in Veeky Forums

Spotted the fatty.
I agree that cigarette smoking is stupid, but weight loss is not easy unless you're a blimp.

I barely want to live past tommorow.

Try joining the army. A lot of good runners who smoke a shit ton

Enjoy being dependant on an oxygen concentrator and multiple inhalers in your miserable older years, faggot


>justifying your smoking habit

inb4 it's my life I can smoke if I want. Have fun getting a black lung, getting lung cancer, and slowly rotting away on a hospital bed.

didn't you get the memo? shilling is reserved for /pol/ and /v/
get the fuck out Mr. Tobacco

>not being able to control your diet and caloric in/out
get a load of this weak ass cuck

eat some beans and fibre with your laxatives on withdrawal, lad
or just get intentional food poisoning. it's not hard and it'll clean your shit right out

but it is


Keep smoking goyim

I got addicted when I used to work at a restaurant back in highschool. It's fucking awful and I hate it, nothing glamorous about it

It's better than drinking tho

in4 prematurely aged skin and brown teeth

>dipping master race

I do like how smoking a few stoges makes my voice deeper tho. Helps when I'm going out

Open a dictionary, both are verbs, both are appropriate in that circumstance.

Smokers smell awful, 10 times worse than a sweat soaked fatty. I couldn't care less if they wanna get lung cancer at 50, but their stench is an affront to the rest of us.