Is it actually Calories in-Calories out?

Just listened to this guy Gary Taubes who said calories in calories out is total garbage science propaganda create by the FDA. What's true?

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literally who

Gary Taubes is the author of The Case Against Sugar, Why We Get Fat, Good Calories, Bad Calories, Bad Science, and Nobel Dreams.

Calories in/calories out will take you 70% of the way there when it comes to body composition in my experience. The other 30% is exercise and depending on how lean you want to get, macros.

Yeah just like wealth is money in money out

its not 100% calories in calories out, but for the most part that's why normies are fat as fuck.

Macros/insulin sensitivity/testosterone levels/nutrition partitioning/steroids/genetics also play a massive role if you want to be "ripped" and not just a "healthy weight".

gary plz go

Balanced nutritionally, of course it "works". People are just willing to be stupid and think they can make Ben and Jerry's a staple of their diet.

Calories are just a myth man
You don't even need food to live, it's just that the multibillion dollar food industry has you fooled
You can make sweet gainz off nothing but solar energy and commanding your muscles to grow
How the hell you think plants and animals survived without supermarkets?

of course it's not ALL cals in and out, that would be stupid. There's a reason people on this board still make fun of people for eating donuts and drinking soda and shit. But there's also a reason we promote calorie balance. Because it fucking works.

How can calories be real if food isn't real?

>nutrition is more complex than calories in and out

but still, regarding gaining and losing weight, it stands true. it has nothing to do with glycemic index, micro nutrients, AGEs, carcinogens, pancreatic overload, good and bad oils and whatnot.

I think the main point that people miss is that Calories Out/In is a fundamental physical law. It's always true. However, because calories in depends on calories out (if you workout you'll get hungry and eat more for example), and because calories out depends on calories in (your metabolism slows down on a deficit for example), eating less doesn't always mean losing more weight, and eating more doesn't always mean putting on more weight.

Nonetheless, it is true in general, and for all people, most of the time, assuming that calories in/out are independent is still accurate and useful. It's important to recognize that all the science that says calories in =\= calories out is talking entirely about that dependency i.e. it is important for understanding biology, but completely useless for the people who actually buy the pop sci books that spout it.

He makes his living selling fat people shit.

>science propaganda
This is so painfully american it's not even funny.

Yeah, you're actually full of shit. These things play a secondary and minor role. To get ripped you need a low bodyfat percentage and a decent amount of muscle. Tracking calories and protein can you get you there.

Are you telling me that Real Food isn't real?

at the most basic level this is how to simplify dieting. it can get more complicated than that

>eating because you're hungry

U wot m8

Calories in calories out is first law of thermodynamics. If he disproved it he would be important and you would know his name. This guy probably hits on some good points about how sugar is really really bad and will make your body comp worse by fucking with your hormones etc, but fundamentally you must consume calories to gain weight. Your body cannot conjure fat from the ether, and in the same way when you use more energy than you eat it has to come from somewhere. He probably wanted a good controversial position to sell his book and more power to him but energy balance is definitively not a big jewish conspiracy or something.

I think what he meant was that, calories are still the biggest player, but individual differences in metabolism, diet composition in regards to individual body chemistry, etc can have a very large impact (obviously cals in/out is still key). But saying that two guys the same height and weight and activity level and diet will see identical results is just factually false.

>sugar is really really bad and will make your body comp worse by fucking with your hormones
This is some extreme broscience, carbs get broken down into the same shit, sugar included. The whole "insulin spikes" thing is so overrated, just look up Layne Norton's video why, basically if you spike insulin higher it drops quicker and a lower spike takes longer to drop, so the amounts stay the same.


So buy my shit


yeah if you just follow calories in calories out and pin some test on your ass you'll look like jeff seid, ok retard.


Kind of.

Calories in/out is kind of disproved by Type 1 diabetics. They'll just starve because they have insulin problems, right? This is a very simple example of a complex system. Weight gain and loss are complex systems and you can't just look at 1 thing and go "perfect".

Calorie watching is helpful, though, as a general measure. But that's exactly what it is. You still want to look at how much protein, fat, fibre, complex carbs, and simple carbs you eat, among other nutrients. And these requirements are going to change depending on your genetics, metabolism, testosterone, insulin levels, etc..

There's a simple rule to get here: If you want to lose weight, don't eat too much. Check those calories. Eat mostly vegetables. Avoid simple sugars. Get enough fiber. Get enough protein. You may choose to eat once or restrict eating periods to reduce insulin release. This will increase your weight loss.

If you want to gain weight, eat more protein. More sugar. More fat. Adjust your fibre up. Eat more often to release more insulin and to gain more weight faster as a result, assuming your biochemistry is healthy.

A lot of people go into damage control over this. "Laws of thermodynamics" is a common one. That doesn't make sense because these methods aren't arguing against that law, and to suggest so is an absurdist notion. They're discussing the mechanisms within the closed system of our bodies more closely, and discussing the rates at which energy is used and stored, how and when energy is used and stored, and how our system work together. Calories in/out basically stops that observation at digestion. Choosing to eat more healthy foods, vegetables, complex carbs, proteins, etc. and seeing positive results from those methods is the result of us looking more closely at those systems.