Whenever I do bench press, I feel it more in my shoulders than my chest

Whenever I do bench press, I feel it more in my shoulders than my chest

How do I fix this?

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use better form or work shoulders before doing bench

Not OP, but do you know any good bench form tips?

Keep elbows in. Heels on ground. Squeeze butt. Retract scapula.

Is the whole "scorpion arch" thing real?

Literally just had this addressed 2 hours ago by a 400+ lb bencher

Bar is touching the torso too high, drop it lower, like below the nipples

Do you mean the arch power lifters put themselves in? No that's an exaggeration, but your form should look like a mini version of that.

>Bar is touching the torso too high, drop it lower, like below the nipples
I'm definitely going to try that

also one big thing people are not telling you here is that the bench press is a very shoulder heavy exercise. The further in your arms are the more chest you are using the further out your arms are the more shoulder. At one point you are just using shoulders or just using triceps however. Your chest can only move your arms into one another (fly motion). So the part of the bench where you arms are effectively moving into one another is the only part of bench where you use your chest.


when i do this i feel strain on my shoulders because the bar is going so far forward towards my legs. Guess i will need to work on the correct position.

elbows should make an 'arrow' symbol with respect to the body instead of a 'T'

Don't lose tightness when unracking.
Wrist, Forearms and Elbows all on a straight line perpendicular to the bar at all time.
Retract the scapula, arch and brace.
Bottom position of the bar above or bellow nipple line for most people, it depends on your proportions.
Elbows in.
Control the movement at all moments aka put the weight down an up, don't just "resist" it.
The bar path is mostly diagonal.
If the shoulder are still a problem do some shoulder exercises.

Your form is off. Almost always your triceps should be what is holding your bench back.

1) Don't wide grip. You aren't a powerlifter setting records. Keep a slightly wider-than-shoulder grip.
2) Keep those elbows tucked in. Don't flare them out. Obviously don't point them inwards, but about a 45 degree angle.
3) Arch your lower back.
4) Bring that bar down to just below your nipples.
5) Don't pause. You aren't competing.

>doesn't know what he's talking about
at least have a basic understanding of physiology before giving advice



That's precisely why you arch desu

the bar should be above your sternum, not above your clavicles!

how long have you been doing this? you'll get impingement syndrome and fuck up your shoulders forever, breh

this is wrong

The more of a decline position you are in the more it goes onto your pecs. Also trying to lift at an angle running along with the fibers of the pec also help a lot.

Stick to dumbbells