It's not fair. Why am I 5'8?

It's not fair. Why am I 5'8?

im 5'7

Im 5'10" and I've got to speak in front of all these idiots on Monday for some graduation requirement for my degree and I'm preeeeeeeetty stressed about it. I have to submit my PowerPoint tomorrow and I'm like 40% finished as it is. I'm taking a dump to relax mid-work right now.

But I'm talking about a real problem, not your made-up nonsense.

I'm physically weaker than someone even 3 inches taller by a large margin. It's not even like I get greater speed or agility, it's just a flat disadvantage.

count your blessings, faggot.
not your "disadvantages"

>normie phrases
What's next, I should be myself?

says the faggot manlet seeking consolation about his height on Veeky Forums

Why am I 5'6"? Someone ALWAYS has it worse than you. Just because you're at a disadvantage doesn't mean you shouldn't at least try, because that's the minimum for you to complain.

You think this dude gave a shit about being 5'8? Stop making excuses

I feel truly sorry for anyone who has it worse than me. No one should have to experience being 5'6

5'8 here and never realised it was a thing until Veeky Forums. Have goifren, in uni, DYEL in progress. Stop focusing on the negatives. Its not as big as you think it is. You have tunnel vision

I think he did. That's why he worked so hard, but it was never enough.

Overcompensating for his manlet status. Nothing turns off women more than male insecurity.

How's that not fair? You make gains easy as fuck at your height

Not necessarily. I make up for gains I should have had if I was taller. Tall people get free lean mass.

nice blogpost faggot

Being 5'8 is a very real curse. If 6 feet was the tallest man could be, then I would say "fine, can't win em all". We are dealing with """people""" regularly 6'3 and up. The difference in power is too great.

at least you aren't 4'10" and 350 lbs like this guy:

You guys need to let all this "tfw manlet" talk die, it doesn't mean anything, you're just telling yourself you aren't worth shit if you're under 6" or however the minimal bar for height is, which is not true.

Start believing in yourself and go chase your dreams. You all are going to make it.

That is unfortunate. I'll dedicate my next lifting session in honor of this brave man's struggle.

>believe in yourself
>chase your dreams
All memes created by the well-off and perpetuated by blind fools.

Manlets are a cursed people.

not him, but you just proved his point.
you are a fucking normalfag. embrace it

it's just danny devito. I'm sure he's fine.

At least you would look big (for you) @200lbs, I'm still a fucking twig @6'3"

I'm same height, but I've been living in Japan and forgotten how it actually feels, here I'm just average

Hey I talked to you yesterday. You gave some snarky answer when I inquired about your move to japan.
Can I help that I want to be your new stalker?