Will Omar go Vegan soon?

So this dude is being coached by Clarence:

Clarence eats only plants and is fucking strong and huge: youtube.com/watch?v=hHrysja5lYw&t

Omar and Richard train in the same gym, and they seem to be getting along:

Omar is also friend with the Captain Planet powerlifter, vegetarian since birth and 100% plant based for the past 7 years: youtube.com/watch?v=U9beOZ8euuE

It's just a matter of time, Omar will be part of the cult soon, quite probably before 2017 ends. I bet in a couple of years it will be a totally mainstream thing in the lifting community. No doubt tbqh.

Other urls found in this thread:


His face annoys me and he's not funny.

why those videos have to be so dramatic? Like showing off the weight, pans zooms and all that other shit. You lift things up and put them down it's not fucking rocket science

To appeal to average gym goers

lmao jelly dyel found

>Clarence eats only plants and is fucking strong and huge
kek. he was already big and lifting those numbers before he went vegan

can someone explain all this vegan shit to me? why does it matter from what source the food comes from when in the end it gets broken down by your body? can the body even tell the difference from the same type of fat whether it comes from fish or nuts?

>he was already big and lifting those numbers before he went vegan
So what? What has that to do with anything?

>can someone explain all this vegan shit to me? Why does it matter from what source the food comes?
Cause it's far better for the planet, the animals and generally to the entire world to eat mostly plant based; and the idea that eating vegan is unhealthy or non-suitable for any kind of sport is false...That's pretty much it famalamadingdong

that was my reply to his quote. and you still haven't answered my question.

better for the planet? just like how growing shit and spraying it with chemicals was good for the bees and other wildlife? or destroying ground/forests to plant food and destroying homes of thousands of animals in the process? let's be real here. nothing is black and white and every thing has a downside.

bottom line is that earth adapts and doesn't give a shit about humans. it was here long before humans even existed and has survived multiple extinction events. and if humans ever go extinct the earth will continue on like nothing happened like countless times before that and we will be just an afterthought that hasn't lasted even a second on a cosmic scale.

Dude, seriously, what the fuck? That makes no sense m8.

You can produce 10x more plant food in the same space than if you produced meat. It's really that simple... that means 10x less pollution and chemicals and shit, 10x cheaper, 10x more people fed, 10x less water used... I mean come on dude, it's pretty obvious.

yes but you also need to eat 10 times of that plant food to get the same calories as you would from a single steak. how much calories does 1 kg of broccoli have? around 300. same as 0.25 kg of chicken breast.

i don't even want to discuss this because i don't give a shit. i just want an answer to my question.

>why does it matter from what source the food comes from when in the end it gets broken down by your body? can the body even tell the difference from the same type of fat whether it comes from fish or nuts?

i'm not here to argue which diet is better because i honestly don't give a shit. i hardly eat meat as it is and wouldn't even notice if i remove it completely because my diet is actually well balanced as it is.

>get big w/ roids and meat
>eat vegan for a few months
>Hey guys I'm a vegan bodybuilder now

>can someone explain all this vegan shit to me? why does it matter from what source the food comes from when in the end it gets broken down by your body? can the body even tell the difference from the same type of fat whether it comes from fish or nuts?

You're missing the point of veganism. Vegans tend to eat what they do for ethical and environmental reasons, although health concerns can certainly be a factor. It boils down to the fact that factory farms treat animals miserably, and it's significantly better for the environment as a whole not to raise livestock.

>better for the planet? just like how growing shit and spraying it with chemicals was good for the bees and other wildlife? or destroying ground/forests to plant food and destroying homes of thousands of animals in the process? let's be real here. nothing is black and white and every thing has a downside.
Animals raised for food exist in numbers of billions. Billions of animals need a lot of resources. Don't eat the animals, reduce demand, use the farm land and land needed for crops that are going to animals to make crops for human consumption. Or leave the space for wildlife instead. The animal industry uses by far more land and destroys more wildlife than growing some soy or corn or wheat. "let's be real". Everything has a downside? yes. Does that mean we shouldn't try to aim for the more sustainable and ethical option even though it's not perfect. By all means. In any way you put it, getting rid as much as possible by the animal industry will benefit the planet. Again, animals grown for you to eat require extraordinary amounts of resources.

>bottom line is that earth adapts and doesn't give a shit about humans. it was here long before humans even existed and has survived multiple extinction events. and if humans ever go extinct the earth will continue on like nothing happened like countless times before that and we will be just an afterthought that hasn't lasted even a second on a cosmic scale.
We are clearly having an impact on the planet. The number of humans living on earth is the biggest the earth has ever had and we are draining the earth of resources day by day. The earth isn't magic and won't magically heal itself if we continue shitting on it and destroying it at the current rates.

As a side note, rememer in the 1900s when we used CFCs a lot? That had a massive impact on our ozone layer, and only years after it was BANNED we can see it healing back. Clearly we have an impact on earth.

But m8, broccoli and lettuce are not the only plants you can eat. 100 grams of lentils have more calories and more protein than 100g of beef/pork.
And to answer your question: I don't think it matters. I don't think a vegan diet is healthier for your body than an omnivore one, honestly. I only know that both can be as good, so choosing the one that's better for the rest seems the obvious choice.

You're vegan
You're bodybuilder
Therefore you're a vegan bodybuilder. Don't see the issue here famalam.

Argue about what's ethical and healthy all you want. I don't care about that.
But a vegan diet is objectively better for the environment, it's impossible to say otherwise.

Honestly, who gives a shit. I eat meat, but who honestly gives a flying fuck if a bodybuilder Youtuber goes vegan. Who cares if Clarence is vegan. So many people on this board get wrapped up in this shit when it will never have any bearing on their lives.

I don't like vegans as much as anyone else, but their eating habits don't affect me whatsoever.

improper nutrition for as short as 6 weeks causes heavy loss of muscle mass and strength. So if so many bodybuilders/powerlifters switch to a plant based diet and they don't get weaker and continue to progress, it proves that a vegan diet can be as good as a traditional meat based diet.



accept it and move on

I like how you purposely ignored the deforestation for crops and displacing animals and killing pollonators.

>b-but its less destructive than the meat industry!

Its still destructive to the ecosystem bucko. There is nothing wrong with being vegetarian/vegan but your blind delusion gives then a bad name.

Not him but I'll answer your question

The body can't differentiate between where a single compound comes from. So if we look at a single calcium ion from broccoli vs a calcium ion from milk, those are the same. Similarly 1g of protein from tofu and 1g of protein from steak are metabolized the exact same way.

The main difference is not how individual compounds are treated but how the food as a whole is processed. Protein gets digested and broken down into amino acids. So if you eat a piece of chicken, the protein in that meat has a good enough amount of every amino acid that we need. If you eat a spoonful of beans then the protein in there will be digested and broken down into amino acids the same way, but some amino acids will not be in high enough amounts to be helpful. That's why the beans and rice combo became so popular.

Fats are slightly different because unless I'm mistaken, most animal fats are saturated fats and a lot of vegetable fays are mono/poly unsaturated. None of these are inherently bad but consuming toi much of one and not enough of another is probably not a good way to go.

So no the body doesn't really care what the source of a compound is. But there are other factors to take into account anyway

> claws
what are tools
> teeth
what are canines
> intestine
what is cooking
> sweating, drinking patterns, vitamin C
jesus christ the lengths vegans go to to justify their ethics-based diet

>vegan is perfectly healthy we should all be vegan meat is evil
>if you just take these artificially engineered supplements, naturally found in meat, that you need to stay alive

I literally don't understand the mental gymnastics vegans use to convince themselves.

You are just mad because these are all legit arguments.

I have another for you:
>not even 1 in 3 people can properly digest milk

>meat eater calling vegan diet unhealthy
Yeah, all these obese 600lbs people are vegan for sure, right?

That's because its another species' milk that's easier to produce than imprisoning women and milking them all their lives.

No, those are just American.

So you agree that it is cruel to milk animals?

Nine nations have a higher obesity rate than the US and !surprise! they all are meat eater nations.

are you implying you can't get fat as a vegan? how delusional are you?

Perhaps, but of course ethically farmed animals who get milked don't have a much different quality of life to one in a field not getting milked.

It certainly is harder to gain weight while eating broccoli instead of burgers.

Yeah, therefore being vegan is the only right choice to help these tortured animals.

I don't know what that has to do with vegans having to inject themselves and supplement their diet with stuff naturally found in meat like B12.

>Its still destructive to the ecosystem bucko
It's less destructive, therefore better.

Yes. Not all fats, carbs and proteins were created equal; and we dont only need macros to survive.

I meant that free range well treated animals being milked don't suffer a much worse quality of life than wild cows.

>over 50% of the West is overweight
>99% of them are meat eaters
>instead of trying to prevent the obesity people talk shit about vegans

Who is a bigger leach for society? 600lbs meat eaters or healthy and fit vegans?

brocs has 8.7 g protein per 100 cal, btw, not 11.1

It's misleading, vegan bodybuilder in the context where they flaunt it implies they've been vegan for a while and that's how they got their strength.

You also have to eat a shitload of broccoli to get like 500 calories.

even if this was true, it's still more than in steak


Why are you posting about obesity to me?

What percentage of obese people is vegan? Most obese people eat meat, therefore meat is responsible for obesity and all health risks connected to it. Red meat causes cancer and milk makes your bowels rot on the inside.

obese people are obese because of sugar and bad foods. rarely is meat the issue.

Okay. What the fuck has that to do with my post? Are you just linking to random posts ITT with your shit? It's no fucking wonder vegans aren't taken seriously.

>You know vegans have to take injections of B12..
>What the fuck dude?
>Can you just fuck off.

You don't have to inject B12. There is special toothpaste that gives it to you because you don't need very much.

Not a vegan shill but popular meats (i.e bacon) are a high proportion fat calories. If you shoot a deer and cut a steak off it the meat is lean as fuck and way better for you. Obese people aren't catching their own meat if they eat lot of meat.

>rarely meat is the issue

What are
>salami pizza with cheese

Soy factories in china also have huge contamination indexes

fuck off

The difference is that all meat is produced with severe consequences for the environment while almost none vegetables have this massiv impact

how much calories is meat again compared to buns? oh right.

deep fried in crumbs. oh right

>salami pizza with cheese
how much is meat in calories compared to dairy?

meat in itself is pretty low calories and you would have to consume tons of it. not saying that they don't but most of their calories are from FAT since 1g of fat is 9 calories and 1g of protein/carbs is only around 4.5.

these fat people eat tons of sweets and that's the primary culprit for their obesity, not meat.

You being alive has sever consequences for the environment.

Kindly KYS for the good of the earth.

no, I have to educate more meat fascist before I can go

>if its the lesser of two evils, its better.

Still evil is it not? So you kind of care about the environment, but not really?

You know of you truly cared you would just eat out of your own garden and drink water straight from a flowing river. Again, blind delusion. You could take a real environmentally friendly approach but that would ruin your comfy first world lifestyle that you dont complain about.

You've done the exact opposite ITT.

Has to be bait.

Alright fuckwits, don't listen to the crazy vegans or the asshole meat eaters.

There is no denying that farming livestock is a massive environmental problem. At the very least acknowledge it, you don't have to care if you don't want to.

You can get B12 on a vegan diet with things like fermented foods or Nutritional Yeast. Livestock are pumped full of artificial hormones and antibiotics, they can only live in factory farms because of these two things. Unless it is antibiotic free meat, it is just as artificial as supplements.

how much is 1 cup in non retarded units

Being vegan for environmental or economic issues makes sense. Being vegan for moral or ethical reasons is full blown retard. BTW try to grow plants without dead animals as fertilizer. It's either you eat them or the plants eat them.

Work on your b8 m8

>fermented foods
>Nutritional Yeast.

it's always hilarious when someone comes in all high and mighty acting as the voice of reason on everything and still gets things wrong
straight from your own bible

>Livestock are pumped full of artificial hormones and antibiotics, they can only live in factory farms because of these two things
this is just a massive hyperbole as well. plenty of livestock are still grown naturally at normal farms.
>Unless it is antibiotic free meat, it is just as artificial as supplements.
as is this

>not getting mcdoubles

Down with the vegan agenda

The sex must be amazing

>roid for 10 years
>cycle off and first day clean
>i'm all natural bro

Vegans are self-absorbed pussys who think virtue signaling is virtuous

its not, because that chart is complete horseshit. beef has, depending on fat content, around 10-13 grams per 100kcal, not the claimed 6.4. A quick google search will confirm this

No it just proves that steroids are effective and work kek

Are PEDs vegan?

the way veganism is being shilled, anything is possible

Oh so he's admitting that he's youtube-natty?

i wonder how much clarence is making off this loser, i try not to pay attention to him but hasn't he basically always been a very sub-par lifter in whichever discipline he decides he belongs to? now he's 'trying' weightlifting, by far the most difficult

As far as I know nuts contain shorter chain triglycerides than fish, correct me if I'm wrong.

>Implying McDonald's patty contains double digit percentage of beef

>less then 33% of the population is actually human

Feels bad, man.

You can try to cause as little harm as possible, you know.

That is some ass-backwards reasoning.

this you fucking autists...

being vegan is just a low energy cover for the normies. if you're juiced to the gills you can eat sawdust and rocks and you'll still be pretty jakt

Nice appeal to futility, douchebag!

what artificially engineered supplements do vegans take?

You mean some of them taking b12? You know all the cows and chickens you eat are given tons of artificially engineered supplements and antiobiotics?

Are you stupid?

Again, all the fucking animals you eat are injected with far more shit than vitamins.

Also b12 is the most common deficiency in the west

>hurr durr vegans take supplements what a bunch of retards. Better take my isolated whey with creatine shake and then have my omega 3 and vitamin d pills.

the level of stupidity in this comment is outstanding. I'm not even vegetarian, but come on even Arnold is stating that we should cut a bit on the meat

I agree that vegans make valid points and that you can get strong on a vegan diet. But let's not pretend Clarence got strong off vegetables instead of roids.

Why is he stupid, it's still the lesser of two evils. You can't deny that what he's said is wrong, you would be doing more "for" the planet if you just ate and drank from the ground.
>come on even Arnold is stating
A celebrity saying popular things shouldn't affect this argument

Yeah I agree people are focusing on the wrong thing here, if Clarence converted to Islam nobody would claim that halal meat and fasting for a month results in greater gains.

>using steroids
>being vegan

Probably has already. I actually saw omar in person he's a lot smaller IRL than you would think.

Yeah, everyone is going vegan now. (Vegan since Jan 1st)

It's better for your healthy, and the ethical gains are just a no brainer. Also, gains are phenomenal. Funny cuz you never hear Veeky Forums mention that all scientific studies show vegans have more testosterone than meat-eaters, which is frankly hilarious. Look it up yourselves