I'm following 5/3/1 right now. After doing my main lift I do a BB style workout

I'm following 5/3/1 right now. After doing my main lift I do a BB style workout.

I've been doing it for two month now and my lifts have not gone up.

What's wrong with me, Veeky Forums?

are you doing the original 5/3/1 program, or the new program with joker sets and FSL?

post your program exactly

you're doing too much accessory volume.

>Bench day


Incline DB press - 5x5

Chest flyes 3-10

Weighted dips 3-8/10

Tricep pulldown -3x12

Close grip bench 3x8/10

>Deadlift day


Weighted pullups 3x5/8

Lat pulldowns 3x8

Bicep exercise 3x10

>Squat Day


Leg curl 3x12

Leg extension 3x12

ab exercises

>OHP day


followed by

OHP 5x10

Lat raises 3x10

DB shoulder press 3x8

Tricep work

almost assuredly not his problem

I see a lot of haphazard accessory work, this isn't enough to keep you progressing on the original 5/3/1 template with basically one working set a week per lift

do the updated 5/3/1 (from Beyond 5/3/1) with joker sets after your AMRAP, and then 3-5x5-8 for first set last work (this is all in the book)

after that, do some type of pressing variant (preferably bench variant) after both bench and OHP, and then follow up with some upper back work, and then other accessories

for your lower body lifts, do a squat variant after deadlifts and a deadlift variant afters squats

this will effectively bump the frequency of muscles being worked from 1x a week to 2x a week (although obviously main lift frequency will still be 1x)

Bench 5/3/1
Joker sets
Incline DB Bench: 3x10 building to 5x10, with 2x10 on deload week
Some type of row: same progression
then hit biceps, triceps, delts, chest if you have the energy for a couple sets each

Deadlift 5/3/1
Joker sets
FSL (might not want to go that extreme with this one)
Front Squat 3x5->5x5 building over 3 weeks, 2x5 on deload week
hit some quads, hamstrings, low back, abs if you have the energy

OHP 5/3/1
Joker sets
Close grip bench 3x8->5x8 building over 3 weeks
weighted chin or pullup: same deal as cgb
then hit accessories for biceps, delts, triceps, same as bench day

Squat 5/3/1
Joker sets
3x8 RDL building to 5x8 over 3 weeks, go to 2x8 for deload week
throw in some quad, ham, low back, ab work

this should get you progressing again as long as your calorie intake is sufficient

Can you explain to me what first set last and joker sets are?

joker sets: after your main AMRAP set, if everything goes well and you have the energy, you continue adding weight to the bar and doing only the required number of reps for that day

FSL is just taking the first working set weight for the day and doing 3-5x5-8 with it after AMRAP and joker sets

for example if you were deadlifting on 3/3/3 day it might look like this

Warm Up
Working Set 1
Working Set 2
AMRAP Set -> you hit 6 reps, you feel good
Joker Set 1 +5% weight to AMRAP set -> you hit 3 reps, continue
Joker Set 2 +10% weight to AMRAP set -> you hit 3 reps, continue
Joker Set 3 +15% weight to AMRAP set -> third rep is a grinder, stop
FSL using Working Set 1 weight: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps

On youR AMRAP set, do you go as heavy as possible or do you do like 40-50%?

>AMRAP Set -> you hit 6 reps, you feel good
>Joker Set 1 +5% weight to AMRAP set -> you hit 3 reps, continue
>Joker Set 2 +10% weight to AMRAP set -> you hit 3 reps, continue
>Joker Set 3 +15% weight to AMRAP set -> third rep is a grinder, stop
>FSL using Working Set 1 weight: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps

Literally what.

Not OP, but wtf? How would you have the energy to even do this, not to mention literally continue working out after this?

my CNS would be so fucked on after deadlifting this much.

it's just like normal 5/3/1

the only way to continue getting stronger after your easy beginner and early intermediate gains are gone is to increase your work capacity - your ability to handle and recover from volume

this newer version of 5/3/1 is a good start on that road

tl;dr - you develop the ability to keep going for that many sets

are your workouts like 2+ hours long?

typically yes, some shorter and some longer

on sheiko 2 hours was about the norm, sometimes longer for double deadlift days or double squat days

Isn't that not optimal? Most places say to keep your workouts about an hour long

disregard any information you got from those places, and never go to them again in the future

inb4 garbage broscience about cortisol response when you lift for longer than an hour, and yes this includes that asinine 70sbig article justin wrote a while ago

the fact is you need more time to do more volume, and you need a steady increase in training volume to progress in the long term

What if you don't hit 6 reps on your AMRAP set, what do you do then? Skip joker sets? What if you hit it, but you're tired?

if you hit minimal reps (3), you obviously don't have it in you to do joker sets

if you hit 4-5 or something but you feel you have a joker set in you, you can go ahead and do them

if you just feel completely fucked after your AMRAP, you skip them

it's autoregulated

Are these joker sets preferable to drop sets? After my final working set I usually drop in 10kg intervals over and over until I either can't possibly do a single rep or I hit 5kg weights.

Are drop sets bad? (only 6 months in so a scrub)

nothing wrong with drop sets but they serve a different purpose

drop sets -> get more volume in with lighter weights
joker set -> do heavier work if you have the energy

FSL would be more analogous to drop sets

>Weighted dips 3-8/10

Since this is a 5/3/1 thread now.

Full body, Full Boring; and replacing the bench press with OHP. Pointless? Crazy? What?

if you replace bench with OHP, make sure you have some serious accessory work for your triceps and chest

OHP is a fun lift but it is severely delt-limited, and doesn't train the triceps nearly as well as bench press and the chest might as well not even be involved (yeah yeah slight upper chest activation whatever)

but in general the same rules apply to OHP as bench - lots of frequency, lots of volume

Full body, Full Boring doesn't have accessories that's why it is called boring.

I'm doing the Boring But Big 5/3/1 template using fairly generic options in the android app made for it.
The deadlift days were killing me, even without joker sets and FSL. Doing warm up sets, 3x working sets, 5x10 sets, 3x10 deficit sets, 2x6 sumo sets or something. Even with the tiny amount of weight used for everything after the main lifts I couldn't handle the volume.

Switching the BBB sets so I'd be squatting 5x10 on DL day and doing 5x10 DL on squat day helped.

But have other people struggled? Am I insanely unfit, struggling to do 80+ reps of deadlifts in a workout?

I'd like to add the joker and FSL sets in, but think I'm a while off being able to do them properly within this plan.

It takes time to build up work capacity. People can tolerate absurd amounts of deadlifting but it'll kill you if you try and go from zero to balls out in a few weeks.

Doing four types of heavy pulling on the one day is probably overkill though. Once you're done with the BBB work its usually time for bro style assistance.

Nah man. I just finished my first cycle and it was murder. I always felt like throwing up after my 2nd set of assistance on deadlifts. You just have to start with 30ish% and work your way up to 60 and really force yourself to finish.