Dies any one have this?

Dies any one have this?

Yes. Don't buy it, I will post the cheat sheet when I get home (couple hours) and save you 40 bucks.

thanks breh

Just bump this thread every once in a while so it doesn't die.

Bump because interested





Calories in calories out. Use intermittent fasting. OK pay me pls


Hey it me

you fucking liar, it's been couple hours already.

just fucking wait for 10 goddamn minutes mike

cmon Mike, DON'T be a punk ass bitch k?

fuck you, bud.

He also advocates doing three workouts a week, low volume reverse pyramid training (aim for 4-6 reps, then take 10% off and hit 2 more reps, take 10% off and hit 2 more reps).

buying his ebook is the first and necessary step to obtaining his body

I'm running this right now. My diet consists of:

>first meal
400g steak with the fat trimmed (weighed before grilling, comes out to ~350g after)
a can of beans in tomato sauce with 15g butter added
100g spinach with low-fat italian vinaigrette

>second meal
500g either cottage cheese or greek yogurt
another small salad

Comes out to about 1800 cal a day, pic related is current body mid-way through cut

did you even try looking up "kinobody zip" or something?

>that chest acne

yeah no, something isn't right with what you put into your body.

more like something isn't right with what my parents put into it


which time period is exercise supposed to happen in ? Fasted state ? After lunch ?

Doesn't really matter. I usually workout a few hours after the first meal and have the second one PWO