Miss alcohol

>miss alcohol
>miss weed
>miss cigarettes

It's been over two years without any of these, will these feelings ever go away?

You haven't learned to truly let go yet as you still have reservations. Go back to your shitty addictions, addict.

I needed this thread. Thanks

I am more than my feelings and cravings, and most importantly I have it in me to deny them.
But that doesnt mean they go away.

no they won't in all honestly

How can I quit weed? I've been a daily smoker for months, but I can't seem to quit for long.

If you smoke weed, put your munchies out beforehand and make sure it fits your macros.
Drink hard liquor over beer.
and dont smoke cigs that shits terrible for you

weed in moderation.

alcohol only with ladies.

cigarettes are cancer.

Weed wasnt too tough for me, I only cracked once after I had decided to quit, and havent had a puff after that
Honestly, after two or three days it's 100% mental, and otherwise the only difficulties youll find are falling asleep and entertaining yourself when you're bored.
Take up a hobby and find something to keep your mind off of pot


>miss opiates

thats fucking harsh. life is just plain boring without em, alcohol is shit.

Change your attitude, I used to be addicted to all that and then some and I turned my life around when I saw how bodybuilders at the gym aproached them. Literally just outright disgust towards them.

Like its fine to accept they make you feel good but if you want to improve yourself in a more tangible way you need to focus on self discipline and the related casting off of physical vices

I used to be really into cocaine, but oddly enough I dont really miss it

Any addiction will always haunt you. The turning point occurs when you no longer subtly entertain the thoughts when they emerge. and can just let them pass. It's like being married, and seeing a random hot ass in the gym, and the difference between acknowledging the ass, recognizing the temptation, and then allowing the thought to pass, vs. instantly comparing it to your wife's ass, entertaining a fantasy in your mind where you start a conversation with her and end up in her bed, and later jerking off to her in the bathroom. It takes will at first, for a long time, but becomes habit eventually.


I don't have anything to make my mind off it really. Too much free time and no drive.

I only drink when I'm cutting, no gains to be made anyways. I workout stoned as fuck sometimes, feelsgoodman.

remembering a quote from infinite jest, something about taking it one day at a time. if you beat today notch it up:

>No one single instant of it was unendurable

no one moment is unendurable and that's how addiction can be defeated, just take each moment as it comes and be mindful. easier said than done.

coke is fun at the time but makes me squirrelly as fuck so I don't crave it/seek it out.

Then he killed himself

See I found coke make me feel really uneasy, and thats about it.
I saw a lot of people get consumed by the shit, though. One of the biggest reasons I decided to turn away from that life and get Veeky Forums

gately didn't kill himself.

If you still get "cravings" then you aren't more than your addiction. There's a difference between no longer wanting something and just depriving yourself of it.

Until you fully understand why these things were worthless and learn to loathe them like a cheating ex then you'll just suffer like this forever. Or even worse, go back to your old habits.

Depriving implies an inherent want. If I truly wanted it, I'd indulge, but I dont. My mind is more powerful than my body, but when I smell a cigarette it still makes me want one on some level, but not enough to make me go and buy a pack.

>tfw got some mdma for this weekend


People deprive themselves of short term habits so they can trade them off for longer returns all the time. Just because you can think ahead to when you will be 60 doesn't mean that you don't want to light up.

>still makes me want it on some level

And thats the point; You are depriving yourself for the right reasons, but still depriving yourself.

Not above the substance, only resisting.

Gave up drinking and chewing tobacco years ago and even though I was never a super heavey user of either I still crave it every once in a long time.
However I find I crave it when I am being a lazy piece of shit, like I want to chew or drink while I play vidya or watch shitflix or something. They are vices that just drag you down and make you lazy, hence when you are lazy it makes you want to be more lazy.
They pretend they are your friends but they arnt.