Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums
I'm new here and overweight, but really want to get into shape because I'm tired of being a fat fuck. I completely cut out sugary drinks no problem. I love 12 pounds of fat buy just not drinking soda for a month. My issue is I'm 19 and live at home, and my mom keeps buying me shitty food even though I told her to stop. I'm not passing blame because I still eat it, but How do I resist the urge to eat the pizza rolls laying around vs leaving and spending extra money on other food that I know is better?

Get a job and move out.

Explain to her that you're sick of her holding you back because she doesn't want to face up to her own inadequacies and failures.

I have a job. i'm paying for school out of pocket so I have no extra money.

Then get some fucking discipline and either don't eat the shit and get your own, or track them and just go by the calories. Not saying #2 is optimal, but if you are a poor nigger and can't buy your own food, you have no other choice

Just turn and walk away when you see them. I have to do this on grocery stores on cuts when i'm tempted to break. The less time i spend around tempting foods, the less tempted I am to eat them.

burn more than you consume. eat at the same fuckin time frames every day, mimimum 3 meals a day. drink more water so your piss is very pale yellow. be moving around more often when not working or working out. perfect your posture. research here when to eat what kinds of foods. i mean do we really need this kind of thread? your mom buys you dirty food cause she's a mom. you try to convince/argue her to change. she doesn't. this phase you are in can be a sustainable one, but you need to understand your own position if you want to make it a sustainable lifestyle.

do intermittent fasting. you can eat the shitty food as long as you fast from time you sleep until 14-16 hours later.


Lurk more faggot, in no way would IF have any impact on that

You need to have a real chat with mummy.

You need to explain why you want to eat better. Be honest about your feelings and reasons. You may even have to give her examples of what you want. She might not have a clue.

wrong. Nobody listen to this guy, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

tell mom to just buy you eggs and tuna. and only eat those

You just need to man up and get will power. Get full on your own clean food and you will be less tempted to eat the garbage.

Eat less of the shitty food, its not the ideal solution, but its better than eating fucktons

imagine arguing with a 19yo chick and she doesn't care. then multiply her age by 2. that's op's mom.

i say sacrifice 2nd chance for moved-out-op to come back for weekend dinners and reunions all jacked and healthy. that'll show her more than arguing at age 19.

>My issue is I'm 19 and live at home, and my mom keeps buying me shitty food even though I told her to stop. I'm not passing blame because I still eat it, but How do I resist the urge to eat the pizza rolls laying around vs leaving and spending extra money on other food that I know is better?
Develop the self discipline to control yourself.

It's extremely difficult for humans to break habits (in fact we fail at it 97% of the time) but we find changing existing habits very easy. So instead of simply not eating junkfood X, substitute it with food Y. Select things that are similar but significantly lower in calories and put them wherever your mom keeps the junkfood. Then move the junkfood to somewhere you wouldn't think to look.

You've now removed 90% of the urge to eat the shitty food.

Also be aware the only reason she's buying them is because you're eating them.

While I'm not going to school or have a job, pretty much in the same situation. Lost 20 from not eating a lot. Now I don't want to be just thinner but get gains. Was going to move out and start working but my mother (that was enabling my neetdom) got cancer. I decided to be with her since we can't afford the constant meds and appointment she needs. I don't want her to be alone but I need to work to afford the gym


When the Pizza Rolls just sit there being uneaten, wasting space in the freezer, is your mom going to buy more?

This is why fitness matters in life more than looking/feeling good. You learn discipline and order in your life. If you spend your Sundays prepping meals and become strict about eating them, you develop good habits. Fatties make excuses and blame others.

just get cheap equipment for home. I did, I just ordered dumb bells,ab roller, and push up bars

>3 meals a day meme

Stopped reading there.

Listen to this user, for his words are made of truth.

eating sugary or fatty food is just seconds of mouth pleasure
then youre a fatfuck
that tradeoff