Rollo isn't a true Viking. So fudge 'im, edn.

I want to get into lifting for the sole purpose of becoming a stronger swimmer. Not competing it's just a hobby. What routines should be my focus? Purely strength ones right? Just how much will strength training complement swimming?

Other urls found in this thread:


What are the most common causes of bingeing other than a lack of willpower?

Emotional eating. I'm an emotional eater and using food as a coping mechanism. Anxious? Eat. Depressed? Eat. Disgusted with myself because I am addicted to food and feel like I'll never change? Eat. Gain weight from all the extra food? Eat. Repeat ad nauseum.

You can say it's lack of willpower because it totally is. But there are more underlying causes than you know. A normal person doesn't just start eating 3-4k calories worth of food in a single sitting randomly one day.

>coming from a planet. 6'4", was 453lbs. Still 355lbs.

Everyday is a new day and every single meal becomes a battle of interests. Which do I want more? Food or results?

How to stop bad habits Veeky Forums?
>bite my nails
>bite and tear at my fingertips and cuticles.
>absent mindedly bite at the inside of my bottom lip
>grind my tongue against my right side molars until it's raw and it hurts (I then just continue to do it)
>bite my cheek

I'm a fat fuck trying to change and none of these are attractive regardless of weight or physique. But every time I stop myself, I find myself automatically doing it again minutes later.

Punish yourself you stupid anime poster.

This makes a ton of sense. I think I've been attaching nostalgia to my bingeing habit. Remembering the simpler days when I'd eat as much as I want when I wanted as a kid.

How are you fixing your emotional eating? Stupid question.. I guess it is just a matter of grinding isn't it... Best of luck in your journey user. We'll make it

No bully. I just chose an angery reaction image at random.

And punish myself how?

Nah not a stupid question. Everyone says the standard trope of "one day at a time". I had to start taking it one meal at a time. I clear my mind as much as possible like an hour before ordering or preparing food. As it's time to order or I'm prepping I ask myself questions.

"Are you actually hungry for this much food? Or are you just doing it because it's all you know?"

"Are you even hungry at all? Are is it just a mix of boredom and deep down, you're unsatisfied with your life?"

I also have hundreds of threads worth of fat hate pictures.

Reduce the amount of anime you get to watch until you fix your disgusting habits. You dont need to wallow in them.

what muscle is this
i only do sl5x5

If I do some cardio right before drinking will I get drunk faster/more drunk? Trying to use a limited amount of booze effectively.

im having a hard time breaking a long plateau in my weight loss, should i try a meme diet like keto?

Drink fasted, 3 drinks and you will be hammered

probably your soleus dogg, does it flex when you plantarflex while in knee flexion?

try eating 20/4 IF, worked for me, 30 lbs lost

i'll try that thanks user.

good luck dude, embrace the hunger, eat a tiny bit before you resistance train like 50 grams total of protein carb, then a big dinner, and only coffee for breakfast/lunch

arbitrarily restricting things always helps me out for some reason so i feel good about this. gonna give it a real try I appreciate the input.

Didnt rollo become one of the greatest vikings by establishing the kingdom of Normandy and setting the grounds for william the conquerer to make great britain a thing and invent the english language?

What's the difference between strength and hypertrophy?

Is there anything I can do to fill out this place ? Any specific exercises? Pretty sure I need to build a strong core, will deadlifts and squats be enough?

Strength is how much weight you can lift.

Hypertrophy is focusing on increasing the size of your muscles.

what mastic gum should i buy
there's too much shit to go through and i don't know if the size of the "pieces" matters

One is something you can measure, the other is something that doesn't exist for a natty.

I don't understand how making your muscles bigger and getting stronger are two different things

My grip sucks. What are some exercises to improve it ?

they do overlap, but some programs and # of reps focus one over the other

Not the one who asked, but I'm curious. Sticky basically say that a few heavy rep is for force building, while a lot of light rep focuses more on cardio. So what would a program for hypertrophy would like ?

Will muscles look different after training one over the other? Can you change your training and therefor the appearance of your muscle just by changing your rep ranges and rest times?

take two identical skinny dyel noobs. one sarts a strength routine and the other does a hypertrophy routine. after a year, what do each of them look like? what ways are they different?

The strength vs hypertrophy things sounds stupid. You're either building muscle or you're not. Progressive overload happens regardless of rep range and rest. Could hypertrophy training really just make easier gains?

While dancing and making out with a girl yesterday she asked me if i was a virgin. I told her yes cuz i am. She lives 5 minutes away from home walking. She confessed that she liked me and i like her back. Help fit im only 18

>"deadlifting is functional"
>conventional deadlifting is a retarded way of picking thing up
>sumo style is more natural
>sumo is somehow a meme lift
can someone explain this shit

do it yourself and see how they turn out

Ok I took a week off for tennis elbow. It no longer hurts when fully extended still a little tender. Should I take another week off to fully heal or fuck it. It says it can take months to fully heal online so screw that??

Is it possible to have muslce weight gained at a higher rate than fat weight lost over the course of 2 months?

No one will answer this because no one knows.

What does this mean to a noob?

What would be a good weight loss lifting routine?

It means you have a 4 hour eating "window" during every 24 hours. So for example you would only consume calories from 2pm-6pm No calories before or after that time. It limits how much you can eat by closing down the window in which you eat it. I wouldn't recommend starting off with it though.

If you want to do Intermittent fasting, do either 1-2 24 hour fast per week (Eat nothing from 8pm Sunday to 8pm Monday, then have dinner as normal for example).

Or start with a 16/8 IF window. Same as the 20/4 but you can eat from 12pm-8pm and fit in your calories there.

Either way, its not magic, you still need to spend less then you consume, but the eating Window limits (for most) how much they can stuff in their face in that time.

Whatever one your doing now.

If you aren't then any beginner routine is fine. Starting Strength or Stronglifts (just don't start with the bar as recommended, such a fucking stupid concept). My personal recommendation is Greyskulls' Linear Progression.

Let's say "functional" your picking up one half of a heavy couch or dresser. You get in your Sumo stance, you pick it up. Then you do what? You set it down because you aren't going to walk with your legs spread like a tard.

Now do the same thing with a conventional stance. Oh look you can walk like a normal person.

Sumo has no place except in the gym. Its not more natural. Its for power lifters who want to maximize weight lifted. Anyone else doing it is likely purely ego retard lifting.

Standard SL routine while eating TDEE-500/BMR.

>Low rep
>High weight
>Force you to use every single muscle in your body to do the lift

>High rep
>low weight
>have to recruit less muscles for the job
>your main muscles get big from overuse

For example, compare a hypertrophy squat vs a Powerlifting squat.

>Powerlifting squat forces you to have a strong core to keep your back locked to do the squat
>Hypertrophy is a low enough weight not to matter
>You are fighting muscle fatigue from doing the same motion again and again on your thighs

Alright will do.

I'm struggling a bit on my warmups for deadlifts.

I've got no problem with the last warmup and my working set since I can use mixed grip. But I've heard that I want to use overhand grip for the warmups before the last one. The last two times I've done deadlift, I've barely gotten through the second-to-last warmup since my grip keeps loosening. I want to say that my hands are just too small (I am a manlet) to wrap around the bar well, but I'm sure that's just an excuse. Is there any truth to this, or is it more likely that my grip is terrible?

Grip is terrible. Just use over over as long as you can but if your losing your grip, switch to mixed or try to hook grip. As someone with small hands it took me quite awhile to get the hook grip down but now I don't regret learning it.

Good to know. I've tried hook grip, but I was probably fucking it up. Always hard to get an idea of how these grips look just from looking at pictures.


When I started learning it, I seriously did it for nothing more then 95-135 lbs for a few weeks, just doing warm ups and occasionally practicing it on non-deadlift days. Eventaully i felt okay and was getting to 225 without my thumb wanting to die. Now I can do 375 for my working sets with it. It took me several months of practice and stuff before I felt good with it though.

what do you do when acquaintances figure out you're a hollow person that is imitating how people act?

How do you decide what weight to begin starting strength? From what I understand you should begin at a weight where form doesn't suffer but you feel the exertion at 8-10 reps? However anons seem to be insisting 40-50kg is a reasonable start for squats and higher for DL

> weigh 53kg

You think there is a big difference between a 3x8 set range vs a 5x5 set range. It's very similar volume and feel my max is the same for both.

First off, remember that it's called STARTING Strength. Whatever you start with is okay. There are people who start squatting nothing but the bar and that's fine.

Second, READ THE FUCKING BOOK. It's available on Amazon and other booksellers (you could also probably pirate it pretty easily as well).

Third, you figure out where to start by lifting. If you search online, you should be able to find a Starting Strength calculator for you pretty easily. There, you put in the most you can lift and it pops out what you should start out at.

If by the end of a five rep range you aren't on the verge of collapse then it's not heavy enough. For a 3x8, you are fighting your muscle tightness keeping you from doing the set, not energy exerted so much.

Is this shit??

It's strange that most racks are 600-1300 dollars but this one is 180 at Walmart or 280 on amazon. Is it shit I assume?

>Whatever you start with is okay.
This. Don't get caught up in numbers skeleton, work on your form before being worried about weight progression and begin with what is realistic for your body

Fuck after each set of 3x8 I'm about to die. Like faint, light headed, breathing heavy, was thinking 5x5 would be less taxing but it's probably the same. Leg shit is gay when cutting


Yeah, the reviews for it actually don't seem so bad on Amazon. One guy said that a few pieces came broken out of the box, but the vendor did message them afterwards.

Personally, I wouldn't purchase it since I'm not familiar with the brand, but I've definitely seen worse. Weightlifting is all about safety. If you feel like it'd be safe having that in your home and if you feel like those safety bars will work as intended, go for it. Definitely keep searching online, though, and read those reviews. This is a big purchase.

Thanks I feel like the cheapest shit isn't worth my life. I'm in ohio so rogue fitness is pretty big here but fuck it's expensive. That one seems extremely cheap relative to almost everything else. When something is to good to be true it usually means it's not true. Wanted to buy a half rack or something. Just enough to squat and bench in and be able to dump weight if need be

And it's 300 with a adjustable bench. That's next level cheap it has to be made from old uranium or something

Yeah which also led to the foundation of boundary law

Are weighted pullups the best lat workout

I have the PPR200x which is a little more then that although I got it on sale and same with the lat attachment. Works great.The lat attachment is kind of meh, mostly because the bottom connection is so low. But for facepulls, lat pull downs, its not bad. Rows from the floor are okay and I do it for things like cable crunches

I've been doing my first ever cut for about 4 months now and I just got hit by my first really really bad fuckup binge. I must have eaten 1000 calories over maintenance every day this week and even though I feel like shit I'm still hungry.

Literally never had a problem before this week at a 750 deficit, what the fuck triggered this so hard?

Best (cheap) clean bulking foods?
I already listed eggs, chicken, fish, rice, beans, potatoes, broccoli. (Apples and bananas as snacks)

lads. does tearing cartilage in your knee affect growth plates
>5'10 manlet
>brother is 6'3

Don't overthink or you'll fuck yourself over, you got this far so just keep doing what you're doing. Everyones first time is awkward so don't feel weird

when i look at the nutrition values of raw chicken wings, do they include bone weight or not ?
lets say 100 gr chicken wings have 19 gr protein, does it mean 100 gr without bone ?

>does it mean 100 gr without bone

Flossing daily, good or bad?
>be 23 y/o
>never been to the dentist, always been scared
>only have a single tooth with cavity
>decide to get it cleaned up and filled
>while at it also have cleaning performed
>after the whole thing, my mouth feels like I've lost several of my teeth because it's been covered with a lot of tartar
>also now dentists are now even scarier to me
I do not want to go back to the dentist ever again.
Aside from brushing daily, I've also been flossing daily.
Definitely makes me /feel/ like my mouth is cleaner, but should I keep doing it?

so how much of the weight comes from the bone? 70 chicken 30 bone or is it closer to 50-50?

Studies also show that sleep deprivation causes your body to send out messages to the brain wanting you to eat more in order to supplement energy or some bullshit like that. I'm not sure 100% on the scientific reasoning but the takeaway is that when you've missed sleep for whatever reason, you're much more likely to want to binge the day after.

Recognizing this window of vulnerability/increased risk and being more actively mindful in avoiding it has helped me a lot with maintaining weight loss.

Will HGH make me grow taller at age 18? I haven't grown much since 16 or so.

Wait. How is Ivar standing?

good explanations

no but i believe it made my wrists and hands thicc af

Above 7. Below 7 is strength. 7 exactly is a waste and you will make no gains.

Progression is nowhere near linear for me on SS. I'm only a month and a half in but it is constant plateaus on every lift. I know some of this is because I'm also losing weight (750 deficit) but is that normal so soon? I'm currently at 95/120/180/250.

how much did you buy? shit is pricy

Does coffee, tea or mineral water break the fast?

Is it safe to drink protein, creatine and alcohol within an hour?

Just finished leg day and got invited out to a party, need to know FAST

Can I make any beginner routine like SS or SL hypertrophy focussed by simply changing the reps to 3x8-12 on all the lifts?

why would you do this

Is staying on maintence for 6 months doing more harm or good or neither
I ask because im at pretty low BF as of now and I wanna maintain it till the end of summer and then start a clean bulk.

Also we can all agree wow react is the most underrated react out there

Redpill me on orange peel, I bite into oranges because I am too lazy to peel them

fuck it yolo doing it anyway


To focussed more on gaining muscle more than strength?

drink a fuck ton of water and you're good

Wanting to add a teaspoon of oil to my shakes for some extra easy cals,

What's the best oil to use for taste / health benefits?

My right shoulder is aching after i did some stretching and it's been 3 days. (woke up the next day with pain, so might also just have slept in a shit position)
It hurts when i don't warm up and try to move it overhead, but after moving it overhead for 3-5 times the pain decreases, but not entirely. It is only prominent when lateral/to the side movement overhead and rotation when stretched out. The pain is concentrated in the lateral deltoid area.

what to do to recover quicker?

since no one answered my question i just cooked weighted and calculated everything. maybe it would be helpful to some other user
500 grams of raw wings becomes 380 grams when baked.
500 grams of raw wings have 124 grams of bone.

Would eating 1kg of quark a day be bad for me?

Is there a problem with getting all my fats from peanuts?

Is that bad?
Also interested in this one, bump

it's probably fine, especially if organic (there might be some pesticide shit that doesn't come out even if you wash it)

and I mean people bake with orange peels. It's just weird to eat it like that, I've never heard of anyone doing it

Hypertrophy is the process of breaking down your muscles and forcing your body to repair them, as a consequence of the repair they are slightly larger than they were before they were damaged.

Strength gains are made by teaching your central nervous system to engage more muscles in your body to control a weight.

They are less related than you think, someone who only trains for hypertrophy will look extremely fit, but will be weaker than someone who only trains strength. But at the same time someone who trains one will also make gains in the other.

The strength guy will be strong, and the hypertrophy guy will look better


Flossing has been proven to have no benefits.

Dentists are terrible and they always treat you like shit, even if they're nice.

I haven't been in like 2 years and I won't go back unless I have an excessive problem.

the muscle there is called the oblique go google some exercises for it

Can someone recommend me a full core workout? I did deadlifts on Friday and my lower back hurts when I bend or make certain movements. I know this is due to core weakness because I never really work my core or abs, and can barely hold a plank for a little over a minute.

I fell for the minimalist programming meme and i've realised how flawed it is for people who were sedentary prior to starting squats/deadlifts/ohp etc.

I don't have access to a cable machine so no cable crunches, bodyweight exercises only please!