Underrated exercises

What are the most under rated exercises in your opinion Veeky Forums?

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barbell uptight rows


Overhead deadlifts for sure


this. although my form is different from the pic

>barbell uptight rows
Never seen or done this, good call. It's for upper and rear shoulder, right?

Reverse grip bench
Single arm deadlift
Hang cleans
Rack pulls
Push press

To normies: OHP, w/ deadlift close second
To Veeky Forums:: anything rear delt

dumbbell pullovers

>Reverse grip bench
What are the benefits of this?

>To Veeky Forums:: anything rear delt
Back in general desu

everyone hear does at least do deadlifts and pullups, which is more than the average gym rat does for back


doesn't literally everyone do face pulls? don't see how they're underrated

hack squats are great but too many people do them with 35/45s and don't get full ROM and make bad gains


Reverse grip is for triceps
Most people just do close grip though

Is it okay if my hips come forward doing these? I don't see how you can do it like OP pic since the force has to be resisted

>OHP today

How much do you hack squat?

You need the weight low enough that you don't have to use any momentum to move it forward, and you can pause at peak contraction. This means like the 12-15 rep range.

thanks user, will try lowering it next pull day

Welcome bro. I used to go way too heavy on facepulls and I got bigger/it felt better when I changed (my coach told me to)

Reverse grip engages your upper peck in addition to your lower peck. People who do reverse grip regularly can lift more that way. It also forces you to externally rotate your shoulders so it's harder to mess them up. I would not recommend doing hard sets without a spotter.

>doesn't literally everyone do face pulls? don't see how they're underrated
There's maybe two guys at my gym I've ever seen doing face pulls and they're both doing them wrong.

Solid input, cheers. Will give it a bar demo and see what I get next bench

sots press

front: youtube.com/watch?v=tukae-BTRuU

back: youtube.com/watch?v=uXFGWyNEOuU

Spoto Press

>I sometimes do nothing but facepulls and bent over delt flies in a session.
Rear delts get crazy definition if you do that session 1 time a week. Keep fucking with the height setting with facepulls and over/under hand grip. GOAT

>Straight back is ideal
>Power stance like you would with tricep kickbacks is actually pretty decent too but power stances feel asymmetrical with me.

looks safe, I'll try it in a bit