/bwg/ - BodyWeight General

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>What is gravity lul



>Youtube Channels


>Safest Static Hold Progression

Steady State Cycles: www.antranik.org/how-to-implement-a-steady-state-training-cycle

>Common Prereqs


>Wrist Prehab


>Bicep Tendon Prep


>Based Scooby teaches you how to do a pull Up


>How to make parallettes out of PVC


>Foundation series (4 books + 2 Handstand + Rings)

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>Overcoming gravity


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what are your favorite ab workouts, /bwg/?

planks get boring pretty fast

Manna, obviously
Also, if you don't progress ....

Hanging leg raises and pike situps.

working on my dragon flags and v-sits atm

dragon press as a longer term goal

pike situps (V sit ups from Foundation) is in Manna progression

dragon press looks similar to front lever, just without the P-bar


Halfway through my routine as this goes up. How do you get psyched up to do L sits? I always end up trying to put it off

my initial hatred of it made me want to make it easier to do

can now hold an L sit for like a minute and a V sit for a few seconds

b-but V sit up is dynamic exercise, senpai
just do it first to get over with it

Im sure holding it like an l sit is fine

after hurting myself with compound lifts , i think i want to do this stuff instead

Satan agrees

But if you do static ab work, why do more static ab work?

Similar story to me, was snapping my shit too much while lifting, not like I fuck my shit up less nowadays.

whats the planche progression in foundation look like?
like tuck, one leg tuck, straddle, full?

You guys want to see my routine ?


Pelicans 5x2
Reverse grip dumbell press 3x5
Bench 3x5
Japanese presses with DB 3x10
Handstand work 3x60 seconds
Back extensions 3x10
Decline crunches 3x10
Jefferson curl 3x5
Side bends 3x10

Power clean 5x3
False grip pull-ups 3x5
Squat 3x5
Rows 3x5
Leg raises 3x10
Gloot back bridge 3x10
Planks 3x60 seconds

2x a week

>Gloot back bridge 3x10

i dont know why this made me kek so hard

tuck planche is like, levle 8 I believe

Since I feel like it, here is full progression to Straddle Planche (you go past it afterwards)
>Scapular Shrug
>Forearm Plank
>Single Arm Plank
>Planche Lean
>Elevated Planche Lean
That's for book one, then in book two
>Elevated Planche Bounce
>Frog Stand
>Advanced Frog Stand
>Tuck Planche
>Open Planche
>Open Planche single leg extension
>Bent Arm Straddle Planche
>Open Planche Double leg extension
then you lower your face to the ground more (change angle)
>1/2 (I believe it reads as 'half') Straddle Planche
>1/2 sPL single leg extension
>1/2 sPL double leg extension
>Scissoring sPL
>Straddle Planche

Each line is a level, which is 3months period of progression, I think total is 17 exercises so 51months total or 4years3months

where is the progression?

total was 19 it seems, so 4years 9months total to complete Foundation series of sPL

oh snap, thanks for writing that all out
just through meandering my way through bodyweight stuff im at advanced frog stands

hopefully i can get a straddle planche in a few years lmao

Other anons already mentioned them, but hanging leg raises and dragonflags. I also like L-sits.
If you struggle with hanging leg raises, try doing hanging knee raises instead.

Fuck, I find it hard to even do frog stands, I can't imagine even doing this type of shit.

At first I hated them because of a weak core, but as I progressed over a couple of months, they became one of my favourite exercises. It's mostly about forcing yourself to do them until you learn to like them.

If you are feeling confident you can skip some progression, just need that wrist mobility in the end
I'm doing pseudo planche push ups for HBP and I feel like I will smash my face on the floor any time while descending, makes you look week as fuck, but I'm progressing so feelsgoodsenpai

For what specifically ?

for your routine

it's a 404 link broskis

Thanks for letting me know, will remove.
As a supplement, Foundation Handstand One has wrist stretching in it.

If I'm doing pull-ups at home, what can I do once pull-ups are too easy? There's no room vertically above the bar to do muscle ups, but I have a lot of horizontal space.

archer pullups
work on a one arm chin/pullup progression

learn to front lever for kicks

Everything is in Foundation under Rope Climb.
After you can do 5x5r pull ups, progression is as follows:
>L-Chin up
>L-Pull Up
>Bulgarian Pull up (will need rings starting form here, you can hang them from your pull up bar)
>Bulgarian L Pull up
>Wide Grip Pull up
>Wide Grip behind the neck pull up
That's it from book two, there, last one that doesn't require more head room is
>Wide Grip L Pull up


False grip pull-ups
Leg raises

Are all movements that have progressions

I don't see it in your routine, unless you posted this weeks routine, which is mute point...

What's to know ? Once I build the volume I'll move on to these next progressions

Pelicans 5x5 ----> Negative hefesto or

Free stand handstand 3x60s -----> 5x60s ------> Paralette handstand

False grips pull-ups 3x5 ----->5x5 ------> weighted 3x5 false grip pull-ups

Legraises 3x10 ------> weighted leg raises 3x10

Main goals desu are as follows

Japanese handstand
Inverted muscle-up
Slow muscle up

Front lever
Front lever pull-ups
Press handstand
One arm handstand

how'd you decide to split your days?
is it just push first day then pull/legs the second?

A good routine has progression, any that doesn't is shit tier.
If you post routine, post progression.

happy feb 14th


Bump up the Jump

A question about dips.

I do them on rings (that is all I have) and am able to do RTO and Bulgarian one quite comfortably.
I'm thinking of progressing to L-sit ones but when trying it feels way to difficult.
I'm pretty sure that's because my ring L-sit is shit.
I have also trained weighted ones but I feel like they will end up fucking my shit up (that may very well just be my form deteriorating because of the load but my right shoulder has always been kind of tricky and I don't want to mess it up).

Do you think I should train my rings L-sit and in parallel continue doing dips (weighted) and then later on integrating the two ?
Or would you rather advice me to train L-sit dips, starting with tucked ones and progressing torwards full ones ?

Try archer dips

Yeah you got it. I was doing upper lower before, but hopefully this will be less taxing.

Ok let me write out all the progressions on everything I'm doing.

Kneeling push-up
Push up
Deep rom push up
Neutral Ring push-up
45degree ring push-up
Rto ring push up
Deep rto push up

Prequisites that are optional before you move on

Back lever masterly 60 seconds
False grip pull-ups for 3x10

Negative pelicans

Bent arm Pelican flys or negative Hifesto

Hifesto or pelican flys

Negative inverted muscle up
Inverted muscle up

Should I of wrote this who thing for one movement ? Really?

Anywho it's more theory than actual practice, I'm doing negative pelicans right now for 5x2 going to move to 5x5 eventually then I'll see what's next. I'm
Using reverse grip press/flash grip dumbell curls as accessory work.


Hey man, I checked the Foundation pdfs on the OP and they just look too technical/elaborate. For people who want to train gymnastics I can see how it could be useful, but what about if you're just interested in calisthenics as a way to gain strength, keep fit and learn some of the cool shit like human flags and levers?

You can always use the other programs in the OP if you think Foundation is too technical. The cool shit like levers do require the technical work though

Maybe technical wasn't the right term. What I mean is I don't get all these long ass progressions with so many exercises, most of which don't look to different from the previous one. Also, the first few weeks of the mastery program are kind of ridiculous? 3 sets of 2 reps? If you're an absolute beginner to overall fitness, I can see how that makes sense, but what if you've already been doing stuff like running, pull ups, one leg squats and others for quite some time? Can you just start at week 6 or something?

Also why spend 12 weeks doing just 3 exercises? Wouldn't it be more efficient to train different/more exercises over that time span?

Can anyone recommend me some mobility exercises?
I train cardio, strength, flexibility and balanced through calisthenics and stretching, but I think some mobility exercises are the only thing I'm missing to have a wholesome training program.

What's the best pull-up/chin-up progression program for noobs out there? I can do like 3 chin ups. SS starts at 3x5 but how do I get there?

The Recon Ron program is what a lot of people that I know used to get their pull-ups/chin-ups numbers up


>starts at 6 reps
Should I just do Scooby's or it's a meme?

How does endurance for muscle ups work?
I just did an easy set of 5, strict form. Second set i barely did 3, 2 of which were grinded.
Third set i did 0.

Yea, just start at whatever levels youre at. No need to regress

The small variations are done so ypu can progress easier without having stalling anywhere. Its not easy to go from tuck to straddle planche or from nothing to tuck which is why theres all that stuff inbetween. If you think you have the strength to skip a progression by all means go ahead theres no reason not to.

Does anyone know of anyways I can get more delt work in?
I've been doing wall assist handstand pushups and doing all kinds of ring exercises but I haven't felt too much in the way of DOM's in my deltoids.
I've been doing reverse flyes and those seem to work alright for posterior, but what works the medial and anterior?

I used to do a lot of wall assisted handstand push ups and got nothing.
Once i started doing bent arm exercises (bent arm handtand, free handstand push ups, bent arm planche) my delts started taking a real beating.

Alright perfect.
Any thoughts on Frogstands?

They are good but you should work up to the lowest position of the handstand cause thats where they get stretched the most.

It worked for me for chin ups. Went from 0.5 to 5 in about 8 weeks.

What is the best way to train my stabilizer muscles to help me maintain balance?

I just kept trying it until i got good at it.
Also make sure as you lean forward your forearms are perpendicular to the ground and your shoulders are leaning forward. Thats the key to having a good bent arm handstand.

I belive there was advice in Foundation that if you don't know your at which level to start, you start at the begining, but you do last week. If you're able to do it next week you do second level's 12th week and so on until you find level at which you can't progress.

Chello /fit bwg/.

I was a really fat fuck and I'm still working to go normal. I want to fully switch to body weight workout (at the moment I incorporate light - 5kg - dumbbells), because of my right elbowhurts.

But that's not the point actually as there are obviously more than enough resources in the OP.

The problem is - and I gotta admit I didn't really read the resources in first place - that my lower back now hurts from time to time. Especially when I lose correct form of exercises such as pushups and planks.

Could you help me out with proper (beginner) exercises for my lower back (above buttocks) ? You find so much on the internet actually, but I just want something simple but effective.

Also now that I'm at it, are the reasonable replacement exercises (on the ground or incorporating like .. a chair or a bank maybe) for pullups ? Because I'm still too heavy to do them//have no place to put something up that could withstand my current weight.

Thanks in advance !

>Especially when I lose correct form of exercises such as pushups and planks.

Well then, don't lose form. When you're doing push up, you're not only exercising your arm's muscle, but your whole body also by keeping correct form. You don't see any lifters giving up form to finish set, it's one way ticket to snap city.

Oh well ... that sounds reasonable ;D

Ok, guess I'll need to do less then. I mean it's not like I didn't think of it but i have the mindset of pushing myself until its done - especially since I'm simply ABLE to do so (in 3 sets of 10 per exercise) ... which obviously seems to not be very good.

Thanks bro

A simple way to strengthen your lower back is to do supermans and bridges.
Also stop doing exercises before your form breaks down.
Good form and working hard within a certain range of motion is more important then simply banging out a randomly high number of exercises.

supermans, glute bridges, goodmornings, planks with good form,

for pullups, either do negatives or chair assisted. negatives are honestly better but you might be to heavy/ weak for them.
also you should be doing inverted rows in addition to pullup work. they also go a long ways towards building strength to do them

if you lose good form with pushups or whatever just stop and rest, then do more.

I see. It's just ... when you feel awesome that you managed to crank them out by all means ...

But yeah obviously you're right and I gotta slow down.

Thanks bro

Thanks alot for the suggestions. Really gotta look into them.

Noob question here.

So i've started a few weeks ago with pic related. I can do 3 sets of 8 pull ups with 2 min of rest between sets. But if i do 1 set of pull ups then 1 set of pushups then 1 set of knee raises then 1 set of squats and then go back to a set of pull ups and so on i can do more sets, so more volume but with more rest between 2 sets of the same exercise.

So my question is what does it change ? what is the best for strengh/hypertrophy/endurance, 3*8 with small rest or 5*8 with longer rest ?

Focus on keeping your core tight during all these exercises. As your core gets stronger it will become easy.
Also doing additional core work like supermans and leg raises wont hurt either.

Thanks a lot bro

What's the best way to use dumbells to mimic ring hspu? Do you guys got any hspu videos I could go off of?

I've also been doing Japanese presses with dumbells in order to prep for the Japanese handstand/ maybe inverted handstand. What other shoulder would should I do?

Lateral raises ?
Face pulls
Iron cross cable presses
Up right rows
Reverse flys


For rings i imagine just doing regular dumbell press with dumbells by your side is the best. Focus on bringing the dumbells together at the top like you would with rings.


>carpet on the wall

Well, of course.

What do you guys think of Al Kavaldo ?

I've skimmed through 2 of his books and watched some of his videos. The dude seems pretty cool and his stuff is actually quite good, innit ?

For someone that cant do a tucked planche or full ROM HSPU he has written quite a few books on bodyweight training.
Hes just a hipster that got into calisthenics later in his life and feels the need to teach everyone about it.

>yfw the camera is mounted on the ceiling

Should I I press supinate to neural grip ?


also the reformed prisoner vibes

Press how you would in a ring handstand push up

Yeah his vibe is very weird with the fake smile and i think its so he can appear to middle aged people who never worked out. Thats why his fans are all impressed with stuff like elbow lever and pistol squats. Im a younger guy trying to get jacked so his physique and behavior dont appeal to me at all.

Hm then maybe it's a matter of me being quite inexperienced :P

Really thought the guy's cool. I mean ... yeah idk. Guess you're right then

Then there would still be carpet on the wall, the one he's exercising on.

Trust me soon you'll realize half the things he does are just party tricks and he doesnt have much knowledge about calisthenics. I mean the guy certainly isnt too weak but hes nowhere near a level where he should be writing books.

i mean, he's alright for low level stuff

What good combination can I make with bodyweight and barbell?
No Pavel bullshit, something realisthic
pic unrelated

Hepr derp
I meant kettlebell

Been doing calisthenics for 2 weeks now. 6'2 188. Not fat but I have a slight belly. What should I do? Eat under 2000 cals daily to get rid of the belly? Idk what to do and would appreciate some advice.
Pic related

so you guys got me almost signed up for a gymnastics gym that has tumbling class for adults

the problem is the class ranges from about 13-40

i would be 40. but i called and they said they were cool with it

should i go? should i get the basics of L sit and planche down first. they said to just come

I'd go if I were you

Just go, if you need some kind of prep they will probably tell you. Really, worst case scenario is you don't like it, in that case you can just go back to deadlifting



Tips on doing an inverted cross?

>get swole pan pan.

>try hanging knee raises
>barely can do 10
>realize lower back pain is likely due to extraordinary weak core
>try planche progression
>barely 20 seconds leaning plance

woh i suck. im sold on this after watching vids. unless the people doing them are just special - were able to do gymnastics as a kid