Is "Starvation Mode" truly a myth?

>pic-related achievable through starvation.


"With fasting for extended periods of time, you too can look like a semi-ottermode twink"

No fuck off, of course it's made up dude

>semi-ottermode twink
Even chicks are into those type of guys.





>"With fasting for extended periods of time, you too can look like a semi-ottermode twink"
You make it sound like a bad thing.

If starvation mode is a myth, then that would mean a person would just stop eating and lose nothing but fat. But they dont.


Your body will burn muscle for fuel. Its part of the biofeedback system if you in a low caloric environment your body will often choose to burn muscle especially if you are not using it.

You biology loves fat and wants to keep it.

It's definitely not a myth. I went way too low under my tdee for a while and I could really feel the difference. My circulation wasn't as good, I was much more tired, my stomach always felt tight like a knot.

All that's happening is your body is trying to conserve more calories. It can be physical or even subconscious, like you stop nervous ticks like tapping your fingers on your desk or rocking back and forth like an autistic retard.


Your body burns food calories much more efficiently compared to converting fat stores into energy.

When you're in a healthy deficit, your body can still consume energy from fat stores converted to readily available energy.

Starvation mode = hello muscle loss (along with water and fat)

If your calories are low for a extended period of time (2-3 weeks not 1-2 days) and your not a fat piece of shit your leptin levels will drop quickly.

This sets off a chain of evens such as dropping your thyroid levels, this will slow weight loss and make you feel lethargic. Another thing it will do is cause you to feel depressed, angry, irritable and have brain fog due to it fucking with your neurotransmitters.

This is all most people will experience but when your leptin drops even lower AND you are at low body fat (real sub 8% not joke tier i can see my abbs but i am actually 14% body fat) all kinds of shit will go wrong such as reduced testosterone levels, CNS slowdown, immune system suppression and many other unpleasant things.

At 8%+ body fat this can mostly be avoided by having high carb re feeds and/or cutting slowly

If your bellow that body fat you need tesostrone for your test levels, insulin and HGH for igf1 and insulin, T3 for thyroid and clen or another stimulant for your CNS and finally something for your cortisol like tren

That would be the perfect way to get to 5%(hormonally) but you body is pretty resilient so you could most likely do it with just test and t3 if your happy feeling like shit

So in answer to your question starvation mode is something that happens in stages and fairly slowly (or really quickly) depending on how much your eating. Most people never experience it because when your fat your body will use your disgusting fat ass for fuel and then do the nasty "starvation mode" when your body thinks your dying

Its just thinspo cuck numale shit.


I was borderline anorexic from 12-17
I grew to 5'11, but my hands and feet are much bigger than the average person at this height. Been lethargic, tired, brain fog, no sleep, my test was measured at 586ng at the time.

How badly have I fucked my development, and is there still hope?

>Rob Lowe

literally same situation but 5'6 because of being so underfed


is he traegor from parks and rec? looks familiar


looked handsome af as a young man.

yeah he was a pretty popular actor in the 80's still in some stuff these days he looks damn good for his age now as well

This chart is such bullshit lmfao

But it's true...

I usually starve myself/forget to eat when I get depressed and I end up looking like this

I'm also a noob for what it's worth

Holy christ Rob Lowe is 52 years old? Jesus. He's had plastic surgery right? There's no way he natty looks this good

Fatty logic starvation mode where your body starts violating the laws of thermodynamics ie. where you suddenly gain the ability to maintain homeostasis more efficiently than human biology allows?

No, that's absolute bullshit btfoed by biology, chemistry and physics. At worst a not severely underweight person will see some immune compromisation, low energy levels and some other minor shit that at most results in a 5% drop in TDEE.

Starvation mode as in a combination of emergency mechanisms that set in in extremely underfed people (think Auschwitz in 44', not regular person trying to get abs) and that results in an utterly tanked immune system, extreme fatigue and muscle wasting?

Yes. But that literally only happens when you're in the single digit bf% and then stop eating for a week or so - and even then the amount of energy the body can save is limited.

just do refeeds once a week then

It is a bad thing unless you have a face like the guy in OP.
If he wasn't so good looking he'd just look like any other skinny but athletic teenager

No its not but if anything it helps weightloss by creating more enzymes that van break down fat so you have a more efficiƫnt body fat > energy process

Basically its what Keto causes

Landwhales misinterpreted it because they dont know what enzymes are so they assume the body makes fat when you starve yourself of carbs