Right in the feels

>talking to two qt3.14 friends
>lifting comes up since I helped one start working out and the other used to lift too
>"you're strong but you don't even look buff."
I laughed it off but a part of me died inside guys. I've only recently started liking how I look in the mirror too.

Got a bench pr 225x7 today at least.

Start roiding desu

should've told her she doesn't weigh much but still looks fat

should have put that bitch down


>tfw im too scared to hop on juice

not op though

What supplements do you take? Do you drink?

post pic

>tfw I outlift most guys at the gym but I don't even look like I lift

active test. she was tasting your frame.

no supplements, and i drink about once every 2-3 weeks

Oops didn't mean to post a pic with my face.
Won't roid for a few years if I ever do.

you look fine, thing is girls think that sort of body is just "natural" and requires no effort.

you look fine, but definitely dont look yuge. your torso seems more developed than your arms.

Also, i am sorry but i would recommend just shaving it all man. Bald is a bold look but youll be better off.

Not op but, Wtf would you even say to that? I wouldn't say something about their physiques because that would make me look like I took the shittest to heart.

I just laughed and made a joke about being hurt to hide the fact that I was hurt. I'm not gonna insult them because I'm not autistic and know when I'm actually being insulted.

What said desu, theres room for improvement but you dont look bad at all

Not that guy, but it's the same for me.
I take 50mg test a day because my body decided it's ok to look like a faggot.

2 questions:
I get my blood tested every 3 month (because of low test). Will the doctor see it if I take tren, or will he just think my natural T production is working again?

And what's with side effects?
I'm a fucking mess when it comes to things like side effects.
Heart beat raises and I feel it: FUCK I'M GOING TO DIE!
Getting dizzy out of nowhere: FUCK I'M GOING TO DIE!
And so on...

Basically, can I take Tren without side effects?

>tfw can barely put up 220 for one and consistently the biggest guy in my gym

Fatty pls go

the problem is you have no arms

Home gym master race or crossfit?

Wear more flattering clothes

>Basically, can I take Tren without side effects
Hahahahaha no.

>browse Veeky Forums for how long and still think big means fat

You look fine, those women don't know wtf they are talking about

I wore my nice shirt and black jeans today to look nice for another qt, it's pretty tight and flattering. That's what really got me, I was dressing my best.

Nah just 6'5 with overdeveloped arms and a barrel thorax


I like my lats.

Eat. Eat.

thats just her way of saying she isn't attracted to you

do you think that happens to CHAD? just imagine that scenario, even if he was a dyel. Girls will never put an attractive man down unless he hurt them. Sorry but it doesn't matter what your body looks like, its all about FACE HEIGHT and FRAME.

>omg chad your body is so athletic, do you swim?

nigga we can't even see his head

he posted one with his face and deleted it.
Saw the photo before he did that


My hair looks better now. I hope.

if it works for you bud

"You haven't seen me naked"

I was gonna say something like that but I thought it would be too much, should have done it.

creatine then water bulk and focus on your biceps triceps and forearms. Then when she sees you again and says wow you got big you can come cry about how some rando called u fat

>no six pack
Thats why

Some twink with a six pack > You in terms of perceptions of whats 'fit'

Sorry bro but its true.

>"You haven't seen me naked"
Well done, you showed them you're desperate

>Thats not what other girls say when they see me naked
Now you're got their attention.