Fat People Hate FPS/FPH

You fuckers got me reading this now
I used to be a serial Manga /comic reader, now that I've started I can't stop. Is this supposed to be one of those "true beauty" panels but she's fucking fat.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Fat AF
>Harry Potter shirt
>Wearing makeup in public
One of these is not like the other.

Although they did get the "nobody nearby due to her horrible smell and shitty attitude" atmosphere right.

>those fucking tiny legs

To be fair she has to draw based off what she sees when she looks down.

Is this fat?

Fanart time lol

doesn't she hook up with some fit blond guy?

They haven't hooked up yet
The fit guy is trying to lie to her and get her to lose weight so he can win a contest, money and go big on tv
So far he's trying to find a sport for her to do.

No, she may be skinnyfat/untoned but that picture isn't enough to gauge it.

What is she laughing about Veeky Forums?

>they had the audacity to add Tom Hiddleston as her English teacher she has a crush on
Fucks sake


Why do you think that?

Because she consumes more calories than she expends on a regular basis

Get the fuck out of here with you're insecure stomach pouch, I've seen you in multiple threads today.

im not fat you fag

Book is my favorite book

What is this comic?

i can tell from the pixels and from having seen alot of skinnyfats in my time


Which pixels in particular?

You just look flabby, lazy, with bad skin. Might as well be fat.

Your one rep max

>reading the first few chapters
>author thinks fat overpowers actual muscle
>the only people she overpowers are scrawny twigs

New episode of this airing right now

nothing funny so far

Why the fuck is an american hamplanet in my north korean digital vertically scrolling comics?

Wish me luck guys

I'm aiming to go from 209 to 169 by June.
I'm counting my macros, working out 2 Hours a day (Cardio everyday, different weight exercise every day except sunday) and eating between 1800-1600 calories a day and slowly carving a 100-150 off each month.

Even if I don't make it by June, I'm still gunning for it. Then I can begin rebuilding, which will probably be more heart breaking than just losing the weight.



>that feel when you're so fat, the only activity you can do at a Ski resort is abuse the buffet

thank fuck I'll never be fat.



I'm not even sure how this could happen. I've been skiing my whole life and I've never done a split while standing, stationary, on flat ground.

But he isn't excessively fat, just somewhat fat

Read some of the commentary in here.

Her face resembles an actor from the 80s, but I can't quite place it.

Her legs are so fat she can't keep them together

What the fuck

Why is YouTube feeding this man.

Same chick just broke a fucking massage chair with her ass

This show is garbage.

The last quote I heard:
"I'm afraid to die alone."

Check back in 4 months. Don't disappoint us, user,


He can't, I bet he'd make it until October.

We really should set up a death pool for him.

What kind of cardiovascular problems does he have? He looks like the kind of guy who talks about it on his YouTube streams.

I can't guess until I know

>What kind of cardiovascular problems does he have?



Peecha chakka no bonoopa tweepi no wookie solo? Ho ho ho ho


> compares losing weight to 'oh well why don't poor people just stop being poor?'
>all the stereotypes in only 16 pages
> all fit/athletic people are stupid or dicks
>hottest character becomming infatuated with fatty for no reason

I thought it'd get better

Boogie is going to become a demon prince of nurgle along with chris chan isn't he

>I thought it'd get better

You may have some undiagnosed form of brain damage.

Can't argue there, user

he's builtfat and squatting. Standing up he'd look pretty ok imo

he could go either way

>chris chan
nope, chris has slaanesh printed all over his dirty taint wound... actually, you might be onto something there.

I feel bad for the skelly who took this picture thinking he was the funniest shit in the settlement pond.

nah man, chris is way too much of a stuck-up for slaanesh

nurgle loves him though (even more then already loves everybody else)

Dafuq am I reading?


>See shirt
>Buy a cake.
>Shove it into dick.
>Meetup in Count Crotchula getup
>We fuck, nut cakejizz into her.
>Continue to fuck, burn cakejizz calories to nothing.
>Finish up and head home.

Warhammer 40k references. Nurgle is the god of plagues, basically. Slaanesh is the god lust/carnal desires. This isn't entirely accurate, but you understand.

Haha! Epic! xDDD

Never say never

I never won't laugh at people pretending this is what a fat person is saying.

What trash YouTubers would become a patron of each chaos god, we know that Boogie is following Nurgle, but what about the rest?

pewdiepie is tzeentch right now

I'd say totalbiscuit is clearly on the side of tzeentch. He's articulate, but switches sides constantly.

How about Tyrone Magnus?

dont know him. Seems like a strong boy


I would sue if I were him.

>Harry Potter
that's iluminatty shirt

this site broke my mind
for a moment there I thought second panel is cuck porn

That's what most fats think. Even men

Nah user, it's harry potter. Deathly hallows, to be more accurate.

>being so new that you can't differentiate built-fat from plain fat
I doubt he's over 20%BF.

harry potter is iluminatty

he's over 20%, but not by much. Let's say he cut 10kg of his weight, which is less than 10% of his body mass. At 93kg, assuming he kept all his muscles, which he wouldn't, he definitely wouldn't be 10% bf

so he's a "bad guy"?

>book is a book

Well I can't argue with that

Holy shit look at those shoes


Yeah, makes sense.

I just assumed he was a bit over 6' tall, glycogen, water etc. inflated FFMI of around 24 - comes out to about 20ish percent.

there's this British show called 'My Fat Diaries' or something and the lead is fucking obnoxious and boring as shit AND obese as fuck, and yet somehow the most attractive guy still falls for her. i mean it kind of makes sense if it's a 'don't judge a book by its cover' situation, but she's shitty inside and out.

same desu

Pick one


new German commercial. How long until fatties will be offended?

eh, they'll probably complain about the whole eating fruit != skinny thing. Germans can be pretty brutal if you've gained weight though, it's great.

w2c shoes?

>Tfw I a built exactly like this

Most people either read you as average or chubby. Nobody outside of Veeky Forums knows what a builtfat is.

March/April gonna be spent cutting so that I don't look like every other fat piece of shit when I go out.

the fat ones

Boogie is genuinely a really nice/cool dude, he's come to peace with the fact he's die any moment now. But it's such a fucking waste ;_;

Khorne is fucking awesome, all of his followers become Buff fucking Barbarians.

>we duck taped ice to my ass, lol
Jesus Christ his poor wife.

give link to that webtoon m9

anyone have the original photo?

i-i wanna see what's beyond below


Blame all the delusional fatties who go to the gym once a month trying to validate themselves

fattie boots

He isn't excessively fat
Just fat

Why do women need to objectify themselves even when fat

Fatties have a higher chance of being feminists and feminism is all about "empowerement" which is a facade for "discard everything that would make men value you like being caring and supportive besides being a sexual object".