Fictional goals

Fictional goals

A gf who lifts



That lanket does not lift anything other than the spoon






How do I get into cute bride mode?


Almost there



Locust from Gears of War


A women to love.

In every way.

Was he natty?



>when tasked with playing the role of spider Man, tobey maguire went through a vigorous weight lifting routine where he would spend eight hours a day, 7 days a week training various muscle groups. His diet would consist of 8 meals a day usually made up of chipoltle, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, Mexican food, cookies and premade meals provided by an unknown source. Maguire went from 180 pounds to a staggering 315 in under a year. Raimi the director was shocked by maguire's transformation and as a result had to tone down maguire's physique using cgi saying that he looked like a "mutant" rather than a high school student.
Really makes you think huh?

Pic or lies


i like this one



