What do I need to do to become 'Chad' physically? What's the routine?

What do I need to do to become 'Chad' physically? What's the routine?

take drugs, move a little more than usual, eat more

>tfw $5,000+ in the bank
>enough to spend money freely but not enough to buy my own place

Should I get plastic surgery?

save it you dumbass

But I have acne scars, I could gain 2 points easily

an internet connection and a fake profile

Fix skin, teeth, hair, style, and get some muscle. If still ugly get plastic surgery

You can either be a test bottle Chad like the guy who's going to have a VERY bad time of it in his thirties in the OP.
OR you can follow the Six Cs

Curlbro routine
Calorie counting(if too skinny eat more if too fat eat less)

Follow the above and you'll become a Chad.

this board is truly cringe

Leave, faggot

make me

Here's the routine:
Eat pizza
Drink soda
Smoke weed
Party often
and finally tren hard

remember when everyone here was actually fit and stupid threads like this were just ignored?

i remember

Being a Chad isn't about how strong you are, in fact many Chads don't even work out, you just have to commit to being an irredeemable obnoxious loudmouthed cunt that literally cannot go anywhere without causing a scene or making everyone around you want you to get run over by a train, that takes a type of commitment many are not ready for.
That said here is a beginer program
5x5 trashcan tipovers
5x3 doorway jumping slaps
3x5 cashier arguments
and remember diet is even more important make sure you consume an amount of natural lite and starbucks ice coffee that fits your tdee, and when your done with it just toss that shit out a car window you fucking degenerate.

nah just give me $3,000 dumbass.

I can't tell you what this guy is doing but I can tell you what he isn't doing - minimalist squat routines.

Ironically, if OP starts doing a split and calisthenics/roadwork 1-2 a week, he will make more gains than doing any of the popular routines floating around.

i got 49k and i feel like im broke

did chad take your oneitis?


pin from the age of 15 and have good genetics

>this triggers the incel

>take drugs
>get big muscles and small testicles
>have your dick stop working at 30 or die in a sauna