Hey Veeky Forums. How do you get over or get an ex back? It's been over a year since she dumped me...

Hey Veeky Forums. How do you get over or get an ex back? It's been over a year since she dumped me. Still think about her every day, still feel a hit in my stomach when I hear her name. During the last couple of month I made more money than I've ever had, quit my job and make lots of money from home which was always my dream. I also got the body I always wanted, was looking really good. But I feel terrible every day. It's been 1 and a half month since I cut contact with her. I just don't know what to do anymore, can u guys please tell me wtf do I do? I'm 24 btw, not that young...


>tfw you've never even had a gf to feel sad about breaking up with

Ignore her. Find a way to let her see you with other women. Ignore her. Pining and being desperate is such a huge turn off. You'll never understand this unless you actually get over her. That's when she'll crawl back. You shouldn't take her back, but that's the only way to your goal. If she never comes back then you're over it and have moved on so it won't hurt anymore. Ignore herrrrrrr

Im ignoring her mate. I havent seen or heard from her for 45 days exactly. I forgot to mention, recently I even bought the sports car I wanted for a long time. Didnt even celebrate...

Never get back.

Get even/revenge.

Become the better you. Better than she could ever hope for.

Get a better her. Someone who is vaguely similar looking - but much better in every aspect.
Get someone completely different. Still much hotter, smarter etc

Always move onwards and upwards.

Or you could shame her by publicly being involved with a bunch of minging trash - implying she is trash also. But this has a negative effect on you. So onwards and upwards.

Or turn gay. Tell everyone why.

The best way to get over someone is to get under someone.

The best revenge is to be unlike the person who did you wrong. She didn't deserve you, and you've already proved your worth.

Read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. The Stoics were a gift to mankind.

U dont understand mates..I dont want any kind of revenge. I wish her the best and I still love her. Ive had some thoughts like, I ll show her, she will regret leaving me etc. But they quickly vanish

Meditations was a great read.

Have you been doing all of this for yourself, or to show her that you are better?
External motivation is a hell of a way to get shit done, but it sounds like you need to move away from that because it's not coming back.
You did this all yourself and you never needed her to do it. You did all of this yourself and you achieved what you wanted.

Find something else now. Let yourself cry and be sad. Running from your feelings doesn't make them go away. Feel them; embrace them.

Then get over it. You are strong without her and you will be better without her. Just keep going. Eventually something changes and it gets easier. But be patient with yourself and let yourself feel those things fully. But keep going.

Start seeing someone else. It will stop hurting so much eventually. Trust me user, I've been there. I thought I was gonna marry this chick and she left me with minimal warning. Hurt like a motherfucker for a long time. Now I'm with someone else that makes me a lot happier.

I didnt do it to show her anything, but to get her back..and I wasnt afraid of my feeling at all, I actually cried 2 times because of this in front of a girl I just banged...

You may be depressed, how about you talk to someone you trust about this?

I did that already...doesnt help at all just got useless advice like move on, forget her etc...easy to say

She dumped you a year ago and you only cut contact 45 days ago? OP you've dragged this on way too long, delete and destroy everything you have that reminds you of her. Don't answer her calls texts emails whatever. Jesus Christ man be proud don't put up with that female's shit

I can tell you what to do, and its going to be effectiv and you are going to get the Girl back... dut its not going to be so easy!

First and most important of all, you must be a fucking attractive man. You must fuck at least other 10 Girls, make 3 of them fall in love with you. If you are an attractive and succesful with Girls man, then she will come to you!
I promise you that! but at that time, you will be happy and you are not going to give a shit about her.
So go fuck other 10 pretty grills first! Believe me!

Rule of thumb: however long you spent with her, it'll take about half that long to "get over her," and about twice that long to stop getting the random
feels every once in a while.

It's okay, m8. I know life feels empty. I know. There's a reason we joke about "one-itis." There's a reason break-ups are such fucking powerful motivation for art and lifting and life. They are fucking powerful.

You can wish her the best, that's fine, but you're done with her in your life. It's over. You are you. Find out who you are just as you, without her as a reference point. Be whoever you want that to be.

we're all gonna make it, brahs

First time oneitis? You seem to be following the best mantras(lift, move on, etc). That said, working out your oneitis is nothing but a fight with time. I lost someone for 6 months before they crawled back. I've heard of cases taking 20 years. What do you want to do with your life? Get the fuck over it and if it works it works. She isn't yours, it was just your turn.

>>She wasn't yours, it was just your turn
I already lifted today, I can't lift these feels.

Fuck, I miss her...

This is a good mindset.

She is not yours, you just had your turn.
See it like a wild ride in a rollercoaster! Your turn will come and you will have fun, the rollercoaster is not yours, have fun and go Play now with other even better games!
We dont own anybody, we just spend time and have fun together

I can't tell if you're trolling or begging to be red pilled?! No women will ever come back to a depressed cry baby, and if she would, you'd have bigger problems in the end. Cry a bit more, but please buck the fuck up and move on. It's the only way to get her back and or prep to move on without going through more time pining.

what the fuck it's wrong with you, if you have your dream car why are you even sad. you can pick up more girls unless you are an acoustic fuck
Veeky Forums here

I feel you brah..
Had a gf too, love her so much even when she tried to controll my life. Made me stop lifting and i complied. After a year she snapped for some reason and broke up. Its been a week now and i feel like shit, been talking to therapists but they dont do shit. I cant get over her, dont have any motivation to do anything.
Help me desu

dude i mean when you will be fucking 10s on the reg she will not be that special any longer no matter what so just aim for that

Its been over 2 years for me. My heart still pounds when I hear her mentioned. See her in public occasionally and choke up, can barely interact with her. Just try to gtfo as soon as I can. Then spend the entire day thinking of a thousand things I wish I could say.

The sad part is she moved on long ago. I am stuck in limbo. And no, being with other girls doesn't help. They are worthless in comparison

this is actually very smart advice man...thanks a lot, but last time I was getting a blowjob from a girl (about a week ago), I remembered my ex, felt some extremelly bad feeling from the inside and stopped her, then left without even saying goodbye...

I know this feel bro. Honestly, just occupy yourself with other things. Go on dates, hangout with friends, keep making more money. With time you'll just stop thinking about her.