How do i get t h i c c ass and legs as a guy?

how do i get t h i c c ass and legs as a guy?

my routine for ass and legs is deadlift and ghr alternated with squat

i just don't think it's muscular enough, i look dyel in UA compression leggins. do i need roids?

>no homo

weighted hip thrusts

why would anyone wear that to the gym

To show off

goddamn dat ass.

>be me
>start riding bike to get leg gains
>only ride at night b/c self-conscious
>10 minutes ago
>riding to campus
>can't see shit
>suddenly hear a loud hollow plastic sound and flying through the air
>literally hit balls on handle bars
>hit dick on handle bars
>face first in dirt
>cars driving by start slowing down and then keep going
>crashed into stupid plastic boulder ornament
>balls still hurt
>tip of penis stings
>get to computer lab
>take out flash drive to save pics of hot chicks posted on Veeky Forums
>flash drive filled with mud and dirt

RDL like 225

This is fucking baby weight

I rdl 315 and im dyel as it gets

I did that today and 3days ago and like clockwork girls were staring at me.

Perhaps because i was doing them with 3.5plates

>Tfw my weighted hip thrust is as much as my max deadlift i attempted

Its not gay right? I need datdere posterior chain

Show pics

My ass isnt any good, hamstrings are rather strong tho. Thats why im working my ass to get my deadlift up

Squat with INTENSITY
Big weights for 1-6 reps, for lots of sets
(5x3, 10x2 etc).
Kettlebell swings unironically

A dude at my gym wears this,for me as a gay man this is pure torment for me,even popped a boner once.

Show pics

Side and front

>wear normal sweatpants
>still looks like this

The stubby manlet leg curse.

nice ass

Be a recovering fatass.
The more weight I lose, the more it becomes apparent that my legs are chunky as fuck.

They're very comfy

ass like in the op pic? roids. you should have a decent ass/leg shape at say a working weight of 315 on squats and 405 on deadlift.

But I mean I'm sure if you did more hypertrophy work, like a lot of lunges, thrusts, etc and focused on progression that way, you would see nice ass results in 2-3 months. 6 months natty for serious gains

Barbell hip thrusts, Romanian deadlifts, Bulgarian split squats, lots of lunges and high rep low bar squats

After i take shower

Give or take 15 minutes

Im warning you im dyel and recovering fatty

get a bike light u fucking mong

why though?
squat, front squat and lunge every leg session son. alternate between deadlift and power cleans/heavy swings

I was waiting for the
>nigger steals my bike

Its funny how huge my feet look like

They are quite bg tho, 46 shoe size

So yeah dyel. But workin on dat posterior chain. I have ass / hamstrigs / spinal erectors movement everyday and i started training 6 times a week recently.

Also many different pulls. Usually i have 1-2 pulls a day and 1 press variation a day.
Starting to see some effects on my back. Looking like ss victim right now tho. Need at least few months of hard work.

i've always had a big ass since child (i just realized how fucking gay writing this sounds), i can easily compete with a woman's ass. i guess it has a little to do with anterior pelvic trust, but my ass is actually very big and round (muscle not fat). sometimes when i jack off i will grab it so i can pretend i'm fucking some chick (no homo). i don't really like it because i can't wear skinny jeans or i can't dress nice with a shirt tucked in say because it will look ridiculous.

>i started training 6 times a week recently
I'd recommend starting to eat at least 6 times a week instead

jokes on you im on Gomad since 2 weeks ago and eating more than 4000 kcal

went from 84 to 92kg as of today since i started lifting and eating properly. So thats 4 months.

you can't post this and not post ass breh

Wait did you give advice in this thread? Jesus, you don't, and I mean this seriously, even look like you lift.

'my hamstrings are good' No, your hamstrings are covered by 5lbs of fat on the back of your legs. I can't see any discernible striations at all. You do't look like an SS victim either, you look like an average dude to be completely honest.

No one would think you've even been to the gym in your lfe. 100% serious why did you even give advice in this thread?

i didnt give any advice tho except suggesting exercises.

and by strong hams i meant strong for a person that just started lifting

you are 100% right tho

This is literally why you should never trust Veeky Forums


i thought you had something lookalike op's pic

>like clockwork girls were staring at me


>jokes on me
you wot?

to detract from their small upper body

>scrolled down thread expecting thicc Veeky Forums brehs

>skinnyfat dyel with no ass


you think that was his own bike?

play hockey


How do I do these without crushing my pelvis? My legs are strong enough for more weight but when I do that the space the bar rests on starts feeling pain. Even a bar pad doesn't seem to help much

Try deficit deadlifts for more glute activation


you're not doing a proper rdl.

TFW I'll never have an aesthetic ass because I'm too hairy

SS frequency of squats and deads (6x 3*5 Squats and 3x 1*5 deadlift) worked for me in a short period of time

Grills slap my butt when at clubs bars or festivals

Which is a great excuse to clap some cheeks back


>be manlet
