Years of having no gf

>years of having no gf
>finally get a hot gf
>unlimited sex
>comes to the gym with me regularly
>im fa with basically no friends
>got used to seeing her almost every day and having tons of fun with her
>lately shes been blowing me off and making plans with other people

im probably just acting autistic but shouldn't she prioritize seeing her boyfriend over anyone else?

i saw her twice this week and the past 2 days she's said that shes busy and now im stuck browsing Veeky Forums on a saturday night

so my question is.. for those of you that do have a girlfriend how often do you normally see them in a week?


Did you ever think that she may need a break from you? Ill tell you what bro, if you dont give her space from time to wont end well.

post pictures of both of you

also it sounds like you're being clingy

She should still get the time to see her friends, as should you, if you don't have any friends you should work on getting some, don't scare her away by being a clingy faggot, it's good to both have a bit of space to breathe


OP you both need time apart to do your own things

if you stick around a girl too much (or anyone) chances are they'll get bored/annoyed its fine
give her some space, youre prob being too clingy

Bruh it's not gonna end well. You'll end up seeing her less and less. Have to get a life and make friends or she will lose respect for you and leave you. Happened to me. Being always available and needy is the biggest turn off to women in the world.

Everyone else is right I just wanted to add she's probably cheating on u with a co-worker

She's probably deep throating chad right this second while ignoring your texts and calls.

woman can't stay with one person.
They see every attractive male as a challenge they need to beat and once they've made sure they have you wrapped around their finger they get bored and go find another "challenge".

The only way you can keep a woman interested is by showing her that you don't need her and that at any second she can be replaced by someone better.

once women get comfortable they either start denying you sex, get fat, or cheat.

we have only been dating for a month though

plus i hate having friends desu. I like playing vidya and working out thats about it. gyming with her is fun as fuck though

>it's an autistic clingy retard drives away his gril into Chad's dick episode

Who hurt you user

she's already fucking another guy with more friends and a bigger dick than you

ur mome lul

[spoiler doesn't work on fit]A girl I loved[/spoiler]

>i saw her twice this week and the past 2 days she's said that shes busy and now im stuck browsing Veeky Forums on a saturday night

at this point all you can do is be a good cuck and offer to eat her out after jamal's done railing her.

not an argument

You are going through whats called the "Honey moon" months. are , not her. Just give her some time to herself when she needs it. BELIEVE me, if you over think this and say something stupid to will be over soon.

>>unlimited sex
enjoy those first few months

dump the whore before she dumps you

See her daily because I live with her

Telling you my shitty experience here.

We saw each other everyday and when we stopped hanging out as much, it all went downhill. Ended REALLY shittily about a month later. I wasn't the one who stopped planning dates. Whatever you do, don't be clingy and don't be cold. Stick to what she does and what you hear.

You forgot life's n*1 rule, don't get attached.

I have a male friend that is the same way. He has no friends but me. It annoys me and makes me lose respect for him.

Maybe you should introduce him to some of your friends if you're not a stupid faggot

U need to get friends famalam

Here's my personal experience op

>had good group of friends who I would go out with regularly before meeting my gf
>meet gf
>spend all time with her
>really felt I loved her
>blew off my friends many many times when they were trying to hang out to be with gf
>she dumped me
>my friend group has kind of drifted apart
>they all have girlfriends now
>haven't hung out with them since gf dumped me 7 months ago
>only contact with them is in our group text message
>crippling loneliness now

Basically if I could do it again I would have been a better friend. Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks as the saying goes

You need to shut the fuck up niggerfaggot

Why the fuck are you against getting friends?

Does this apply the other way around, also?
I love sex, and during the 'honeymoon phase' my bf was very sexual and up for it a lot of times, to the point where I was so happy I found someone to match my libido.
Right now, 7 months in he is turning me down sometimes and I've started to not ask/initiate as much because of this.

You two probably need some space.

Look up Coach Corey Wayne. Just type in your girl question on youtube and it will be answer

tits or gtfo whore

wear a wig

>I love sex, and during the 'honeymoon phase' my bf was very sexual and up for it a lot of times, to the point where I was so happy I found someone to match my libido.
>Right now, 7 months in he is turning me down sometimes and I've started to not ask/initiate as much because of this.

Guys love the challenge.

Get a GF, fuck brains out, then she becomes 'too easy' and thus 'boring'.

Male biology is wired for conquest.

Start playing hard to get and/or interested in other things/other people. Say no to sex occasionally.

It's a stupid/shitty game, but it is the game that's being played. Master it, or continue to have bf's get uninterested in tapping your ass (which is fucking stupid, but hey).

Yea it does. My advice is to tell him how you feel about it and if he continues, bail. Easier said than done but will be the best thing you can ever do.

Don't reply to fags or whores

>Guys love the challenge.
been with a feminine nonbinary person for a year
but fuck i miss playing tinder and going on coffee dates
i want to tell my partner to get picker about how they groom and carry themselves more feminine to get me interested but they're fucking moody everytime i bring it up

she's fucking me

>Feminine nonbinary

Tfw I had a fat ass gf like this and she dumped me

I think this is why people kill themselves

sage for non-fit thread

>shouldn't she prioritize seeing her boyfriend over anyone else?
100% absolutely not. ffs you shouldn't even do this to your husband. get a life dude, you're smothering her. also you have a warped idea of what relationships should be

>implying your friends wouldn't have ignored you once they got their gfs anyways
you would've ended up lonely one way or another, blaming a girl will only stunt your ability to rectify the situation in the future


>'honeymoon phase'

This generation is going straight to hell.
I weep for Millennials everywhere.

Just let her text first from here on out. Next time she invites you out, make other plans.
She's either wanting to leave you, or testing you for clinginess.

You can't be surprised about a generation with very little understanding of social structure when society, specifically focusing on how people socialize and learn to do so, has been ridiculously disrupted by technology.

This generation simply isn't learning how to properly make sense of a social situation. It's leading to a lot of poor, albeit hilarious, choices.

you're being needy and clingy. Once the honeymoon is over, it's time to get back to your usual life or they will smell desperation and be over you.

Also she left honeymoon slightly before you which means obviously you're the slightly shittier catch,

Also you're too young to be expecting marriage out of this shit

what's fa?

Thanks for the answers!
I'm trying to improve myself in the physical aspect (lost an extra 20lbs I had, and still cutting), which is why it sometimes felt shitty to realize that even though many other guys want to be with me right now, he is rather 'meh' when I suggest sex.
But I guess natural instincts win. And having me readily available might not be the most enticing thing...


I'm not blaming my ex, I am blaming myself. How did you miss that

>what's fa?

I'm guess fa = FULL AUTIST

I can provide the pleasure you deserve, sweetie. ring me

She's bangin chad.
Sry bro, get back on Tinder.

>I'm trying to improve myself in the physical aspect (lost an extra 20lbs I had, and still cutting), which is why it sometimes felt shitty to realize that even though many other guys want to be with me right now, he is rather 'meh' when I suggest sex.

As long as you're easy/available/conquered, he'll be 'meh'. The moment you start looking around for other dick, the moment his 'conquest' is at risk or in doubt, his biology will go 'hey what the fuck I WANT that'.

>But I guess natural instincts win.

Yep. Understand that, master that, don't be 100% available even if you are.

>And having me readily available might not be the most enticing thing...

It's hot at first, then, some fucking how, it become boring/unenticing. You have to/would be wise to learn how to create some 'chase'. Meaning, design it such that he has to chase/hunt/reach for you.

Hi autists. The term honeymoon phase doesn't refer to an actual honeymoon, it's talking about when two people first fall in love they want to be around each other all the time and can't keep their hands off each other. It's very common.

They have never felt those feels before.

I miss those feels desu.

>I hate having friends
You will never have a satisfying relationship. Your gf probably realized you're a loser is sucking off Chad right now.

fuck off back to /soc/

It's probably been said, but get some friends. Get some other people. It's not great to be the only other person in someone else's life.

Sooner or later people notice and it doesn't do good things for respect. If you can find a good time with her, you can find a good time with other people.

Understand and be honest with yourself if you have personal issues to deal with that might be pushing people away.

>dude just get sum friends lmao
good advice

one day you will look back and say..."They were right"...

I forgive you user

>getting this mad you were called out for not knowing what love is
It's okay bro. We're here for you.

I would read entire posts before replying.

I said to be honest with yourself and see if you have some personal issues that push people away. The hardest one to get rid of is bitterness, and many people can spot it very well. Nobody wants to be friends with a bitter person.
Sometimes it's just practice, just like asking out women. Other times it's being bitter.


Veeky Forums is an imageboard for weightlifting and fitness related topics, not your blog where you can feel smug and superior from your ivory tower
Discussion about cunts and whores belong on /r9k/ and /soc/

>i hate having friends desu.
Once she discovers you're a fucking autist it will soon end

One thing I learned from my past relationships is that do not allow your happiness to depend on other people.

This is absolute garbage. Seriously some of the worst shit ive ever heard.

Dont listen to this idiots. Youre bf just isnt attracted to you anymore. Has nothing to do with your aggressiveness.

not Veeky Forums related fuck off cunt

That rugged exterior....who will be the one to break through that. Whoever it is, im sure she will be great.

I want to see you in 40% of threads on this board then. Did you just start browsing?

You're being needy and clingy

If you don't find something sick to do this saturday night, she's going to leave you. Not trying to be a dick or a memer

Go out and have a good time without your girlfriend. Your relationship will be much much better for it.

She wants to be along for the ride, she doesn't want to BE the ride.

> female non-binary

lol at sage. This isn't /b/ faggot


>female non-binary

>just keep asking out women, surely you won't be arrested

They're giving you bad advice. Trying to make your bf jealous will push him away unless he's an emotional child, he'll think you're immature, and he might straight up dump you if he's not interested in that flavor of bullshit.

Just tell him you want to fuck more often instead of playing mind games.

you should be having fun with or without her, she is not the source of your fun: you are. instead of thinking: im having so much fun with her, you welcome her to YOUR world of fun and let her have fun with YOU.

First mistake. Never let a woman move in with you.

you seem lost, here: