White rice vs brown rice

White rice vs brown rice


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Don't tell me what to do...

i prefer white because i can trust it not to steal my shit

brown rice best

white is small and unfulfilling

White because they work

at least white rice is actually productive in society

Never eaten brown but I want to up my fibre so thinking of switching to brown basmati, anyone tried it? I hear it's not as bad tasting as normal brown.

White rice is like 70% carbs, it's also unfulfilling, terrible if you want to get Veeky Forums.

Brown rice is great. Low on carbs, very filling and healthy.

Only has slightly more fiber and slightly more micronutrients

That is literally it

The brown rice, that is.

Wild rice is supposedly significantly better than white rice

all wild rice is useful for is gambling resorts for the white and brown rice

I love this site.


i eat white cause it's way cheaper where i live, and for every study saying brown is better, i see one to the contrary

weight is falling off and i get plenty of fiber. it's almost as if it barely matters

>it's also unfulfilling
T. Ketosis lardosis who doesn't into rice and shit talks it to feel better about not eating the best filler ever.

Brown rice has phytic acid that makes your body unable to take in zinc.
If you are Veeky Forums you will understand why that is a huge fucking problem
Also, brown rice should only be used for gardening and shit like that


White rice is unfilling?

well lads, Im switching out potatoes forever, permabulk here we go


Are you on hgh and insulin? No? Then dont fucking eat any kind of rice and stick to beans, lentils, peas, legumes and fibrous veggies.

how bout you suck on deez nuts

This is just me:
>white rice - spikes insuling levels, harder to digest
>Whole grain rice - spike insulin levels?, easier to digest, feel fuller

It's pretty good. Just takes 35 to 40 minutes to cook vs 20 for white jasmine

Cauliflower rice

Are the fibrous?

What about black rice and yellow rice and Mexican rice you rasists?

mostly sodium tbqh

white is right

Brown rice has the same amount of carbs that regular long grain white rice does.

You are lying to yourself.

Blown lice has 2 grams more protein.

Also takes 4 hours to cook.

Whit rice has a better flavor and texture, brown rice is better for you.

White rice = low quality food
Brown rice = low quality food that makes your shit hard

White Master Rice reporting.

None of the above.

makes no difference whatsoever unless you don't eat anything that's rich in fiber, then in MIGHT make a difference in HOW YOUR SHIT LOOKS
overall this decision (white vs brown rice) has a pretty fucking mediocre effect on your aesthetics, unless your physique is SHIT. and to be honest I'd bet it is

>t. Slav

Rice faggots on this site.

Buckwheat porridge master race here

so the zinc supplements ive been taking are fucking pointless because i eat brown fucking rice with my fucking chilli. how long am i zinc impaired? what am i suppost to do for carbs now? can i eat potatos or will they make my dick shrink?

That's not how phytic acid works


>For a long while, phytic acid was considered an anti-nutrient for its ability to bind with important minerals, like calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, inhibiting the body from absorbing them. But according to molecular biologist, Ivana Vucenik, Ph.D., "In a normal western diet, this does not happen. Only in areas like India and South America where there is malnutrition and diets low in minerals can phytic acid act negatively if present in very large quantities."

>Despite some nutritionists who still consider phytic acid an anti-nutrient, Dr. Vucenik says, "Through meetings and collaborations the field of nutrition is gradually coming to consensus that it is beneficial."
>In addition to its cancer-fighting effects, phytic acid has also shown an ability to help prevent kidney stones and avert heart disease by lowering high blood cholesterol levels. These effects are mostly the result of its strong antioxidant properties and the ability to affect cell signaling and cell cycle regulation.

Unless your diet is 90% unleavened bread, phytic acid will barely affect your mineral absorption, and it's good for you in its own right

came here to say this
I always use white rice btw


Brown > white, and red or black > brown

I wouldn't make any rice a big part of my diet since a lot of it has a high arsenic content


Black rice is a thing and is pretty good, nice flavour to it.

>low on carbs

Oh no, it's retarded. About 8% of the carbs in brown rice is fiber, white rice is 4% fiber, broccoli is 50% fiber, black beans are 25% fiber.


White rice is just rice without the hulls. The hulls are what contain the good shit. The white is just starch.

iirc brown rice is lower GI

i had brown rice once...taste like grease and coconut lotion

I don't like shitskins.

Iq you mean

Brown rice has slightly more calories per serving than white rice as well as 9g of carb more per serving.

However, the micronutrient content of Brown rice is far higher in brown rice, almost 3-4x as much in some cases, and has a lower glycemic index than white rice, so it produces a smaller/ less rapid insulin response.

Basically, if you're worried about developing type 2 diabetes or just want a low GI diet to prevent it, stick with brown rice.

Wild rice

Brown rice I've bought takes a lot longer to cook so I go with whitey, that and I like sticky rice and not to have to scoop up every individual piece

> beans, lentils, peas, legumes

Enjoy those manboobs


>good carbs

Listen to what im about to tell you.
Sweet potato. This is the only carbohydrate you need.
Everything else is a meme.

The only legume that has a significant amount of phytoestrogens is soy, and even then phytoestrogens aren't equivalent to animal estrogen. Some phytoestrogens are even anti-estrogenic.

plus regular potatoes

Pearled barley

basmati niguu
taste of white
fiber of brown

Brown rice tastes absolutely, atrociously, disgusting.

which is better for bulking

What kind of beans do you all eat? I just bought some kidney beans and their sodium content is 328g per cup

fuck off faggot

Black, kidney, pinto, and white beans. Buy em dry.


Unless you have any land. Then expect that shit to be stolen immediately.

>Low on carbs

I soak my brown rice overnight with a dash of lime juice to get rid of the phytic acid.