I'm wanting to cut from 83.2kg to 72kg over 5 months

I'm wanting to cut from 83.2kg to 72kg over 5 months.

I punched it into a fat loss calculator and put "sedentary" and it says I should eat 2,300 calories.

I'm only 5'7. Isn't 2,300 abit high? I get the same 2,300 on all the different apps and calculators I get.

if you don't trust it, you could always just go 500 below your TDEE.

Thanks for the ass


>I get the same 2,300 on all the different apps and calculators
So what does that tell you?

5 months is 20 weeks

You want to lose 10.2kg.

That's 0.5kg a week.

Pretty accurate considering your muscularity (and I'm assuming you lift at least 3 days a week)

5'8 and 83kg here, and I look similar in body comp to you. Are you me?

Anyway, I'm sedentary and work out 3.5 times per week and my TDEE is about 1700-1800kcal

Apps all told me 2400+ because they're all mostly bullshit

Yeah it's a little high
I'm 5'7 too, last year I went down from 87kg to 80kg eating about 2000cals and being fairly active. I lost weight maybe a little too fast but at least I was seeing results on a constant rate.

If you are sitting in your ass all day at 2300cals. it possible that you lose some slowly but it seems to low of a cut to me.

are you sure thats not just your maintenance?

>all these anons thinking 2,300 is high

No wonder you all turn into DYELs when you cut. You cut on non-lifter tier amounts of calories and wonder why you look like shit at the end of your cuts.

Yeh you're obviously doing it wrong,

I use the online calcs, I'm 5'9 86kg and I'm told to eat 1800-2100 depending on how hard I want to cut.. whats your activity level? What do you work as?

Are u punching in a time-frame?

I put in 5 month goal (20 week) to hit 72kg from 82.3kg, and that's as sedentary....and it gives me 2,300 calories.

Try a calculator that allows you to set a date to hit your goal and see what calories it gives you.

Its still to high for 5 months..

2,300 calories is not high

You may be a chronic under eater, or a obese person that desperately wants to drop 100 pounds or something.

2300 calories is high for a cut

On a bulk I eat 2900-300- calories.

I cut on 1900-2100


That means absolutely nothing.

You're a moron.. obviously.

Go back.. read the stats I put.. us that little nut you call a brain.

You said you bulk on 2900 to 3000 and cut on 1900 to 2100.

It means nothing because your calories are random and not based on any time-frame.

I got 2,300 calories from a 10kg cut from
82kg to 72kg over 20 weeks.

The fact your bulking and cutting calories are so drastically different indicates to me that you just blast on cuts and blast on bulks without any mathematically calculated time frame.

Can't tell if this is bait or if you are actually this retarded

You didn't argue a single thing bro.

I think you're retarded..

No offence, but looking at your body you don't know shit about lifting and dieting..

My cuts and bulks are based on my TDEE,

A bulk will always be MUCH bigger then a cut.. because its over your maintenance.

You also don't need a direct timeline, you need an idea kind of, but all you need to do, is work out your TDEE and cut around 300- 500 calories bellow it.. and I'm telling you, 2300 at your weight and size, is not 300 calories bellow your tdee.

this guy hereis right, you need to provide evidence of WHY he's retarded, unless you're some BB/diet/nutrition pro trying to sell secrets, omgsenpai

Your the retarded one if you legitimate go from 3k cals to 1.9k calories overnight when you decide to stop bulking and start cutting. You are supposed to start at like 2.8 for a month, the 2.6 for another month, then 2.4 and so on.

There's no way you're cutting properly and maintaining strength and muscle going from one extreme to the other.

Please stop giving advice.

No you dont do it over night you fucking idiot, you eat for 2 weeks at maintenance then cut down to your cut level, thats obviously fucking implied you fuck.

Faaarrrkk can you get anymore fucking idiotic, and that way you describe isn't how you cut. It will have no effect on maintaining strength better, the only thing it will do is make you lose weight slower.

Also, you're dyel as fuck, I don't know if you should even worry about maintaining strength when your lifts are garbage..

Post body. I want I see what this high bulkng and low calorie cutting does. How are you keeping your strength on such low calories? How are you even lifting 4-5 days a week on those calories? Do you cut for like 2 weeks at a time or something?

Also when I cut my strength goes generally keeps going up. All be it slower, but still rises..

You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about or doing do you?

Its not even high bulking low calorie cut.. its the normal fucking amount you're meant to do..

Like I said, work out your fucking TDEE and do it from there.

>I bulk 3000
>I cut on 1900
>my Strength goes up when I'm cutting!

Lol, dyel confirmed

Breh......you just outed yourself as a DYEL.

Post current physique now or leave.

1900 is the lowest,

and so far in this last month I've been cutting I've gone from 120-145kg squats..

Post Body or leave

Also here

And another for yah bby

>Behold the power of 3000 calorie bulks and 1900 calorie cuts.

Better then the shitlord OP,

>behold the power of not knowing wtf they're doing..

this was my first bulk/ cut btw ;)

Now post your body

Are we comparing you to the OP? If so, OP clearly has more muscle mass than you lmao. Look at it, he has more overall muscle mass and definition than you despite being a higher bodyfat.

No he really fucking doesnt..

Ops just fat bro

Op is 5'7 82kg with visible abdominal in relaxed position, granted it is good lighting.

What are your height and weight?

5'9 86kg

Ops obviously tensing as well, but is fat.

hes got bigger arms though.. still, mostly fat.

Those stats and that body don't even match up mate.

You're either taller than 5'9 or you're nowhere near 86kg

Wait, hol up. Are you the guy here?
Fuck off thats 86kg at 5'9, no chance. There's no reason why you would like about being a manlet (5'9), so I am going to assume you're lying about your weight, or you have really heavy bones, because I don't see 86kg anywhere, not in fat or muscle. You look at most 75kg.

I'm 5'9 and 86kg

I'll take a photo of me scales if you want.

But the gym scales say the same, my bathroom scales say the same.

I think you're all just a bunch of DYELs who have no fucking clue about lifting, none of you will post your bodies.. so come on.. lets see.

In fact, I'm 86kg on the lowest weighs, it fluxes upwards of 88kg. But 86kg is when I haven't ate etc.

Post your bodies, lets see how your 'expert' opinions match how you retards look.

Also you might want to take into account here the distance the photo was taken from the mirror, photos can make people look smaller then they are, unfortunately I don't have a better mirror/ lighting like op, I'd look a bit bigger if I did :/.

There's just something "off' about your body.

You say you're 5'9 and 86kg, but you don't have the muscle mass, or fat mass...of someone at that weight and height.

Generally someone at 5'9 - 86kg, is either going to look really muscular, or pretty damn fat. You on the other hand, look neither. You have little muscle mass, but you're also not fat, so where's all the weight? Are you holding a 45 pound plate when you weigh yourself?

Like I said, photos change things, I'm bigger in person then the photo makes it seem.

If you zoom in you might see it better..

if that's true then that def answers my question why I am still fat after years of believing i was caloric deficit. kek

Heres another one from a different mirror.. dunno how different it looks.

>typical resizing image so small because insecurity that you are infact dyel.


Do you have regular (once a week) cheat meals/days that you don't track?

That's a good way to stay fat despite being in a deficit 99% of the time

what? I just took it via my phone, sent it to myself through fb messenger and saved it onto my laptop..

I know you're a troll and don't even lift, but sort it out.

You look like a slightly less fat version of the serial rapist in the movie Cell with Jennifer Lopez

TDEE of 1700-1800 at 83kg?

You're not tracking calories properly man.

I literally end up at 65kg if I eat that amount of calories.

You cant even see my face,

but do I get to rape Lopez?

I cut from 90 to 70 and didn't take calories under 2200. Started the cut at 2600. Took awhile, but it was the best shape I have ever been in. I didn't do any extra cardio, just brosplit 5 days a week.

Jump on a high volume 5 day split and you'll see your TDEE skyrocket.

Full body 3 times a week burns dick all calories

I usually go out to eat on my cheat day.

I follow UD2 body recomp which im sure you heard of. Basically cutting during weekdays and weekends you carb load.

I think being insulin resistant adds another factor as to why I am having trouble losing belly fat. so i have to be careful when carb loading.

>W-what do y-you mean i-its my p-phone.

I'll save you the trouble and say that you look like shit.

Let's behold the power of sitting on ass and shitposting on Veeky Forums

post your pic

Not tracking properly.

It's impossible to stay fat on anything less than 2,500 calories as an adult male if you lift weights.

yeah i just bought a food scale to combat this issue.

I am a 170cm manlet weighing 150lbs (last time I measured)

i need to lose at LEAST 15lb before I lean bulk again.

Original poster here.

I'm going to remake this thread because there's way too much shit talking in here and no actual decent information.

Going to restructure it to avoid people getting into shitty arguments again.

uhhh what hes got a decent amount of fat (15-20%) and has a very decent amount of muscle, would immediately think he lifted and probably when hes in a t shirt too.

You're delusional man.

Back in my day 2500cal was cutting n 4k was bulking 3k for maintaining this place went to sht