/v/ here. I'm a fatass looking to get fit. Im curious as to what my body fat percentage is...

/v/ here. I'm a fatass looking to get fit. Im curious as to what my body fat percentage is. What's the most accurate or efficient way to do so? In reading through the wiki currently but didn't see an answer for this.

Bf% is a hard thing to accurately measure. Wouldn't it be better to just lose the fat until you're happy with how you look?

I'm working on that part, but sometimes it's fun to just have numbers and another way to measure my body.

By the way I'm down about 90 pounds. I believe I'm still too fat to use calipers.

>but sometimes it's fun to just have numbers and another way to measure my body
then weigh yourself

I'm already doing that.

then you're good to go


Calipers are dogshit anyway.
Take weekly or monthly pictures of yourself. If you start putting on muscle, the number on the scale might not budge, but you'll start looking a lot better

Can you explain why they are bad please?What about the tape measure techniques, scales, and handhelds?

Already been said but don't worry about shit like that.
>set a weight goal
>eat healthy and in a way that will allow you to achieve said goal in a realistic time period (0.5~2lbs./week, maybe more if you're massive)
>exercise - do low impact cardio (swimming/biking/walking) and once you are a more reasonable weight
>exercise more - do more intensive cardio, lift weights, find a sport, etc.

P.S. read the sticky; don't do gomad; stop obsessing.

What is gomad?

>read the sticky
It's for Auschwitz mode people, i.e. Not you.

Sorry about that. Good to know it's not for me. I'm opposchwitz

You don't really NEED to know your dexa but it's fairly easy to eyeball it.

10-15% skinny
15-20% fat
20-30% obese
30%+ sick and in danger of dying.

Just plug in a few calculations into one of the five most popular bodyfat calculators and get an average.

Or you can post a faceless pic on one of the major sites online and get a guess from people whose entire life revolves around fitness and fatness.

I'm 6'3" and 315 pounds. Looking to be around 210. Do you think I'm over 30%

You are more then likely in the obese range yes.
IMHO you should do a hard cut, drink more water, take up calisthenics, go for daily walks and start being more active in your day to day life.

>don't drink your calories - only beverage you should touch is water.
>have you read the sticky yet?


unless you're 7'0 anything above 300 is fat or roidbeast

I was just under 400 before so I'm getting there.

Good job, keep it up.

I thought everyone from fit were supposed to be assholes.

I like to be nice on the Chan because maybe I can make someone's day or life just a teensy bit better.

Stop playing video games 2bh

Can't. It's how I make money.

Get a better job

Explain pls

It's not enough to go on a diet, you a need to change your habits so that you will hover around a healthy weight with decent performance with respect to strength and endurance.

>because maybe I can make someone's day or life just a teensy bit better.



If you don't mind forking out a bit of cash then look up DEXA scans in your area. It's the most accurate way to measure your body fat % among other things

>Im curious as to what my body fat percentage is. What's the most accurate or efficient way to do so?

go to a hospital.
accurate bf% measurement requires special equipment. it's done by measuring electrical conductivity on various paths through your body.

>Can you explain why they are bad please?
inaccurate as fuck

overall, dont worry about your bf% too much. if you're a fatass, generally all you have to do is EAT LESS. exercise is secondary to diet when it comes to weight loss.

count your calories, eat 500 kcal under maintenance, and STICK TO IT! no excuses, no cheating. step on the scale and write down you weight every morning. it will fluctuate a lot and go up or down randomly from day to day, but after a few months you'll notice a general downward trend. that's when you know you're on the right way, then you keep going until you are at a healthy weight.