As someone who started running a month ago

As someone who started running a month ago
I quit smoking yesterday
What improvements to my running times will I see and how soon will I see them?
When I started running I could barely make it half a mile without stopping
My 5k time is currently 24:45 but I need to cut that down to 22:00

> quit yesterday
> already has to post about it

So you didn't quit?

about 0.2 seconds daily / mile

I'm thinking ahead - trying to gauge the improvements I'll see - maybe that'll top my 2 months quit before :^)
This is going to be slow going it seems

Your lungs are already fucked but you might as well stop there

After smoking 0-4 a day for just a year and a half, they'll definitely be back on track in time

Impossible to tell. As a beginner your time will improve quickly anyway, and as a very casual smoker the differences will be imperceptible when combined with the novice improvements you'll make.
Shit thread senpai, but good job "quitting smoking" if you can call it that.

This seems like a double edged comment
Gives me hope that I'll be at my goal in not too much time at least

On the subject though:

Are there any common mistakes for running/tips that could help me cut more seconds off that time?

run faster

Use good form (look forward and slightly upward, keep good posture, land with a "full foot", don't clench your fists), time your runs, stay hydrated, increase the distance of runs and pace yourself appropriately, and you'll see your speed improve over time.

When you run, think and focus on the different muscles in your legs - make sure you utilise every last bit of stored energy in your quads, hams and calves - you'll take the aerobic pressure off for a short while by alternating running styles

I smoke 1-2 cigs a day.
Will my times go up if I quit?

>1-2 cigs a day
how are your highschool grades?

the fact that you can run 5 miles in 24 minutes proves this is bullshit...sorry

24 minutes is a pretty standard 5k time

At the minute I'm doing a mixture of 2 mile runs with a total of a 50ft increase in altitude, 3 miler with no altitude change and a 4-6 miler cross country
When I run I feel alright for the most part and then I get a tight feeling in my chest as I struggle for breath, I'm going to try the focussing on different parts of muscle next
It seems like it would help from a running aspect but also from a general health aspect as well, so why not quit before that 1-2 increases to 3-4 etc

Yeah not for a smoker.

I started off at about 30-35 minutes for my 5k about a month and a week ago
The past few weeks I've been cutting 15 seconds off a week

Planning on joining the navy and need to get my 3 milers down to sub 22, hoping to do that as quickly as possible
Aiming for sub 24 this weekend - with the new lack of smoking and my 2 other runs a week I hope this becomes possible

nigger what


>tight feeling in my chest as I struggle for breath,
This is a smoking lung issue. Maybe you should get this checked out with a doctor


If it persists for a few weeks after I stop smoking I will
Last time I took a couple month break was because it physically hurt to inhale sometimes but it went away as I stopped, alas the cravings persisted and I gave in
Not this time though, this time I know it's do it or forever be wishing I had've

He said 5K, which is 3.1 miles bruh


I smoked a pack per day and ran a 5k in 28 minutes with 0 training. Not bragging about this at all, i know its not an impressive time.

The effects smoking has on lungs is wayyyyy over stated.

I coughed up a fuck tonne of gunk my first run after becoming a smoker - it seems to be more detrimental to some than other's

Ew, thats sickening.

If that's enough to put you off smoking, you're welcome

You guys aren't fucking smoking
2 packs a day or go home



I quit weed and started smoking, how much will 3-4 ciggies a day interfere with my gains?

Damn, just quit today. Pray for me lads.

More so than the weed would
Honestly if I wasn't going into the navy I'd still be smoking it but baccy was all I had left
Good luck user, you've got this

>get a tight feeling in my chest as I struggle for breath
>mfw i check em

If you're not a fat slob who sits all day, then 24 minutes is pretty easily achievable even for a smoker. OP suggests that 24 minutes is his best right now, meaning it isn't even easy for him.

Just because your cardio is a fucking trainwreck doesn't mean others can't do it.

Sincerely, a 16:40 5k runner with a resting hr above 60 bpm.

Smoking is fucking lame. Your cucking yourself by giving your money to a corporation to destroy your health.

t. ex smoker

going on 5 weeks no smoking here

When I stopped smoking billies my lungs immediately cleared up and stopped being painful when I run. I imagine cigarettes aren't as bad as that.
Now the fatigue but no stabbing chest pain.

OP here, how long did it take you to get to that sub 20 mark? And subsequently down to 16:40?

I'm working on gaining mass alongside callisthenics which won't help my times but as much as I enjoy running, that's not the only aspect to prep for the navy
I've done most common drugs, some not so common ones as well yet tobacco was the last one to go

>The effects smoking has on lungs is wayyyyy over stated.
Everybody knows that the effects come later on in life dude. Obviously you'll be able to do mediocre physical activities.

My nigga
I'm 18 smoke 2 packs of reds a day and play intramural soccer
Was the smoking is bad for you a meme

I was never a smoker, so my results are not comparable to yours. But if you're training appropriately, and you've actually quit smoking, you should be able to see 2 and a half minutes drop off your time in 2-3 months, even lifting as well.

Props on joining the navy, as well. I'm doing the same.

Shit, was meant for:

which country are you from/which role are you applying for?
British trying to go Royal marine commando

Need to hit that sub 22:00 3 miler and gain 10kg

But I've got a good few months left before applying so we can hope

US. I'm not comfortable revealing the specialty I am going in to because it is not very large, and so I'd be easily identifiable - suffice to say I will be an officer.

I'm done with the application. Have my physical screening tomorrow. Then it's just up to them to make an offer.

That's a smart move, I made inquiries before, all I need to do is put the weight on and cut my running time down then I'll be straight into the other academic tests etc but it's more or less a given that I'll get through that

Good luck to you, but it sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders and should be fine

To you too, man. Trips bless you.

5k you retard. 24 minutes is not a fast 5k.

10 a day for 5 years, still do a lot of cardio, scared of quitting

Make it 9.. Then 8.. So forth and you'll get there
You survived prior to those 5 years without it