Does Veeky Forums believe in fate?

Srs though, he died for our gains. Regardless of what you think of him, he motivated so many people even when he was alive. Because of his death, his legacy is forever cemented into the fitness world and now you see so many others building off of what he started. Jeff seid, calum von moger, Connor murphy, just a couple of popular fitness personalities that have been influenced heavily by Az.

You can say all you want about Zyzz but you know that he holds an immense amount of respect in the fitness community. His story is something of a legend, a monomyth.

No matter what new personalities arise in the bodybuilding world, Aziz was king when he was alive, but his death literally and utterly transformed him into a demi god.

Stay mad.

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The reason Zyzz is so adored is because he was one of us. He was a geek who played WoW and Final Fantasy.

Guys like Jeff and Conor just aren't as likeable relateable because you can tell that they were always popular. They were high school jocks and born Chads.

Zyzz was skinny nerd who became Chad.

with help of his friend Tren ;)

>he died for our gains
Nope, he actually died in a sauna because of his rampant drug use


he is still gay tho, all those woman is just an act for making money

Connor isn't a sickkunt like zyzz tho, shit tier personality, he isn't entertaining like zyzz was. All he has is his body

>shit tier personality
you wot? he's pretty funny and lighthearted

Zyzz was actually pretty popular and he had very good grades in high school

Fuck me how do you get that facial structure? Is it hgh?

Zyzz was actually pretty popular and he had very good grades in high school. His parents were fucking loaded so that helped too

Alright samefag, he was popular amongst his group od incels

By holding immense amount of respect in the fitness community, you mean small pockets of Veeky Forums, right?

Zyzz had a gf while going to all boys school just like my animes
Went to parties
Had good grades
While posting faqs on gamefaqs and shit

People always seem to forget this part when they're trying to give him postmortem fellatio.

Maybe not shit tier, but not motivating like zyzz

they need to stop putting this roided out amateur lifter druggie on a pedestal

>"hurr durr he used roids, doesnt count"
Oh hey, let's forget about message he tried getting across and solely focus on his body eks dee !!!11!eleven

Not only that, but are you trying to discredit people like Arnold, Stallone, Zane & others?
I like putting jelly on my toasties

Those people never admitted to roids tho

It's pretty obvious they were roiding.
Arnie also came out saying everyone roided during Gold Era.

Remember as a beginner, his shit was inspiring, and as well for many other beginners, but I can see why experienced lifters don't rate him

>Pretty obvious
Not good enough, just because Arnold said that doesn't prove anything. Dianabol was legal during his prime, it got banned in 1992.

Try harder kiddo

>that cross
I thought his family was muslim? anyone have more information about this?

They were of ethnic kurds. The majority of Kurds are Sunni Muslim, but it is possible they moved to Australia for actually being atheists. I'm just speculating here.

They were russian born, they moved to australia 100% because of his father's job or something.

Australia only takes you in if you can fulfill a job/have enough money.

no u

haha nice but im confused, how did you do that?


youre retarded. Aziz acted like a douche bag in his videos in the same way aspies like yourself shitpost on Veeky Forums, only difference is he actually had the balls to do it in person because he wasnt a beta cuck like you, user

>confused by inspect element
Is everyone on fit underage

im honestly just retarded and not familiar with computers