
Well lads, what do you think of this new #SwoleLeft?

>At 6-foot-2, with 217 pounds of hulking muscle, Poncho Martinez made for an imposing serf, dressed like a literal peasant—leather arm bracers over a baggy, cotton worker’s shirt—for last October’s Medieval Festival in Manhattan.

>As Martinez and his girlfriend stepped onto the downtown A-train, they noticed a “big burly man screaming homophobic invective at a tiny, skinny gay kid.”

“Don’t look at me or I’ll fuck you up!” the guy yelled at the teenager.

Without speaking, Martinez and his girlfriend sprang to the boy’s defense. She went to the boy’s side, speaking to him as if he were an old friend, while Martinez stood beside them and stared down the harasser, rendering the man silent and causing him to sit down.


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Oh fuck this is funny.

>ginger numale with a spick name
>thinks "muh lifting" will let him win fights
>gathers a bunch of mentally ill faggots to teach them to lift with the same mentality
>"muh nazis" while shit talking about a gay jew with a black boyfriend

This is a surefire way to instill false confidence in a bunch of leftists and get their shit pushed in when they try to step up. The guy doesn't seem to look too bad for a year of lifting, but the delusion is hilarious

He still looks like a fucking numale lmao

That fucking story lmao
>and then everyone clapped

>open up link
>see his numale cuck face
>Body looks like 1yr lifting + shit diet

Damn why are leftys always so cringy?
>bounding yourself to an idealogy instead of staying open minded and rational

Good. The race war wouldn't mean anything if the enemy was a pushover.

Was happy when I saw this at first, but it seems like it's still just beta numales. Somone let me know when the Left starts lifting to better be able to seize the means of production, k?

I can't fucking stand when gingers do this kind of shit. I'm ginger and though no one directly says stupid shit about being ginger to me i know they all have it in the back of their heads. And its because of fucking retarded spergs like this moron

why can't other redheads not be fucking autistic.

>named poncho

i hope his muscles can block bullets lmao

Conveniently ignored: right wingers willing to start shit in public have little to no qualms about carrying firearms. This man is going to get trannies killed because no amount of lifting stops a bullet

This guy is weak as shit too.

>at his best he could squat 335, bench 200, and deadlift 280


Why would they even write a piece on this guy?

Meanwhile, in reality.

>w-we can be just as tough the Nazis!

Funny how they actually recognize that the average lefty is a limp-wristed faggot.


>those stats

100% quarter squatting (probably on the smith while counting the bar as 45 pounds) and bouncing the bar off his estrogen titties... or worse

Lenin-kun, awaken from your slumber and deliver us from this weakness...

Imagine the police reports
>man was apprehended at the scene
>the shooter claimed that an exchange of words escalated leading to a physical altercation
>the victim was described in an erratic yet mincing manner, saying quote "you fucking natheess cant intimidate usss! im fucking theeeth, brah!"
>the shooter stated the victim then began flailing in his direction yelling "antifa"
>the shooter fired 3 times, all projectiles hitting center mass of the victim with 1 exit wound being found by emts
>witnesses corroborate this story
>we are determining this to be an act of self-defense and will likely release the shooter within a few hours
>the shooter's final remarks at the scene were quote "no homo"

Your description sold me on clicking on the link. Pretty goddamn funny. If California secedes, I hope this fucker joins the California Army to fight for El Presidente Jerry Brown with this mindset.

>we're all valuable
Except those right winger Nazis am I right

>Fascist Aesthetic


The sad thing is self defence is pretty much illegal in places where Antifa is prominent

wow a 1.2x bodyweight deadlift

>that apprehension when someone actually wants a fight

Reminder that the right still owns all the guns.

Get back to us when you finish tilting at windmills and form a real militia, Sancho Panza Martinez

>Implying an ideology that actively supports to destruction of other races has value

Although, to be fair, the vast majority of people who would actually be willing to shoot someone over a verbal argument will be black, and therefore liberal.

They aren't talking about a verbal, argument, m8. The whole point was that they're trying to make leftists stronger to actually last in a physical altercation. At that point it doesn't matter who really started it because once the leftists starts swinging, that's when the righty pulls his piece.

>black, and therefore liberal

Blacks may vote Dem, by they sure as shit aren't liberal.

>implying anyone to the left of Stalin is a Nazi

Your ideology actively supports for the destruction of the white race

Also he was talking about people, not ideologies.
Police your own side before you attack people for calling your side out.

I'm not sure about that. They want to "challenge Nazis", and in American politics, "Nazi" is (incorrectly) used to describe anyone who voted for Trump.

In other words, they are doing this so they can literally challenge half of the country to a fist fight over political differences.

If guns get drawn then yes, it matters very much who started it.

Nazis wanted a ethno-state for the German people, not to genocide everyone in the world who didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes.

>not even a neo-nazi
>have to defend them because people are this retarded

And to this point, there have already been several videos on YouTube of gangs of black people beating up a white person for literally no other reason than they voted for Trump.

>This is a surefire way to instill false confidence in a bunch of leftists and get their shit pushed in when they try to step up.

>implying nazis havent been the ones getting their shit pushed in lately

They're the most misused terms ever.

>>implying nazis havent been the ones getting their shit pushed in lately

[citation needed]

where? Beating up normies who went to watch Milo or punching Richard "The cuckold" Spencer doesn't count.

>In other words, they are doing this so they can literally challenge half of the country to a fist fight over political differences.
Exactly my point. If guns are pulled against the actual people they're intending to fight, that means it's no longer simply a verbal argument.

>If guns get drawn then yes, it matters very much who started it.
Situational dependence is key, though. For example if it can be proven that the gunman actively picked the fight just so he could shoot someone, that's one thing.

But let's say that gay kid getting picked on story is real. If he had the mindset pushed by the ginger and wound up swinging, then it gets murky and self defense becomes a factor. Especially if the gay kid in question is physically bigger than the gunman like the twitter followers are jerking themselves off about

>Nazis wanted a ethno-state for the German people, not to genocide everyone in the world who didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes.
Really? I guess they just ACCIDENTALLY tried to genocide everyone in the world who didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes then?

t. slav

(But yeah it's a misused term and I hate when people call Trump voters "nazis". Goddamn hippie liberal and their virtue-signaling bullshit...)

>Physical strength, something that can be measured quantitatively, is a social construct
>equality is a cold hard science

These fags boil my blood. And the reason half of nu-males choose to be nu-males is because they think it will get them laid like the (((media))) says it will


Nazis, as in literal neo-nazis, recently got their asses kicked by lefitist in Gothenburg.

A right-wing newspaper's report on it:

In English:


were they LITERALLY nazis though? Or were they """nazis"""?

Well neo-nazis, from the Soldiers of Odin. I guess they've techically denied being neo-nazis, but their connections to the movement are undeniable: the founder Mika Ranta is a self-described neo-nazi and member of the NS group "Nordic Resistance Movement".

wow how horrible

Caring for your people is truly a horrible crime

>be left
>start going to the gym
>lift heavy weights
>suddenly get uncucked
>slowly transition to right/conservative
is how it's going to go down

>not hating you own race means you are Nazis

There's also been some clashes between the AFA groups in Gothenburg and neo-nazi groups like the Nordic Resistance. Wouldn't say they nazi's got their ass kicked as badly as the Soldiers of Odin, but the leftist held their own at least. Say what one wills about the AFA in Gothenburg but it doesn't fuck around: they're old-school communists and anarchists and hate liberal id-pol crap.

Not praising them or anything, they're still criminals IMO. Just saying they have some balls at least.

This is beyond autistic

Lifting for the race war was just an edgy internet meme baka

>His progress came to an abrupt halt after the election. “The election was despair-inducing,” says Martinez, a self-described socialist who had been energized by Bernie Sanders’ primary campaign. He spent the next two months “drinking like a monster” instead of working out, losing much of the strength and mental stability he had gained since 2015.


ALL leftists follow identity politics

>We're all valuable, right?
>Well, except those to the left of Stalin

Well they've been deemed neo-nazis because of their clear and undeniable connections to groups that oplenly call themselves neo-nazi, and not becuse they're patriotic.

I personally think calling anyone who's proud of their heritage a "nazi" is bullshit, but lots of these SoO guys call THEMSELVES nazis and I'm not gonna disbelieve their own words because of a couple of faggots on Veeky Forums who're butthurt.

No. That's what all Id-pol faggots want you to believe. Old-school leftists fucken hate them.

t. anti-idpol lefist

Didn't a soldier of Odin murder someone who spat at them? It's not like they're just on the receiving end

Wow you're brave and manly comrade take it to those sjws for glorious leader Stalin

>and I'm not gonna disbelieve their own words because of a couple of faggots on Veeky Forums who're butthurt.

I think some of them might be National Socialists but I was under the impression the organization as a whole was apolitical.

>ALL leftists follow identity politics
We're going "no true Scotsman" on this huh?

>Old-school leftists

Oh, give it a break already. You're as disconnected from mainstream leftists as we traditionalists are from Republicans.

Fuck off sjw, you "old school leftists" still support mass non white "" immigration "" and all that feminist LGBT sjw shit

>they're old-school communists and anarchists and hate liberal id-pol crap.
No they're not.

They also "hold their own" because it's usually like 50 on 10.

wish weightlifting wouldn't become a stupid retarded political icon for anything desu.

>n-n-no! those gay pride guys aren't true leftists!

sure senpai

Not him but I personally don't support immigration unless we stand to gain from the individuals being brought in.
Most leftists I know feel the same way

Not at all, there's been some serious ass-kicking the other way as well. I'm not picking sides here, just reporting that right here in my town, not 10 min from where I live, a neo-nazi group did indeed get their asses handed to them by a bunch of leftists in a most embarrasing way. There reverse has happened too.

Well that's where it gets tricky. They CLAIM that their organisation is indeed apolitical, but tell me: if a bunch of people who describe themselves individually as Communists went and formed a group where almost every member was a Communist, and they did stuff that was in the spirit of Communist ideology and had ties to and worked with openly Communist groups - what would you call that group? I mean if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, right?

I'm not a member nor do I frequent their websites, but the impression I've gotten was that they're against idpol. I know they upset some leftists by rejecting it.

I don't know the numbers involved so not gonna comment on that, you might be right but no idea.

place your bets

Same! Refugees welcome XD

npr had their writers do a testosterone test

all of them were really low, except the gay guy who was almost within normal range (but still too low)

>Most leftists I know feel the same way
Stop lying to yourself, you leftists are the willing pawns of the 0.0001%er capitalists you claim to hate

>if a bunch of people who describe themselves individually as Communists went and formed a group where almost every member was a Communist, and they did stuff that was in the spirit of Communist ideology and had ties to and worked with openly Communist groups - what would you call that group? I mean if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, right?

I'm not so sure if it indeed does go so far.

Some of them might be national socialists but i'm unsure if you could really fall them a natsoc organization. I'm not extensively familiar with the Soldiers of Odin but from the few articles I've read on them they seem like alright guys.

>I'm not gonna disbelieve their own words

Cool. Tell us how you feel about the dangerous ideology of Islam.

Absolutely, and that's what I insist on: we're disconnected from them meaning that they don't represent us at all. As far as I'm concerned they've taken over our movement and kicked us out. Which means I hate them as much as you do, at the very least.

No, we're just not necessarily hardline against those things either. Old-school leftism was more analytical, and took a "thing are complicated" stance towards most issues. So whether an old-school leftie would support e.g. "feminism" would depend on what exactly you mean by that word (hint: yes to equality but no to tumblr).

>implying any of the people the left have been demeaning as "nazis" are actually National Socialists

The word really loses all meaning when you start calling anyone to the right of Jimmy Carter a nazi. Which they've been doing for decades now.

>the impression I've gotten was that they're against idpol
They're not. Only autistics on leftypol claim this, even though they too in practice believe the same things (exempting tankies, nazbol).

IRL Antifa are exactly how you picture them, they also put lots of women on the front lines. Whenever they "win" skirmishes it's down to numbers and the fact that they almost always have the police backing them up (unless they're protesting banks or G7/G8/G20, hmm wonder why)

It's just a meaningless buzzword now.

Kind of how the media (and really most people) use Fascist / KKK / White-supremacist / "alt-right" interchangeably.

No not really. That's not at all what I said.
You don't actually talk to people do you? People from both sides tend to want a lot of the same things


>No, we're just not necessarily hardline against those things either. Old-school leftism was more analytical, and took a "thing are complicated" stance towards most issues. So whether an old-school leftie would support e.g. "feminism" would depend on what exactly you mean by that word (hint: yes to equality but no to tumblr).
I wonder what shade of brown your ""son"" is

>Antifa are exactly how you picture them

>that moment when the leftist fag immediately tries to use gayness as an insult in the face of a challenge

>be left, start lifting
>give up because its hard and stay leftist
>enjoy the challenge lifting gives their life and see the joys of working hard to improve yourself. Which would implode their leftist dogma of everyone needing more gibesemdats

Now you're just in denial. I mean it's cool if you're natsoc and like natsoc things, but at least acknowledge them as being natsoc things.

I believe their own words when they say they want to destroy the West and kill us infidels?

Like I said, I'm talking about the impression I've gotten from the local organisation in my city. And they're not idpol. Also they clash with the police a lot, and the police actually considers them more of a problem than neo-nazi groups. Again, just how it is in my town, no idea what they're like elsewhere.

Sounds like Veeky Forums. Can't wait for these fags to get their shit pushed in by a 145lbs mexican boxer just like the rest of you colossal pussies

>not to genocide everyone in the world who didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes.
Yeah, merely to kill or deport all the Slavs, Gypsies, Jews, gays, unionists, disabled people etc. from places they would have liked to own. Completely different.

Not that the British, French, Italians, Americans, Japanese, Russians, etc. etc. haven't been doing the same thing for a good century or two also.

But still: killing/deporting people who are productive and inteligent and decent just because of their background, while at the same time tolerating idiots just because they were born to the right parents and obediently parrot your propaganda - is stupid even from the most right-wing "utilitarian" perspective.

>You don't actually talk to people do you? People from both sides tend to want a lot of the same things
The right doesn't want state funded black supremacism and "white privilege" reeducation camps

Slightly less brown than my THICC latina wife. Enjoy Veeky Forums, Imma go eat her ass.

I'm a leftist but lifting has actually made me more hardline about certain issues, and made me hate the weakness of the left. Stuff like HAES makes me wanna die...

Interesting. I wish everyone had to wear their test levels like a badge number.

>Caring for your people is truly a horrible crime
Getting together with a bunch of barely functional idiots so you can commit property damage and gang up on a bunch of brown people = caring for your people?
Top kek.

Where are you from? I can tell you that the VAST majority of the many many leftist groups I've interacted with are not like this. The sole exceptions being basque nationalists and some Latvian tankies.

>6-foot-2, with 217 pounds of hulking muscle
wtf I am that size and I am not scary

He can lift all the weights he wants, it won't change his beta mentality and will still back down if some guy half his size gets in his face.

maybe you just think you're not scary, user. maybe that's why you can't find a gf.

>Getting together with a bunch of barely functional idiots so you can commit property damage and gang up on a bunch of brown people = caring for your people?

when has this happened?

I'm 5'9 and 167lbs so he'd probably be able to kick my ass

>The right doesn't want state funded black supremacism and "white privilege" reeducation camps
You spend too much time on the internet. People with "left" views don't want that shit either

>not hating your own race means you are barely functional
Bernie Sanders wants that shit

I thought Horsey hated Trump?

jesus fuckin christ

I found it disheartening too but fuck

why is my party so goddamned cringy

I'm from Gothenburg.

And no, most groups today are not like that. AFA here seems to be a bit of an exception. At least I notice they don't play well with other leftie groups.

Uhhh this reporter got it wrong.
This is the face of the #swoleleft

>Bernie Sanders wants that shit

They can lift as much weight as they want but, politics is joust of words and ideas.
>tips fedora out of the building