How do I know that my workout was effective and I didn't just waste my time?

How do I know that my workout was effective and I didn't just waste my time?

If you follow some good tested routine it was effective. If you follow some retarded made up routine it was a waste of time.

You need to feel pain. The more pain the more you gain.
Just push yourself as hard as you can until you can't take it anymore and then push some more.

What kind of stupid question is that? You can't rate the effectiveness of one workout. It has to be several.

If you're benching 100kg and by the end of the month of doing a certain chest workout you can bench 105kg, then your workout is effective.

Think of a bigger picture.

How do I know my mortgage is effective if I only made my first payment today?

when you can lift more on the next workout day

If you can still use the muscle it means you didn't push it enough. What happens when you build muscles is that it's first broken down and then rebuilt stronger so the more you break it down, the stronger it will be after your body rebuilds it.

>If you're benching 100kg and by the end of the month of doing a certain chest workout you can bench 105kg

>5kg a month

yeah real effective brah

>60kg a year on a bench is bad

Enjoying SS, user?

>Spot the New Lifter: Easy Edition

How's starting strength? Making noob gains I see?

>not posting the gif


You can only really tell by results later on.

But for aesthetics if you reach that 12th rep and are really stuggling but manage to maintain form its a good set.

does your butt look bigger?

becuase it met the goals of your workout and moved toward meeting the future goals of all workouts combined.

I am very conflicted I'm very attracted to ass and the female form. I am extremely attracted to this position but irl when I see a woman that dances like this I am repulsed. Wtf is wrong with me?


Did you be yourself?

If you did, then you should be fine

Maybe you don't like sluts

Post the gif, user.

I think you've been watching too much anime friendo.

Did I work harder, longer, faster than last time? Did I beat a time, improve my technique, or reach my target for the day?

If yes to any, then yeah I'm pretty satisfied desu

When you look at yourself in the mirror and reflexively exclaim, "FUUARK!!!"

I think you don't like impudent strumpets but you do want a lil for yourself

tfw u will never be 13 again fapping to all the cute girls at ur schools myspace profiles