How many coffees do you have per day Veeky Forums? I usually have between 8 and 10 a day

How many coffees do you have per day Veeky Forums? I usually have between 8 and 10 a day

none, just take caffeine pills in the morning you fucking idiot, also whiten your teeth.

none, just take a brisk cock in the morning

I have preworkout tablets that contain 200mg each of caffeine and I take 2 of those before working out, I drink coffee because I like it

>I drink coffee because I like it
well stop you moron, I gave up caffeine after 12 p.m. a month ago, feels great

'Bout 3-5 cups, got myself a press-cup at work, so I'm finally getting away from the blackened piss they call coffee.


Are they small coffees? I drink around 5 coffees a day and each one is 400ml

Shit nigga you consume a lot of caffeine a day

I used to take 400mg caffeine in a preworkout twice a week, it was the recommended dose. Nothing untoward resulted by i found i really got the same high at 300.

I'd say each coffee is approximately 350ml. I have 2 and 400mg of caffeine workout pills when I get up to wake me up and the rest are randomly throughout the rest of the day at work

At least a pot a day, but I'm an early 30s hungry skelly manlet neet who only recently started coming here to convince myself to get fit.

Don't you get shaky and anxious with more than like 200mg of caffeine pills? I recently tried these tapout preworkout pills that contain 150mg in each and you're supposed to take 2 but I found 2 to be way too much and 1 works just fine

15 cups of coffee, otherwise I get headaches

>falling for the caffeine jew

Well it was a preworkout drink and no not shaky. I took half a dose first time and it didnt do much so went all the way to 400mg the next time and went flying. I would sometimes have palpitations when i actually stopped and came home though so ive cut it down to 300 and its all good.

I've got a disease that has robbed me of energy so i need a big kick to get going sometimes.

Cut that shit out brah

I usually get up and have a coffee everyday but today I decided not to and holy fuck I felt like crap until I had a coffee, I waited 3 hours before I had a coffee and I could hardly think and I just had a coffee about 20 minutes ago and I'm back to normal

>tfw addicted to caffeine

I find whenever I take preworkout I can't stand still for like 3 hours after taking it and that's even after a hard hour workout

Well that's good - means you can get away with less. Unless you're hypersensitive in which case any amount will just make you feel off.

Kek that happened to a guy I know just the other day

>has no caffeine tolerance
>takes 2 preworkout tablets
>half hour later says he feels like shit and is shaking and sweating

I didn't realize there was people who are 25+ years old who don't regularly consume caffeine, he looked like a little bitch getting fucked up from a preworkout tablet

italian masterrace coming in.
5 of these motherfuckers daily

As many as I want but generally 8-10 cups of 150ml day too. I brew it using 15g of espresso coffee beans coarse grounded and infuse in ~90ÂșC for 3-5 minutes.
It is a nice """adddiction""" since I don't smoke, drink alcohol or use any other substance. I even refuse to take medicine.

Zero. Im contemplating on whether or not to start drinking coffee, should i bros?

2-3 on gym days
0-2 on rest days

Nothing wrong with not having built up a caffeine tolerance. If I could go without caffeine and still be alert/awake for the day, I'd gladly do it.

how do you even manage that.

I drink maybe three cups a day which is 1.5of these guys and i'm always super focused and a little nervous.

At least one in the morning but another one if I feel like reading a book.

4 at max. I like Coffee, I don't know why actually, it doesn't even taste good and I'm completely functional without one cup of coffee. Maybe it was still back when I was a Teenager and thought drinking black coffee makes me "adult".

I don't like coffee, and I don't take caffeine pills. What's so good about caffeine anyway? It just makes me feel super manic for a couple of hours, then I crash and get super hungry.

I have plenty of energy without it, so it's not worth it for me.

Usually 2 is the max for me, but if I'm having a particularly shitty day, I have 3. I know the shit isn't really healthy, but I for some reason really like it, it's hard to describe why. I remember the first cup of coffee I ever had was at a hotel in Mexico when I was 15. My mom just let me try a bit of her latte and I really liked it. Now I'm a fucking addict. Also probably explains why I'm only 5'7.

just caffeine pills before workout or study
but coffee kicks me way harder

One french press worth, which is about 1.5 cups.

Coffee is useful but desu I'm scared of getting addicted to caffeine. I never let myself have more than 2 cups.

It's not the worst thing for you IMO. Try it with a bit of milk/chocolate milk and see if you like it.

Not what was asked.