Does Veeky Forums eat chia seeds...

Does Veeky Forums eat chia seeds? Is it just another food trending which will slowly die or are they really good for something?

Never heard of it, sounds like poo poo just eat eggs imo mate if you wanna make it.

I eat a chia seed mix which includes chia, flax, hemp and probably some others. Dunno if it's really doing much good but they have good fats and oils and you can't throw them in anything and not really notice them. They do get stuck in your teeth though.


It makes your shit easier to shit out. Put chia seeds in water and see what happens, it makes the same to your shit

I eat this stuff. I don't think it has chia in it. Other than that I dont really eat anything someone who does yoga would also eat.

>it makes the same to your shit
>human body can't digest a mostly-proteinaceous seed coat

not a lot of schooling down in hell, eh?

you're missing out, and probably a closet case.

Eat the seeds and see what happens then, retard

Goes good in overnight oats

You eat oatmeal before sleep?

Very funny dad

I eat them every day. My shit is not a big slimy sticky soft blob.

damn right !
the egg is the most valuable protein you can find and its gonna make your goody ass grow!

Water and shit are not the same. I said it does the same to both, which is make more solid and slimy and the same time

i have them everyday for breakfast because i couldn't be bothered cooking and washing up for oats. about 30g, or 3 tablespoons and some raisins too. i add hot water to them when i make my coffee and eat them after i have drank my coffee. keeps me fuller longer than oats did. poop gains is real too. who knows about the claims, but i'll buy into the omega 3 and all that.

i'd say you should try them. they can be expensive if you don't go looking for the cheapest.

My mom makes these "healthy energy bites" that are made with chia seeds, honey, chocolate chips, peanut butter, and oatmeal and thinks they're healthy because "they're only one point each on Weight Watchers!" I don't see what's so great about the seeds, but whatever.

>"they're only one point each on Weight Watchers!"
isn't that an ok weight loss thing for dummies who "don't want to count calories"

It's good protein and really useful for when you're lazy or don't have time

but it's expensive compared to something similar like couscous

I see Weight Watchers as stupid because people on it don't actually know about how many calories they need, or know anything about macros and shit like that. It's just sort of "starve yourself and lose weight, as long as you keep giving us money we're happy."

>my mom
also, I want the recipe.

Ask your mom for the recipe and post it.

Chia is only one letter away from China. Would you trust something like that?
