Fasting General

Lent in coming up. For those who don't know Lent is a religious thing where you choose to give something up for six weeks.

I'm thinking about attempting a six week water fast. Any insights or comments on this idea?

Anything would be appreciated.

Full autism, this is dumb

Are you very obese? Then in might be doable. Even then it sounds like a dumb idea.

For the past three years I've observed the traditional strict Lenten fast practiced by the Orthodox and eastern Catholic churches - full vegan, no oil, a single meal a day. Every year my gains die and I lose a bunch of weight. I wouldn't suggest something more extreme than that. I'm not doing it this year, and I still need to find something to either give up or take on to replace that.

Just do Intermittent Fasting 16:8 for non fatties or 19:5 for fatties.

I do one meal a day, don't really feel hungry or weak during the day. Is this any good for weight loss?

Roman Catholic here. I'm going to do one meal/no meat Fridays and give up all drugs and alcohol.

>How to kill your metabolism and lose muscle in one easy step. Read on to find out!

In my opinion, if you have to ask then you're not mentally prepared for it. Monks practiced extreme fasts due to their extreme willpower and faith. Vast majority of people don't have the mental fortitude possible.

Bad idea

>I have no idea what im talking about

I want to try intermittent fasting but I have aa few questions

>Can I drink any liquids during the 16 hours fast?
>Would it actually help reduce the problem areas that I have? it seems that my body is storing fats on my back and love handles instead of the tummy
>Does it need a 500 cal deficit too? or would a 500 deficit speed things up?

The whole "give something up for lent" thing is supposed to be for children, you dipshit. The idea is that, as an adult, you give up sin

Orthodox here. Last year was my most extreme fast, full vegan, no oil or wine during the week, and I didn't even have soy protein. I don't eat seafood either, so even when fish/shellfish are allowed, I'm not taking a break.

Currently 5'10, 64.2kg, 13%bf.
I don't generally lose much weight during the fast, but I've always had a very Mediterranean diet, so the change isn't very jarring to me. However, in the past six months ive put on almost 10kg of weight, and even though I've always been fit and lean, this will be the first fast I do since I started working out seriously.

Bread is your ally. Hummus too. Try making a soup with pasta (like the little shells or stars) using vegetable broth. A few years ago I would make those soy patties and eat them like a burger or slice them and roll them in a wrap. They have zero taste, so it's up to you to surround them with tasty shit. On days where you can eat oil, get your fill of salads with olive oil and vinegar. Mostly that olive oil. Dip your bread in it, cook your food using it. Whatever it takes.

>it needs a deficit
>as usual

I read its FAQs, and it said that it doesnt require you to change your ucrrent diet only the time you eat them.

How does deficit work with IF? would you still lose fat without a deficit?

If you're actually religious and believe in that shit the best thing you could do for your fitness is give up alcohol, chocolates, sweets and soda. It would be literally impossible for you to fuck up and not progress over the 40 days.

You're gonna die, for sure.

As long as you eat until you're satisfied, there's nothing wrong with eating only once per day. The three/six meals per day thing is modern science stuff, and even that isn't completely proven.

1 - Yes, you can drink liquids. Just don't cheat and drink milk or a slushie. Water only.
2- No. "Fat deposit areas" depend entirely on your genetic structure, so you can't really know where they'll show up. You deflate like a balloon, all at once, not a portion at a time.
3 - It depends. Do you work during the day? It might be better to accommodate your meals around that time, because being in a caloric deficit AND fasting can make a few things unbearable. For example: if you exercise first thing in the morning while fasting, and then after a meal, you'll realize exercising while fasting is harder.

Give up on something else, not food.
Also, if you're doing this to lose weight, fasting will only work until 25~27 days in. Then, you won't lose anything else, and will start having a ton of health problems.

You don't really understand what are 6 weeks without food.

Thanks user, I actually have been lifting with an empty stomach ever since I started because I always did them at mornings, so I guess my body adapted to it?

currently 5'7 165, and is a bit over weight because of personal problems for 10 months, really hope IF would help me get back to around 12%-15%, on a deficit and IF, how long do you think it would take to lose 1% bf?

>I always did them at mornings, so I guess my body adapted to it?
It takes a while to show up. The body can take quite a beating at first, but once you start to lift progressively heavier loads, it will show up all at once.
For me, it was when I used an exercise bike (I only did cardio back then). I was already using it for a good 4 months with no problems. One week I went up three gears (heavier gear = more effort), and by Friday morning, I was probably doing the most difficult session of my life. I just didn't know what happened. It was like every problem piled up at once. I usually did two 1:15h sessions (one morning, one evening). In this session, I was already getting really tired by the 15 min mark.

The weird thing was, when I did the evening session in the same day, after eating, I felt 10 times better.

One of the first signs of your body screaming for help is sleepyness during the day. It's not an alarming sign at first, but staying 7~8 hours in sleepyness means you should reconsider your calorie deficit.


I've been doing IF for a few years and it doesn't affect strength as long as you get your calories.

>Drink water, black coffee or anything with no calories (the caffeine helps with the fast). 16 fast. 8 eating had been the most effective for me. Basically, I skip breakfast and drink black coffee in the morn. The only hard part is after you wake up. Using sleep as a buffer, 12 hours will be easy.

>it really doesn't matter how much of a deficit you go as long as it's not more thank 1k a day (2 lbs a week). IF shortens your eating window which makes it harder to eat over maintenance, so hitting the deficit is easier.

>no need to cut out much of your carbs, esp if you need energy for the gym. I recommend eating your calories instead of drinking them though. I don't know how keto and fasting will work but it's not something I wouldn't do and IF is good at least for not gaining weight

>would you still lose fat
No! IF is not some secret trick, it's just a regular diet where you eat all your day's food in a short period because it prevents bingeing later.

Not necessarily. Obese people can survive about a year with just water and vitamins.

giving up water for six weeks sounds like a great idea

I work 8 hours, sometimes 10. I'm usually out for 14 hours each day and I'm able to mantain an IF routine of 22/2 witouth a single issue. However when I have a day off I can't manage to fast for shit, I think it talks more about my mental issues than anything. I'm also an ex fat fuck so I rather just skip meals than having to stuff myelf with kebabs and shit food on lunch break, I don't wanna fall into temptation again.