I'm suppose to ingest 1g of protein per lb of body weight per day according to the sticky. I weigh 260lbs...

I'm suppose to ingest 1g of protein per lb of body weight per day according to the sticky. I weigh 260lbs. So I need to consume 1400 calories of pure meat every day, and my current diet is 1,600 cal per day..... Soooo...... I'm suppose to eat nothing but meat?

>So I need to consume 1400 calories of pure meat every day

How did you arrive at that conclusion?

>Wants to be a real man
>Complains about eating meat


no natural needs more than 100g of protein a day

Per pound of LEAN mass
Calculate your bodyfat first

4 * 260 = 1040

Also it's 1 gram per lb lean body mass. If you are a fatty you don't need 260 grams of protein.

Also if you weigh 260 lb you shouldn't be eating 1600 calories anyway. Calculate your maintenance and subtract 500.


.8g/lb weight you dumb nigger. Why can't people read the sticky properly? Stop skimming it.

There are proteins in other sources of food beside meat. Try your best to avoid animal products as best as you can. They are contaminated with growth hormones and antibiotics . Try to incorporate lentils and beans in your diet and. I'm not saying go vegan but try to stay away from red meats .

"You want around one gram per pound of bodyweight worth of protein (e.g. if you weigh 150lbs, eat 150g protein. If you get a little less, it won't matter, but 1g/lb of bodyweight is a good rule of thumb)"

Direct quote from the sticky. Perhaps the sticky should include that information?

It's a good rule of thumb if you are already lean. More protien than you need won't hurt you but less will cause muscle loss.

Protein density per calorie. Fish>Chicken>Beef>Pork

Pork is the most expensive of these at 5.4 calories per gram of protein. For safety I calculated using pork. 5.4*260=1404 and I rounded down to 1400 because it felt cleaner to type.

The sticky says "You want around one gram per pound of bodyweight worth of protein (e.g. if you weigh 150lbs, eat 150g protein. If you get a little less, it won't matter, but 1g/lb of bodyweight is a good rule of thumb)"

That is a direct quote and they did not mention lean body mass, just a 1:1 ratio of bodyweight and protein.

1g/lb is a meme pushed by the supplement jew

0.6g/lb is the most you'll ever need as a natty

the sticky is 70% useful information and 30% shit

if you're 150lbs lbm you will see no difference in gains and strength between 90g and 150g protein. past 90g (in this example) get your calories from carbs or fat instead, you will benefit more from that.

You shouldn't be trying to bulk when you're obese.

Just workout, and be yourself and you'll lose weight and look better

on a bulk you won't, but on a cut you certainly will

I'm not bulking, I am just trying to meet the protein recommendations according to the sticky. The sticky specifically states that protein helps you lose weight.

it's 1g of lean body weight (if you were 0% bf). Depends on your height/body composition, but most people never need more than 150g

You're cutting too hard, m8, so that won't help, but I also suggest basing your protein goal based on your target bodyweight. So if you're trying to cut down to 200lbs, go for 200g protein. Ya dig?


>ingest 1g of protein per lb of body weight per day
>I weigh 260lbs
>So I need to consume 1400 calories of pure meat every day
You are fat because you are dumb and can't read

You don't need to worry about your protein intake unless you're trying to build muscle or have a fairly decent supply of it already. And the sticky didn't account for like 40 percent bodyfat.

You have none. You need to worry about losing weight and being on a cut. Just start working out and if you're really concerned eat like 100 grams of protein a day. You'll probably put on decent muscle mass under your gelatinous mass if you do it right.

You didn't overthink it to get obese. Don't overthink it to get skinny and jacked. Come back when you'll actually benefit from protein more.

We had a wiki at one point, but if anyone edited it to improve the information, Veeky Forums would chimp out cause the mods are faggots.

>growth hormones

Not true. Protein is essential while cutting to maintain what muscle he has.

After all, the average fatty has more muscle than the average normie. They've never been catabolic in their life.

>contaminated with growth hormones and antibiotics
And this is a problem how? GH is fucking expensive and antibiotics can't be that bad when doctors prescribe it all the time.

shhh don't post facts, let all these retards die of kidney failure, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

If I'm cutting too much then how many calories should I eat? I tried calculating it myself but after typing the exact same information in 6 different calculators I was given 6 different answers which varied widely.

I'm 260lbs, 5'9, 27yo, male, low activity.

The calculators have told me to eat between 1400 and 2400 calories. There is a discrepancy of 1000 calories between those two figures. So how many fucking calories do I eat?

This just confirms that 1 gram per pound of lean body mass is a reasonable heuristic. Just means you can be relatively loose with your protein intake as long as you get close to 1g/LBM.

Actually I'm a 4.0 science student and I just did a few papers/presentations on the subject of antibiotics. Doctors are hacks who don't know anything because our understanding of biology is stone age. Many places on Earth use the much more natural, much more effective and much less consequential bacteriophage treatments.

That is not what any of that said LOL

you shouldn't be retarded enough to think your fat ass needs protein to maintain it
apply some critical thinking

you shouldn't eat meat at all you idiot.

First of all, that was a joke. I'm perfectly aware of what excessive antibiotic prescriptions can do.

>Many places on Earth use the much more natural, much more effective and much less consequential bacteriophage treatments.
Yeah, next time I get bacterial pneumonia that is threatening to drown me from the inside I'll try drinking some eucalyptus tea.

the right move would be to die honorably. antibiotics just propogate weak-ass genes

then the only people left would be shut-in losers who never travel and socialize enough to catch a disease.

Bacteriophages are not comparable to drinking eucalyptus tea........They are a type of virus that make up a good portion of the oceans. The word Bacteriophage literally means bacteria eater. These virons prey on bacteria and have been doing so for millions of years. They have evolved to be specialized for this task. Our antibiotics are worse at treating bacterial infections than bacteriophages.

Yeah, I'm sure my hospital has those in stock - right next to the 5$ packs of generic penicillin.

>i read the sticky and im now a qualified fitness expert.
>i dont use any form of logical thinking or try to apply it into practice

this is why i hate sticky retards who think they are all knowing gods after reading it and literally everything else is a shill.

Why would the excess 50-100lbs of fat in you retard need the protein? to build what? protein is fuel for your MUSCLES not FAT

You shouldn't eat a lot of meat at all, if you do try to make it chicken or fish. You're getting meme'd if Veeky Forums or anyone tells you to keep eating lots of meat.

I repeat. Bacteriophages are more reliable for treating bacterial infections than antibiotics. Bacteriophages also do not cause bacteria to become resistant to our medicine like antibiotics. Bacteriophages are cheaper to use as a treatment than antibiotics. You're using the shittier treatment.

And you shouldn't even exist faggot

The sticky also states clearly that protein is used as a tool for many different things in your body, not only "fuel" for your muscles.

I never claimed to be a qualified fitness expert. I never even implied it. I came asking for help. You're insane.

>You're using the shittier treatment.
And I repeat:
>I'm not a fucking doctor or a pharmaceutical exec or the director of my health fund.
>I don't fucking get to decide what to take.
>I'd rather take something proven that DID save my life rather than something unproven in wide application.
Not saying you're wrong, but if you think that someone with a 42C fever is in any condition to ask their doctor about alternatives to antibiotics and then wait for two or three weeks 'till the obscure drug is shipped then you're fucking divorced from any kind of reason.

>The sticky also states clearly that protein is used as a tool for many different things in your body, not only "fuel" for your muscles.

No shit, sherlock. But the majority gets used by your muscles. If you want to get really pedantic then your fat cells also need minuscule amounts of protein since they aren't pure fat.

The gist is: only lean mass matter when calculating protein intake. When a figure is given in "g per overall mass" then it's assumed you're relatively lean.

For like the......The billionth time.... It is not some hippie drug. It isn't a home remedy. It is a PROVEN treatment. It has been proven for a very very long time. You keep insisting that bacteriophages are some gimmick or untested or unreliable or whatever....But they ARE tested...They ARE proven. They are MORE reliable than antibiotics....And yes, you DO get to decide (unless it was a time sensitive issue and you lacked basic resources.)

Somebody needs to answer this.

>(unless it was a time sensitive issue and you lacked basic resources.)

>basic resources
>in a state run hospital

>unless it was time sensitive
>42C fever, delirium and severe pulmonary edema

>You keep insisting that bacteriophages are some gimmick
You don't get it, they might be the next great thing. But they are far from proven or in wide usage BY THE STANDARDS OF MOST HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS. I can't get something my doctor won't prescribe and isn't in hospital stock.

>I weigh 260lbs
You realise this means having less than about 2600 calories a day would cause you to burn muscle as well as fat?

Again. I repeat. They are proven. They are proven! THEY ARE PROVEN!!!

Also they are in wide usage. Also they are the standard of many health care systems.... Russia has been using them for longer than you've been alive probably. They are even used to treat bacterial infections that our antibiotics can not treat. They also make up a large portion of the oceans so they are very very easy to obtain...

A dyel can maintain lean mass as long as they get enough protein, lift and their deficit doesn't exceed their max fat metabolization rate.

And it's not like you can't make it back in a couple months.

Key word. The reason they say "around" is because you'll find studies saying anywhere from .6g bodyweight to 1.0g lean body mass and eberything in between and all permutations of the phrasing. The jury is still out on the perfect amount.

This remains the point of the thread and the only thing that has not been answered.. This is the only thing I want to know. Somebody needs to answer this.

They are widely used for food sterilization and to combat bio-weapons. Never ever has anyone in my country or most others been prescribed with them in favor of antibiotics in cases like severe sepsis or life threatening pneumonia.

Again: no pharmacy has them in stock. For me as a patient that is the same as them not existing.

Welcome to the thread. This was already mentioned multiple times though. Reading is hard.

You're wrong.

You're also stubborn and will refuse to accept that you are wrong. There is no point in responding to you anymore. You are a waste of time.

I you are cutting your goal is to not lose muscle. You don't need that much protein to mostly maintain. Or just got keto.

>Somebody needs to answer this.
Fuck off you entitled little shit.

Also no calculator can give you an exact figure: you get in the ballpark, track your weight loss or gain and then calculate your exact TDEE.

I also doesn't matter much at your level of obesity. You can derive so much energy from your fat stores (about 3.500kcal per day) that all you need to worry about is getting enough protons, fats and micros.

Probably around 100g of protein should be enough if it is mostly from animal products.
For fat you need about 70g.
That's around 1030kcal, add 100g of carbs and it comes out to about 1430kcal. Start there, track, adjust.

0.8g/lb of *****lean***** mass

Interesting. You say I need 1430 calories per day to lose weight, but the last time I posted on this forum saying that I was eating 1400 calories at 260 lbs I was told that I was eating too few calories. They said 1400 calories was retarded.

Not 1430kcal to lose weight - but to lose it as fast as possible without making yourself miserable and compromising your health.

You seem to have confused TDEE with max safe deficit.

Phage therapy is extremely limited because of the problem of specificity. Unless you find some universal phage, antibiotics are superior.

You're kind of right kind of wrong. You might need the phages to be adapted for a specific strain of bacteria but they can be adapted for ANY strain. Antibiotics can not treat all strains of bacteria and can not be adapted to do so. So antibiotics suffer the same problems, but worse.

are you retarded? Also how the fuck are you going so low in calories ffs, move more you repulsive fat fuck

you will be good with around 120 grams of protein, bitch

fucking bullshit
i used to believe this garbage now im eating 200+ grams of protein daily and im leaning out for the first time ever
i have never been under 18% or so always skinnyfat even when cutting

Leaning out probably just means that you eat less calories now. Protein makes you feel full longer as it isn't as calorie dense as carbs or fat.

Look into the thermic effect of protein compared to that of carbs
CICO isn't everything

>1,600 cal per day

probably obese top kek