What types of things are the body supposed to be doing?

Biologically speaking, what kind of movements and actions are our bodies meant to be doing specifically? Is there like a sport or art that ideally represents what we're meant to be doing physically?

I'm trying to build my stretching and lifting routine around the focus of enabling whatever movements our bodies are naturally meant to be doing. I'm more concerned with a balanced, fit body rather than just gaining muscle exclusively.

If you have any links on the topic, that would be very helpful also.

Other urls found in this thread:


a lot of walking
more standing than sitting

Drinking water, being outside, walking/plenty of cardio.

Ok, I get that that's literally what we've been doing, but our bodies are very capable. Birds have wings to let them fly, fish have fins and tails. What movements are our muscles ideal for? Swinging? Throwing spears? Dashing?

Literally that, humans are bipedal with thumbs and have insane cardio, it let us eat/drink and run at the same time.

Humans are best(ideal) at being cardio monsters.

Frequent fasting. We are a feast and famine animal.

I've heard of African men running literally days to tire out wild game.

Long distance running, or more specifically, persistence hunting. Almost all of humans adaptions, bidepalism, hairlessness, sweating, etc, are ideal for long distance cardio.

Long distance running. Humans can outrun almost anything for distance.

Yes, but what happens when humans would catch the prey before we invented shit like spears?
Would a gang of humans beat an elk to death with their bare hands?
Or would they try to push it off a cliff or some shit?

The prey collapses from exhaustion, not from loss of blood or other type of damage. At that point a pointy stick would do it or maybe even just a rock.

chimps and other apes use sticks and rocks when they fight and throw their prey off altitudes to kill it

i believe that a group of humans armed with ten pound stones can do substantial damage to a tired bull

Humans, ran in packs, and would cycle run with a few people taking a fast pace and a few taking a rest pace.

Generally ran the animal until it was so tired it couldn't stand, the animal either died of exhaustion, or was bludgeoned to death.



what i find more fascinating is to think about how primitive societies would raid one another. grab a couple of rocks and throw them at the other group or actually engage in hand to hand combat? the latter is, in my opinion, too risky to consider as a part of your group could get hurt. the first szenario does not include such risks

>Research in 2007 showed that common chimpanzees sharpen sticks to use as weapons when hunting mammals. This is considered the first evidence of systematic use of weapons in a species other than humans. Researchers documented 22 occasions when wild chimpanzees on a savanna in Senegal fashioned sticks into "spears" to hunt lesser bushbabies (Galago senegalensis).[28] In each case, a chimpanzee modified a branch by breaking off one or two ends and, frequently using its teeth, sharpened the stick. The tools, on average, were about 60 cm (24 in) long and 1.1 cm (0.4 in) in circumference. The chimpanzee then jabbed the spear into hollows in tree trunks where bushbabies sleep.[29] There was a single case in which a chimpanzee successfully extracted a bushbaby with the tool. It has been suggested that the word "spear" is an overstatement that makes the chimpanzees seem too much like early humans, and that the term "bludgeon" is more accurate, since the point of the tool may not be particularly sharp.[30] This behaviour was seen more frequently in females, particularly adolescent females, and young chimps in general, than in adult males.[31]

My assumption was that humans would just trail herds/packs/whatever over large distances, mostly walking, and set small camps to keep going.

You're supposed to be fucking as much as possible. That's the human purpose


Though I like to imagine us as soccer players. Lots of walking and sprints.

Humans are pretty bad at fucking. We have late maturation, gestation is incredibly slow, it takes a lot of resources to raise a child and women will have spontaneous abortions and amenhorrea if the conditions are wrong to have children.

Humans are more about fucking strategically and longevity.

Oh, right, and our pelvises are terrible so a female H. sapiens can take ~13+ years to have a child only to die and kill them both.

They would run it to death over the course of a day. The beat it to death with a rock or stick.

humans are the fucking best.

how/why did we become so intelligent?

Humans as we are now have always had crude weapon. We were using rocks, bones and sticks as weapons when we were homoerectus. So basically a walking ape

Functional training is kind of a meme desu. But the most ''functional'' exercises I can think of that will have a good carryover to pretty much any ''natural'' activity are things like squats, front squats, deadlifts, bench, OHP, hip thrusts, the olympic lifts, atlas stones, yoke, pretty much any calisthenics movement, rows and maybe some grip work.

Cardio is also important, both HIIT and LISS are useful. Stay a lot on your feet, take plenty of walks.

I can't think of any links though I'd just advise to stay the fuck away from pretty much everyone that calls their training ''functional'', case in point: Naudi Aguilar and his Functional Patterns youtube.com/watch?v=-MIweO9f23A&t

throwing and long distance jogging
to a lesser extent, sprinting and clubbing

Magic mushrooms

most animals run using 4 legs, and when they run they can only take in breaths while their body is fully extended, humans' breathing and running are mutually exclusive-- when a 4 legged animal runs out of breath it has to walk, we can start breathing faster/harder (to an extent)

the vast majority of our intelligence was used for social interactions, so in hunting parties being able to communicate effectively and read facial expressions were extremely important to stay alive and take down prey.

>I don't understand evolution: the thread


Push, pull, squat, bend, twist, lunge, gate

Great video

>mutually exclusive
That means that both cannot be true at the same time, which is not what you're trying to say.

They could be hunting and gathering in that time .


Run, heave large stones at big animals.
So, run, do kettlebell routines and act like a gorilla.

We're made for long distance steady cardio. We're the only primates capable of overhead throwing.
We also have very muscular hands for precision tasks.

If you want that "naturalistic" workout, you should focus on locomotion cardio (running, climbing, swimming, maybe parkour stuff) and things that require a lot of hand dexterity and grip strength.

Before the evolutionary point when you could identify our ancestors as humans, they were already using tools. Maybe not a fucking spear, but a purposefully pointy rock is a tool.

Beat it to death with a heavy stick

Our species are distance hunters. We out run our pray and lift to be able to carry it. long distance cardio and fireman carries are what we are made for.

Please don't.
This was a good thread.


also make sure you're squatting instead of sitting

especially when you poop

Parkour, as it was originally intended, is pretty neat. Moving forward, no matter the obstacles.

Can somebody explain this functional patterns shit, or at least where this guy is coming from?

I mean it looks an interesting "Workout" but not good training, if that makes sense? I read in one of rippletits posts about crossfit that its a good workout as it gets you fit but its not good for training as its not deliberate enough to measure consistently. Is this the same?


make the squat your main resting position and your knees will thank you as you get older

there's no such thing
the most important extraordinary evolutionary traits we have are opposite thumbs, walking around on two legs with a straight posture and being able to look in other directions at the same time, precise movements
other than that, you only need some cardio and a little bit of strength

everything else is a broscience

>we become so intelligent?

>your knees will thank you as you get older

That guy in the picture is probably like 22 or so.

source. why do catchers have shit knees, then

The concept you seek is in iself is idiotic. Since the body is natural every movement it makes that does not inherently damage itself is natural. Even if damage is done to it, it might be natural since it was the outcome of said movement.

actually a major one you missed is the ability to throw things far, accurately, and with speed.
This is a trait not present in other species.

He must by 5'11 in that picture- ball and all

>how/why did we become so intelligent?
eating meat.

>herniates disc

the lessening anterior tilt coming from our current sedentary lifestyles are making it worse too


ido portal

why is it so hard to me to keep balance in this position?

It's not. You have to let your butt hang and kind of rest your armpits on your knees to use the arms to balance yourself. I have weird slavic body proportions though so it might be natural to me

I do that. I think I'm not flexible enough so I start to fall backwards.

>what kind of movements are we meant to do
Anything within our range of motion
>I want a balanced fit body rather than just gaining muscle exclusively
The fuck is that supposed to mean? Go workout and then do yoga or some shit for balance it's not that difficult

He's the snake oil salesman of fitness

These workouts have no substance to them and do nothing for you other than strain your body in unnecessary ways that could potentially cause you harm, and he plays it off as these workouts being >>>>>>>>>>>functional, meaning that this is how the body is ACTUALLY supposed to move. He shouts down anybody who questions his methods and has made a sort of cult following out of the people that believe him

TL;DR he's a hack and these are bullshit made up workouts

>are mutually exclusive
You don't know what that means do you

someone already fucking corrected him you supreme autist

Humans are the best long distance runners of ALL animals. We can literally outrun anything in the long run

work on your ankle dorsiflexion

>A recent study of the Western chimpanzee has revealed that local chimps hunt the Senegal bushbaby using fashioned spears.[3] During the study it was observed that the chimps searched for hollows where a bushbaby might reasonably be expected to sleep. Once such a roost was found, the chimps broke a branch from a nearby tree and sharpened the end using their teeth. They would then rapidly and repeatedly stab into the roost. After a period of stabbing, they removed the wooden spear and tasted or smelled the tip, presumably seeking blood. Once success was confirmed in such a manner they reached into or smashed the roost, retrieved the body of the bushbaby and ate it. Though this method has been observed to be successful once in twenty-two attempts, it is more energy efficient than the traditional method of chasing the small mammals and cracking their skulls on a nearby rock.[4]

Literally the niggers of the animal kingdom

piss off, cunt

I read a theory that says that our chimp ancestors figured out how to get the brains out of corpses, which other animals couldn't do and kick started the human race.

Get really fucking good at calisthenics and do some deadlifts and overhead presses.

Walk a ton and don't use chairs.