Can I replace back squats with front squats in starting strength and get away with it?

Can I replace back squats with front squats in starting strength and get away with it?

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No, Rippetoe will know. Seriously tho, why do you want to drop them?

No. That's how Richard died.

According to Clarence, who is totally hot right now, no because they have different physiological loads

They hurt my lower back when going heavy.

I'm trying to understand why you would even want to. Beyond that, they work different things.

Maybe you should figure out what's your problem instead of trying a different lift.

Box squat instead

You need to work on keeping your core tight

Yes, but you have to increase deadlift volume.
Try 3x5.

Where does it hurt? Could be a glute/hammies problem and working on trigger points would help a lot (use a tennis ball). In any case, try to understand what's rhe root of the problem (go to a physio) or else it may get worse and affect other parts of your life/lifting

Don't really know. I think my form is fine cause my friend is a powerlifter who checked it (no lower back rounding, kipping forward, buttwink etc.)
I don't feel any pain while back squatting tho,
the pain comes next morning while trying to put socks on.
I'm poor so physio ain't an option.

Is it on one side of your lower back?

Both. But maybe bit more on the right side I think.

I have something similar from time to time, this is what I do and it works 100%: foam roll your glutes and hammies (glutes in particular), like really spend some quality time on them and also use a tennis ball for deeper penetration. Stretch your glutes everyday for a while (you can decrease the frequency once the pain is gone) and strengthen your lower back. In a couple of weeks you should be okay

I think its the SI joint, since you say it hurts when you try to put on your socks

You probally have some inbalances

stretch your lower back

google "stretch lower back"

Anyone did a transition from goblet squat to back squat?
I have a knee injury and I can't back squat without fucking up my form and causing myself knee pain.
Any tips?

start doing this and rejoice at your pain free squats

Considering that Starting Strength specifically states lowbar backsquats.

You can create your own routine with frontsquats if you want to. But it will be a mess and linear progression will not happen.
Chances are it wouldn't have happened anyway though because people on Veeky Forums who say that they do "Starting Strength" don't actually do the program but follow some weird abstraction of it that they put together themselves from all the info in the sticky and lurking.

And they never work.
Do the program as it's intended to be done if you actually want it to work.

Start with bodyweight squats and see how it goes

If I go below parallel my lower back rounds up (probably has to do with my hip mobility or something like that), you might have the same problem. Ask someone to look at your squat or look at yourself in a full body mirror.

>Can I replace back squats with front squats in starting strength and get away with it?

No, all of the movements in Starting Strength are designed to be highly trainable. They do this by using the most muscle mass possible.

Low bar back squats use more muscle mass than front squats.

Consider pull-ups vs chin-ups. Pull-ups are the sexier exercise, but chin-ups are more trainable in the long run due to the increased muscle mass.

what about replacing squats with hex bar deadlifts? I'm gonna do it and rippetoe can't fucking stop me.

>hex bar deadlifts

literally quarter squats

listen to this guy

posterior chain needs to be worked more through either increase in volume during your deadlift sessions or through an auxilliary exercise (hip thrusts, f.e.)

>hurt yourself doing a simple exercise
>hey, maybe i should replace it with this more complicated exercise!

You have literally no business doing front squats until you can back squat without hurting yourself

Front Squats + RDLs>>>>>> Back Squats

Back sqauts are a M E M E, and is worse for your joints and back in the long run.

enjoy your strained back and knees while I coast into leg gains as well as upper body (trap, forearm,etc) gains doing the patrician's choice of lift

>Can I replace a lift so important and fundamental to a program that it is the literal front cover of the book?

>Do the program as it's intended to be done
on starting strength book there's no detailed explanation of how to run the program. the programming part is so short and undetailed.

what about this?

or this

>lifting is *THIS* complicated when you're a beginner

try to fix your back squat, be patient and work hard at it

I'm going to break 4 plates ATG soon, it's gets much simpler once you master the basics

>4pl8 ATG

why do you hate your knees so much?

does the progress get easier and more linear after hitting 2pl8?

i don't understand the squat

Can I just ATG and not worry about my shins extending past toes? I am flexible

Stfu stop sucking rippetits dick like if his book was the fucking bible

OP yes you can, there's little to no difference. Stop listening to the SS shills on Veeky Forums

not too bad actually, I spend like 20 minutes stretching and warming up before I lift

always get some funny looks, but who the fuck cares

depends how much work you put into it, things slowed down for me after 3pl8 personally but everyone is different

>But it will be a mess and linear progression will not happen.

Fucking dyel stop memeing, noobies grow with whatever shit you throw at them


Short answer: yes
Long answer: yes, but it's wise to increase deadlift volume or add another posterior chain exercise like hip thrusts or RDLs

Could try working your transversus.

Can I replace barbell Pendlay Rows/Bent over rows with DUMBBELL Bent over rows?

>Most barbell exercises can be substituted with their dumbbell equivalent, or vice versa, and achieve the same training effect.
Found my answer