What bugs me about Veeky Forums and other websites and their attitude to weight loss

Most of you have a 19th century conception of the human mind. You beileve in free will, you might know there is a subconscious, but you don't give it any credit. People are "in control" of what they put in their mouths and are "responsible" for their weight gain. This is ridiculous for a number of reasons.

First of all, addicts don't have free will. If they did, they wouldn't be addicts.


Classical "free will" isn't even a thing. You're a biological machine.


Does this mean that people are condemned to be drug addicts, smokers, and obese if any of these things happen to them? No, of course not, but don't expect people to change of "their own free will." Their environmet must be changed by force.


Have changed my own eating and exercise on my own. Suck my hairy chode.

I'm addicted to these dubs

Or maybe they should change their environment. It's not like you're stuck with your fat family that's dragging you down.

Would have been trips senpai

please learn to formulate your thoughts cohesively, and likewise structure your arguments coherently.

if i need to re-read what you typed 2-3 times to even understand your point/perspective then you've fucked up monumentally.

go do it again.

I actually am right now. Was strongfat (BMI like 29) before moving in. Now my BMI is like 41. Don't move back in with your tard boomer parents.

>if i need to re-read what you typed 2-3 times to even understand your point/perspective then you've fucked up monumentally.

You just have a low reading level because reddit comments are the most sophisticated thing you read.

I quit smoking and drinking without any change in environment. Same house, same room, same routine, just used willpower to quit.

You millenial libcucks just love shoving the blame off onto someone other than yourself. Pathetic.

Former fatty, addiction isnt lack of free Will, its lack of discipline
Stop creating excuses for addicts where they can say 'I have no free Will I cant do anything' and get away with it

The only way they can change in a society where their addiction is offered as goods or services is through their own will

They might not always achieve it but out of their own will has more chance of success then against their Will

So take your psuedo intellectual bullshit elsewhere where they might be stupid enough to buy it

It would also have been dubs.

uhh yeah nah I spent the last 6 years of my life reading research which is the most convoluted and masturbatory medium of all.

so if I cant pick up what some autistic loser on 4 chan is trying to convey in his meme post then that poster fucked up.

take this thread down, go down it again.

this is your last warning, kiddo

You are a determinist AND a fatalist? We would never get along.

troll spotted

get fucked

>millenial libcucks

What an intelligent comment.

>addiction isnt lack of free Will, its lack of discipline

Objectively incorrect, like any doctor will tell you. Try reading the links next time, faggot.

>psuedo intellectual

Code for, "I hate this because it's out of my depth."

>absolving people of all responsibility for their actions


> millenial libcucks

Its true though. This is the generation of pushing off our problems and blaming everyone else.
If you at a base level fail to accept that you are an addict and refuse to do the hard thing and quit, it is YOUR fault, not societys. Society didnt make you an addict, you did, by conforming to social pressure and the need for a quick fix. The only thing that makes quitting hard is giving up something your body and mind crave and think you need.

So your non argument is, surprisingly, a non argument. Who saw that coming.

Yeah, and the fact that millennials make 20% less than their parents despite being the most educated generation ever is their fault too, eh cuckservative?

What has money got to do with weight loss? Fucking hell mate stop before you give yourself a stroke.

How euphoric

Oh okay. I'll just stop lifting and eat whatever I want, whenever I want to.

Thanks man, have a good day.

Yeah, it's totally your parents fault! Fuck them, am I right! They shouldn't give you your tendies when you ask for them!

Fucking baby.

Its annoying when fitness personality's try to tell people they don't need to do cardio or diet. "Look at all this junk I eat and lose weight. I just walk 20 min to stay cut." Meanwhile most get out of breath just walking up a flight stairs. And most people would get fat eating the way "Fitness" you tubers eat.

Not that user, but when I was a CHILD my obesity was my parents fault. Ever since I've had control over what I put into my mouth I've been a healthy weight.

hmmmmm really makes those neurons fire

That in turn is due to a mass of socialist policies in the west which has basically oversaturated the degree market by making it far easier to get a degree that teaches you nothing, whilst far less people learn useful trades. Also, most educated is pretty roundabout; they may have recieved education, but I would wager our generation are some of the most close-minded and unintellectual of recent decades; just look at whats been happening in American universities over the last few years and its obvious. Theyre just immature adolescents who cannot handle being adults, listening to views they dont agree with and taking responsibility for themselves.

Also, by the way you replied, it appears the term libcuck insulted you, thus you must identify as pretty liberal. Dont be so butthurt, getting angry at people on the internet doesnt do you any good in life.

there is literally no such thing as willpower and dedication: the post.

Habits can be formed or broken. All that is required is self discipline or external discipline.

I agree with your point that as a child your much less in a position to decide what you eat.

The guy I responded to is no child though since he moved back in with his parents and is clearly of age. Your point stands moot.

If you blame anyone other than yourself for your weight you're automatically fucking retarded. I'd dismantle your stupid fat logic arguments but you're not worth my time nor the fat you're made of

I'm actually ok with the general population being fat, just makes me look better, but I'd rather more men than women be fat because I'm attracted to women.

This is a blue board

Schools het funding based inthethe numb er of graduated students. The only way for them to be profitable is by maling sure everyone can get a degree.

Hence, standards are lowered and stuff like 'gameification' OR gender studies exist.

I've only ever t hought one fatty was attractive.
I'm pretty sure she's not real though.

This desu
suck on on that faggot
>Im 14 and this is deep

I have been lifting every week for the past 6 years after choosing to give up drugs and alcohol. I fight the craving every fucking day. Every time I am walking to the gym I consider just walking to the liqour store instead, but every time ai manage to will myself to the gym. My greatest fear is succumbing to my biological imperative of self-medicating my mental illness with booze, it is also my greatest motivator. I don't buy this new age pop psychology horseshit and philosophical determinism. Everyone has a choice.

>denial the post

cutting a cat in half doesn't make it a kitten

A kitten is a cat. You got your "analogy" the wrong way around.

Cutting analogy in half would make anal

I actually understand what you are saying OP, "free will" is an illusion.
However it is still biologically useful to have people shame others for being lazy, fat etc as this may be the catalyst for that person to go down
a new path.

The things that created your character and made you so resilient, were in fact external and you had no control over them. You never decided what made "you", it happened to you from outside.