Jesus said a poor man has a much better chance of getting into heaven than a rich man...

Jesus said a poor man has a much better chance of getting into heaven than a rich man. Shouldn't Christians try to maximize poverty and suffering on Earth then, to ensure the maximum possible number of people get saved?

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I fucking hate you utilitarian brainlets

No. What Jesus meant was that the lifestyle which would foster virtues needed to ascend to Heaven (based upon a myriad of factors including "he who was given much, much will be asked of him and he who was given little, little will be asked of him) are more prevalent among the poor than the rich. A rich man who knows right conduct isn't damned just because he is rich (See Saint. Job) but most rich people during Jesus's time (and now in all fairness) didn't act with the right conduct/attitude on average which is needed to ascend into Heaven.

>tell poor people (which just so happens to be your main conversion demographic) that they are better than those rich folk.
Hmmmm I wonder why. Poor people are just as scummy

>a poor man has a much better chance of getting into heaven than a rich man
no, he literally said that if you are rich (value material possessions) you can't get to heaven
>I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
>Matthew 19:23-26
>"yeah my dudes, being rich and caring about this world is actually a sin"
>"no i didn't manufacture this belief out of spite for the rich and my inability to change my situation, don't be ridiculous"

>It is hard
>It can't be done
This is the same Jesus who says the way is Heaven is narrow, and few manage it, while the way to perdition is wide.

>compare x to y
>y is impossible
>say that y is more possible than x
>therefore x is also impossible
what's wrong with that line of reasoning?

He said that rich people were presented with materialistic temptations and usually fall into idolatry as in the case of the young rich man who refused to sell his things and become an apostle because he loved his things more than God.

And all types peoples(both rich and poor) were targeted for conversion

>tell rich people they (who just so happen to hold most of thr power) they won't get into heaven unless they do x, y and z to support the religion. Man, makes me think. Rich people are just as dumb.

I bet that's the only quote from the bible you know.

The Eye of The Needle was an actual place in Jerusalem, one of the gates around the city that was just large enough that a camel could pass through it, but not a camel loaded with cargo.

The correct meaning of the phrase in its context is
>"it is easier that a camel passes through the aforementioned gate than it is a rich person get to heaven, because a camel easily can be unloaded (and will probably happily allow for all the weight to be taken of its back) whilst rich men are too clingy to their material stuff, which they'll need to remove to go to kingdom come"
The message is similar, but still somewhat different, as it's not an absolute condemnation of richness or wealth of any material sort, but a commentary on why rich people may find it harder to find god, as they are too obsessed with their wealth, or at least were in his context.

Daily reminder sola scriptura is an absolute cancer, and should be changed to scriptura+knowledge of the culture the scriptyre was written for

yeah, otherwise the bible is filled with loving quotes and excerpts like
>23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. 25 And he went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.
>2 Kings 2:23-25
our LORD truly is benevolent :-DDDDDD

>Shouldn't Christians try to maximize poverty and suffering on Earth then
well they are

no, I know another one with similar contex.

All these I have kept,” said the young man. “What do I still lack?” Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me."

So, do you care to tell me what was point of your post?

your explanation is against what everyone is taught in sunday school of all sects of christianity

No shit, can you imagine trying to explain that to a child? Oh wait...

>implying they don't
It still exists

not only is it against christian tradition, it's also wrong
the original Greek texts in Matthew 19:24 and Μark 10:25 uses the word is "ῥαφίς", which derives from "ῥάπτω", which means to sew, while the text in Luke 18:25 uses the word "βελόνη", which is a literal medical needle
he did not mean about any sort of small gate, that is revisionism, he is talking about actual needles

>Shouldn't Christians try to maximize poverty and suffering on Earth then,
they aren't?

The bible is a mature book intended for a learned audience who is able to comprehend the complex themes within it. There's a reason theology is a college subject. The idea that the Bible is a book for kiddos is laughable but precisely the regrettable state of society we live in.

>The bible is a mature book intended for a learned audience who is able to comprehend the complex themes within it.
my sides

>my sides

>Literally a modern greek word
Where the fuck are you getting your original texts

>a bunch of hook-nosed desert rats, Galilean goatfuckers and Babylonian rug salesmen wrote a book too sophisticated for the modern white person to comprehend
Riveting tale rabbi

you are aware that modern greek utilizes ancient greek words, βελόνη being one of them, right?

>muh magisterium tells me what the bible says

The bible does not say that. The Jews thought that rich Jews were blessed by God; the richer, the more blessed.

Jesus said that it would be easier for [impossible thing to happen] than a rich man to enter into heaven.

His disciples immediately jumped to the conclusion that therefore nobody could be saved.

Not so, said Jesus. Impossible for man, but with God, all things are possible.

>The Eye of The Needle was an actual place in Jerusalem

No, not it is not.

>a bunch of hook-nosed desert rats, Galilean goatfuckers and Babylonian rug salesmen wrote a book too sophisticated for the modern white person to comprehend

Great post. The idea before Jesus was that greater wealth meant greater blessing by God.


>Shouldn't Christians try to maximize poverty and suffering on Earth then, to ensure the maximum possible number of people get saved?
Christopher Hitchens apparently believed that's exactly what Mother Teresa did.
>Christopher Hitchens described Mother Teresa's organisation as a cult that promoted suffering and did not help those in need. He said that Mother Teresa's own words on poverty proved that her intention was not to help people, quoting her words at a 1981 press conference in which she was asked: "Do you teach the poor to endure their lot?" She replied: "I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people."

>jesus: "the rich can't be saved"
>jesus, 3 seconds later: "everyone can be saved"
just admit the bible is a badly written self contradictory fuckfest that makes no sense

Christianity was a pan-Mediterranean religion which was opposed to organized jewry for 99% of it’s history. Your stupid meme doesn’t change Christian theology or Christian history.

>Christopher Hitchens apparently believed that's exactly what Mother Teresa did.

He's correct. However, Mother Teresa is a Catholic, not a Christian.

And Paul said "heaven forbid" to the notion that we should sin more, that grace would exceed even more.

Impossible for man.

Possible for God.

>opposed to organized jewry
>is a literal organised jewish heresy
pick one

Two or three verses earlier, a rich guy asks how he can save himself. Jesus tells him to sell his belongings and give the proceeds to the poor. Then goes on and gives his explanation.

why would he say the rich can't be saved in the first place then? he clearly wasn't referencing to man saving himself, he was talking about them going to heaven.

Nice euphemism for (((Saul))) going outside of Judea to brainwash some Greeks with kike shit and teaching them to worship a dead Jew.

This is some final fantasy villain shit

> bald men have been made fun of for over 2000 years

Fuck this cursed earth

That isn't what he said at all

>why would he say the rich can't be saved in the first place then?
He's making it clear how fucked you are but then pointing out that even that degree of fucked is not beyond the limitless redemptive power of God. It's not complicated.
>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
>When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, "Who then can be saved?"
>Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Go back to making tranny threads you reddit faggot.

it's ok user, god still loves you enough to send bears to maul anyone that makes fun of your shiny head

>He's making it clear how fucked you are
he's not just saying it's hard to go to heaven if you're rich, he literally says it's impossible, and 3 seconds later contradicts this
what was the point of even asking that man 2 verses earlier to give up on his material possessions if he can go to heaven anyway?

I'm more interested in whether it would be better to avoid hard work and moral decency so we're saved first.
Matthew 20:12-20:16
>These who were hired last worked only one hour,' they said, 'and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.'
>"But he answered one of them, 'I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius?
>Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you.
>Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?'
>"So the last will be first, and the first will be last."

>he literally says it's impossible
For man.
>what was the point of even asking that man 2 verses earlier to give up on his material possessions if he can go to heaven anyway?
Because the man should give up on his material possessions, but Jesus also knows he won't, so he's making a lesson out of him by showing how terminally flawed man is but how through God even our worst failings are not beyond redemption.

It's basically the same idea as original sin.
Everyone's shit and undeserving of redemption, but God is so great that he'll extend redemption even to you in spite of how lowly and reprehensible you are.

How would it maximize poverty on earth? Christian communes were just that, the rich would share their wealth with the poor. It's not communism, it's charity. Spending your wealth on doing good, not material things or hoarding it for its own sake. Considering the current disparity between the richest and poorest on this planet, larger than it has ever been in human history, the top 1 percent could eliminate global poverty overnight. The fact that they refuse to is a pretty good reason why they should burn.

>For man.
How did that come up in the first place? He never mentioned man when saying the statement about the camel and the needle, he only said it's impossible for man to save himself when his students asked him how can anyone be saved
>Because the man should give up on his material possessions, but Jesus also knows he won't, so he's making a lesson out of him by showing how terminally flawed man is but how through God even our worst failings are not beyond redemption.
>Everyone's shit and undeserving of redemption, but God is so great that he'll extend redemption even to you in spite of how lowly and reprehensible you are.
why condemn him in the first place about something out of his control (which god himself imposed upon him) if he's gonna forgive him anyway then?
and it's not like he just forgave him regardless in that occasion either, when the man refused to give up his possessions and left jesus was visibly upset and spontaneously started to talk about how the rich can't get into heaven

>How did that come up in the first place?
Because he explicitly said it, not sure what your problem is here.
>He never mentioned man when saying the statement about the camel and the needle, he only said it's impossible for man to save himself when his students asked him how can anyone be saved
So you want him to have said what, something like:
>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God through his own efforts but also FYI nothing's impossible for God."
I think that would be a much shittier version. The way it's written is effective exactly because it doesn't throw all of that at you in the same line. The lack of that next line's information in the first line makes it so that you actually feel the impact of "oh fuck, I can't go to heaven because I'm rich." You're supposed to feel like it's hopeless first and then you get the resolution that as hopeless as things may be, through God all things are possible including your redemption. It's like the tension and release in music, it's being done on purpose, not because it's some accidental contradiction.
I'm an atheist by the way so I'm not even invested in this in some religious way, it's just annoying how you're not understanding how that passage works. Believe me, the problem here is you, not the Bible.

>not sure what your problem is here
the context when he says rich people can't be saved is different than when he says man can't save himself
when the rich person refused to abandon his possessions, christ said rich people can't go to heaven
following that, the people who were listening asked him who can then be saved, to which he replies that god can redeem everyone
these two statements are simply contradictory
why compare a rich man's salvation with something impossible, when at the next line you claim it to be possible?

>when the rich person refused to abandon his possessions, christ said rich people can't go to heaven
The guy says to Jesus "I've done all these good things, what else do I need to do to be perfect?"
Jesus says "give up all your possessions and follow me."
The guy gets sad because he has a lot of possessions and probably isn't going to just throw them all away like that.
Jesus references this guy's predictable hesitance to say "See, I've said this before and I'll tell you again: It's so difficult for a rich man to make it to heaven that you might as well try squeezing a camel through a tiny little needle hole, not very likely to succeed, right?"
And then the disciples take Jesus's bait and get all shocked and say "That's no good, we're all fucked aren't we?"
To which Jesus gives them the punchline "You *would* be fucked, sure. Except that's just if you alone were to try. And you're not alone. You have God, and nothing's impossible for God, not even putting a camel through a needle hole."
He builds up the apparent hopelessness of the situation and then subverts it with the even more powerful capacity for salvation that exists in God.
Being rich and clinging to your possessions is just one example of a way where man alone would fall short of salvation. It's an example he happens to use in this passage to go into the topic of how necessary it is that you get your salvation through God.

>Jesus said a poor man has a much better chance of getting into heaven than a rich man.

That's because Jews usurped the rightful King(s) by inventing a false "god" that let them rape, murder and plunder to their heart's content.

The fools challenged Pharaoh, multiple Kings of Israel, Caesar, and the King of the Babylonian Empire in the name of God.

"A god created humans." - Jews

"Mass-murder humans for God and bring me their money and livestock." - Jews

How do you have the energy to keep on creating and spamming this many mentally ill youtube videos?

>How do you have the energy to keep on creating and spamming this many mentally ill youtube videos?

Just showing you the extent of the power of God's spirit over this species and extended evidence that I am God in flesh. Monotheists take advantage of natural law that permits lying, murder, and fraud to hide God's existence from the world.

>Jesus said...
No, wrote...
No, Jews...

Maybe we should have defined some terms, huh fellas? Jesus Christ.

>Mother Teresa is a Catholic, not a Christian.
Go to bed, Luther. You've been dead for centuries.

Yea, was Writing to Jews.
Only Jews, no Christians.

>Jesus Christ
No, Johnny Depp

>poor are the primary demographic of Christianity
>kings and nobles imposed Christianity

This board is a fucking piece of shit


>get saved?
from what?

$7 million

Basically the same quote.

i lol'd