Is he, dare I say it, the most important philosopher of our time?

Is he, dare I say it, the most important philosopher of our time?

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can we please not do this again


Probably. Sure, maybe some other vague philosopher could beat him in a debate, but Peterson is by far the most influential philosopher currently active in society .

he's not just a phiosopher. he's a prophet, no joke, and I mean that in the most serious sense possible. Dr. Peterson really started something. An affirmation of truth, a jihad for reason. He is a gadfly on the horse of post-modernism. A knight of order standing alone against the legions of madness. What is MEANS in the bigger picture, only the myths will tell.

>>is he
>>>dare is say it
>>>>the most important "philosopher"
>>>>>""""""""""philosopher"""""""""""" of our time

>*gets bent the fuck over by two collectivists*
Hell yeah lets individually come together

So which of the classic problems in ethics, philosophy, and formal logic has he solved?

>>dude clean your room
>the Veeky Forums user says unironically, typed onto Veeky Forums, on his shit computer, rather then cleaning HIS room and during something worthwhile in HIS life
Veeky Forums Peterson fans are the biggest retarded hypocrites of all time.

Who has he debated besides sam harris and some speaking things he did a few years ago?

>being important in the 21st century
Into the dustbin of history you go, privileged shitlords.

prefer zizek

more like zyz-kek


Personal responsibility for the cleaning of ones room

Close, but no cigar.

My room is already clean and I already did 3 meaningful things today.

>the radical left saying racism is bad on twitter is the real problem with society

post a pic of your room then, faggot


I can't I'm at the office doing some more meaningful things. Bitch you can't even imagine how much meaning there is around me right now, too much for me to handle I have to share it.

I would, but then I would have to enter it, and would have to clean up after my presence.
It's much easier to sleep on the couch.

Jordan the Just! How dare thee disturb my exquisit control over the soul of mankind? You cannot win! My nihilistic postmodern rhetoric is too powerful! Cease criticizing thine beautiful dark designs!, and leave my transgender communist minions alone to their bidding!

Yes but that is more a commentary on the absolute intellectual destitution of our time than his quality as a thinker.

Stand down brainlets, you know not what you say.

>russians are weakening society so they can initiate a ground invasion of the US

They're like the same philosophy really.

You have to be 18 to post on Veeky Forums.

No, you're thinking of Curt Doolittle

Can you please take this down. It could be used against dr peterson.

>A memechologist.
>Being a philosopher or actually knowledgeable in general.
TOP KEK, this guy is just another self-help buffoon.

No I'm being serious because yesterday I saw about 20 plus people shilling his vids and I want to know what the hot shit is.

Unless he has solved some fundamental paradox of causality, logic, ethics, cosmology, or really anything lately outside of his discipline, I'm free to ignore the Christian talking about misunderstood rehashes of Jung, et al., in favor of actual historical mystics who Peterson always claims have ancient wisdom but can never actually identify or expound upon.

no, that's Julius Evola


>said the Furry


he is?

he's just a money grabbing bitch

He is merely LARPing


I thought it was meme ball

>solving philosophical problems
This doesn't happen.

Peterson is basically Neo-Confucianism for a Western audience, using Jungian justifications. I wouldn't call it groundbreaking, but I think it's good stuff and it's clearly resonating with people.

you can't be this retarded, user.

Name an active philosopher currently more influential than Jordan Peterson.

Daniel Dennett

That's not REI KOZ

He has not bee publically relevant for a decade. After the New Atheist movement died, he died with it.

Literally who? The other 3 "four horsemen of atheism" are way more influential than he is.

He is not a philosopher, he is a psychologist, and it fucking shows because all he does is psychologizing everything. He isn't even an "intellectual" as an intellectual sees larger than his academical field.

>This doesn't happen.
Do you keep current with philosophy journals?
Because things get done in the discipline.
Just because midwits refuse to pay attention then paint philosophy as a dead discipline doesn't mean people aren't doing real work.

If Dr. Jordan Peterson's such hot shit, why is his research into alcoholism such garbage?

Between the outdated methodology and the criminally low sample sizes, I'm shocked the man gets published. 30 patients on a weekly self-report survey? Gimme a fuckin' break.

He's not really a scientist. he's a philosopher and Jungian analyzer of religion/myth. I don't really care about his science.

I found out about the dude recently on youtube and I’ve watched a few lectures. Tbh seems like an intelligent and well thought out guy, and some of his stuff does look basic but i thought he might just be pointing the things in society we completely ignore or some aspects that are so ingrained they dont phase us.

Are you seriously going to use the fact you know absolutely nothing about philosophy as an argument? Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck is wrong with Americans showing such pride over being stupid.

Nope, that title belongs to this HUUwhite man.

>He's not really a scientist. he's a philosopher and Jungian analyzer of religion/myth. I don't really care about his science.
Um, his claim to academic credibility is being an accredited PhD level psychologist.

>He's not really a scientist.
Did you even bother reading what you replied to?

He is merely fulfilling his calling in life, what are you lot doing with yours?


I didn't say it's a dead discipline, but the idea that we solve problems is not really true. People still debate so much of what Greek philosophers debated. Sure, maybe there are some things, but these things solved in ancient and approaching modern philosophy are solved by the scientific realm.


Why do leftists meme this retard like he's alt right and nazi and whatever?

Because his counter-modern views align with the Alt-Right's counter-modern nature.

How is he counter-modern? He just opposed postmodern philosophy and says trannies are not women and that's pretty much everything he has in common with alt right.

>counter modern
>literally a liberal

Only idiots do that. Here is a real criticism of his ideas that doesn’t devolve into intentional misunderstanding and straw manning.

nice patreon Jordan. but let the real masters in

>He just opposed postmodern philosophy
So that's why he argues about things using postmodern terms, methods, and about "not getting boxed in" to "false binaries" when it comes to topics like religion but dictating the binary when it comes to other social matters.

Not to mention dude's critique of socialism sounds almost verbatim like Nietzsche's critique of Christianity, which is more or less the prototypical model of for future long winded postmodern rhetorical diatribes.

Not to mention his direct conflation of postmodern and Marxist academic schools of critique, which while occasionally overlapping, any good postmodern worth reading is going to render Marxian critique as a reification of MARXIAN power structures just like they critique capatalist power structures and then wander off into some hyperautismal analysis on like performativity or semiotics or whatever the flavor-lens of the week is.

Frankly, to philosophers, Peterson sounds fucking incoherent.

Anyone who donates to youtube or podcast retards on these crowdfunding platforms unironically deserves to be shot.

I tuned out when he unironcially spouted the "but capitalist countries killed 8 bajilliion people to!" meme

>advocates psychiatric drugs
>psychology is a psuedo science
>won't criticize jews, but always brings up the six gojillian
>rambles nonsense
>has a voice of someone who was castrated

He's not even a philosopher to begin with.

peterson has both a youtube and a podcast LMAO

I oppose him mostly on racial basis as he's mostly Anglo so a genetic sub-human.

Exactly. I like Varg because he specifically tells people NOT to donate to him, because I'm sure his idiotic fanbase would throw their life savings at him if they could. Same with all the other e-celebs, you're literally funding someone for making videos that cost nothing to make.

>peterson sucks because he doesnt believe in the same retarded consrpiacy theories I do

Said some Germanic Hun rape baby


But that’s not even close to what is actually said in the video. This is why Peterson fans are dogshit. They found a guy who justifies their own bias and have no real interest in considering ideas over feelings.

That isn’t a criticism of Peterson though, just the morons who like him.

>But that’s not even close to what is actually said in the video.
yes it is. He brings up how Peterson is critical of marxism based on the fact that it has lead to millions of deaths, so he says "well Locke led to the french revolution and other capitalist countries and they killed JUST AS MANY people as communism!" which is complete and utter horseshit.

Youre very obviously some rabbid peterson hater who hates him simply for dissecting the modern western left, and your inability to articulate any real defense causes you to become obsessive and annoying.

Nietzsche's critique of Christianity, is made through a Pagan frame which instead of judging Christianity on what it says it is, judges Christianity on what its become in reality and history.

Christian apologists are the equivalent of white knights who worship a woman and hang on to every *word* a woman says but fail to see that her *actions* are the true manifestation of her being.

White Knight: Just because a woman fucks Chad, doesn't mean she doesn't want a nice guy.

Christian: Just because Christians continually reinterpret and go against the Bible, doesn't mean this behavior is representative of Christianity.

This is what youtube does to your brain. Dennett has an actual career in philosophy (unlike the other 3) and is quite influential in philosophy of mind, being probably the most well-known proponent of reductive physicalism.

>holodomor is a conspiracy theory


Pure Lithuanian actually.

>a board game with complex set of rules
>a video that takes 10 minutes to make and upload while you're sitting on the toilet

I never said holodomor was a conspiracy theory user. Also, stop exploiting the mass murder of millions of people for your own crocodile tear bullshit just so you can turn around and mock another mass murder you edgy little cunt.

I would love to see my boy chomsky beat up kermit

>no, you dont get it! purchasing vargs product is good, but purchasing Petersons product is bad!
>also, capitalism is bad! I know because Varg told me so!

grow up

There would be literally zero testosterone in that room.

I don't own MYFAROG. Also Peterson's "product" is literally just talking on a video.
>capitalism is bad
Not just bad but Jewish.

Im not saying they are amazing philosophers, but they seriously have some really good takes sometimes.

Alexander Dugin.

Chomsky hasn't won a public debate in his life, Chomsky hasn't bothered to consider contrary ideas in his life and play with them publicly. Chomsky asserts, much like what I am doing now and Chomsky should've stayed in his domain of competence or as Sowell would say, he falls into the trap of the vulgar pride of intellectuals that try to force their vision as the annointed class.

>Peterson's "product" is literally just talking on a video.
and Vargs is just words on paper. At least Peterson isnt a complete fucking hypocrite that makes videos railing against capitalism, only to end it by shilling his shit on

>Jews are behind communism
>Jews are also behind capitalism


>Using capitalism to end capitalism IS NOT ALLOWED GUYS, ITS NOT FAIR AND CONSISTENT

Shut the fuck up, all is fair in love and war.

what you pay to watch a paperview royal rumble of Chomsky vs Peterson vs Dugin vs Zizek vs Jared Taylor?

>capitalism means people buying stuff
You're American aren't you

Both are true statements.

>selling his shitty game is a plot to end capitalism and not just a way for him to get money for himself
lol youre fucking lost user. You really wanted a big brother in your life.