Hey Veeky Forums, How long would it take to develop a physique similar to this and what would I need to do? Full body...

Hey Veeky Forums, How long would it take to develop a physique similar to this and what would I need to do? Full body, split? pic related ofc

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How long really depends on where your starting from someone who is already in decent shape can do that in 2 years if it's someone super skelly closer to 3 years if you're a hambeast God only knows depends how much fat you have to lose

I'm thin as fuck, just started lifting weights two months ago at a local gym. I am 5'11 and 158 pounds. Sorry if you don't understand the imperial system, as I am American.


I'd say it only takes about a year if you don't dick around and you're not fat

A year to around two years with good stable nutrition. Lots of full body workouts and a little bit of cardio here and there and you'll be golden.

Thats newbie gains, the answer is less than a year

I weigh about 158 pounds right now. How much would people with the amount of muscle mass as in the statues weigh? 180 pounds?

Works of art like this typically have 'heroic' proportions meaning the head is 1/9 the size of the body, opposed to 1/8 (idealized) or 1/7 (manlet). In addition his ribcage has about 1.5 the volume of a normal man, so chances are unlikely that you can attain this physique unless you are genetically gifted

Thanks for the truth bomb. Is the level of mass attainable though, like on the arms and shoulders?

It might take a while but you should get there.
I went from 135 5'11" skelly to 180 lbs in 7 months but look nowhere like this, I guess you will need around 200 lbs to get such arms which could take 1.5 - 2 years

This is achievable naturally correct? And what kind of program should I use? Right now I am on SL 5x5 but I don't know if that's best for me... Full body photo. Thoughts on the legs?

You wish. I guarantee you don't hold that kind of muscle mass even after 5 years.

You just think you are impressive because you look 'bulky and strong' at >20% bf

>200lbs shredded to the bone
>1.5 - 2 years

sure bro...

So what are your thoughts on this? Impossible? See my above comment on my program. I am on SL

Yes 200lbs ripped is impossible natty unless you are like 6'6

Thank you as I said I am new to this. Do you really think the statue man (if he were real person) would weigh 200 pounds? He doesn't look extremely huge. Then again, I have only lifted for two months.


It doesn't matter how long it will take.
IF you want it, you will attain it.

your goal is to look good but you choose a program that has you squat every workout?

What kind of routine would that kind of physique take?

That's a ancient statue, and i'm sorry to break it to you, but those guys back in the day was NOT natty.

Like two years natty maybe if you work hard and eat right. One and a half if you do it extremely well

1 year for average men. If you're in your prime age, have access to good food, sleep enough, etc. you can do it in less with great programming and nutrition.

1 year for average men. If you're in your prime age, have access to good food, sleep enough, etc. you can do it in less with great programming and nutrition.

Best way to get this physique: run around and kill people with your bare hands and sometimes slit them open with your sword to drink their blood and eat the heart.

>That's a ancient statue, and i'm sorry to break it to you, but those guys back in the day was NOT natty.
No it's not an ancient statue, it's a bunch of statues from the nazi-era that OP is trying to emulate in order to satisfy his autism to become an ubermensch.


Not a nazi and saw them in related images when looking at David.

Then yes, the physique is attainable, you're pretty much just training to be a physique competitor.
Things to consider
>your body type and starting physique
>how much work you're willing to put in
>height (srs, you're looking at those figures as a whole, and not JUST on the physique).

it's Arno Breker's work. He was the official sculptor for the Nazi party. I'm no Nazi but I'm a huge fan of his art

also very interested in achieving this aesthetic. I've seen a couple light weight powerlifters who look like this

Arno was a shit tier sculptor.
But his idea of male aesthetics was right on point.
Look at this, put some "high couture" name on it and THATS IT.

I kinda look like that statue. Have the same hair style and I have blond hair and blue eyes. He looks taller though