Whats the best body I can hope for as a vegan in terms of mass?

Whats the best body I can hope for as a vegan in terms of mass?

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building mass is just eating more calories than what your body needs for the day. it has nothing to do with what you eat.

Natty limit, obviously

Same as any diet. You just have to put in the calories.

This guy. He is my fiancee 's cousin, he is a model in India

>marrying poo in loo

>poo in loo


low body weight thats for sure

Photoshop gains

this manlet cunt is vegan tho

>tfw nobody posts me main meme man, Vegayins, feels bad, mayne

Doesn't matter if you're vegan, carnivore, omnivore, or eat cocks all day.

If you are juicing you'll pool great.

veganniggaroo for (you)

a BIGvegansandniggarooguy, for (you)

yeah but what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't really matter where you get your nutrients from, as long as you get them. Your'e a fucking beta fag for eating only plants and not hunting your food tho

Vegan+roids = Omnivore+roids
Vegan+natty = Omnivore+natty

No, he became vegan less than a year before the photo.

You do not get to build shit if you're a vegan, you can only maintain or cut.

Nignogs get pretty big eating only leafs and shit

why wouldn't you be able to get fucking big and/or strong if vegan tho?

So, where is he at now? How come he went vegan and suddenly he doesn't compete in shit anymore?

It's like you loose strength gains on a vegan diet and the mental faculties to admit that.

Wait so you can maintain but not build, I see

Have bad news for you: u r fucking retarded lmao


Do you know any vegan who GOT big and/or strong while being vegan, though?
Any single one?
It's always
>get big and strong
>go vegan
>proclaim that veganism is the way you got big and strong

If you want an actual, objective look on the topic, go look up Iron Radio Episode 53 with Robert Dos Remedios, on vegan and vegetarian strength training.

Eat like this two faggots:



take b12 and you'll be fine. If i were vegan i'd eat a bit more protein, just in case the aminoacids and shit

Maintaining is the holy grail for vegans, m8.

Seriously, show me a single person who got big and/or strong while being vegan.

Dude, Captain Planet and that nignog with dreads are vegetarian since birth, and vegan for the past 5+ years, and Jehina Malik was raised vegan...

You only need 4 weeks of inadequate nutrition to see a measurable loss of muscle mass or performance, if vegan diets were incomplete in some way all this fags would start to lose strength and size after only 30 days, and it's not happening.

The WHO and the american association of dietitians have been saying it for the past 10 years: PROPPERLY planned vegan diets can be as good as any other good diet.

Also there were virtually no vegans 30 years ago so there are obviously not much vegan-raised guys, and even less ones that become bodybuilders. That just does not mean nothing dude

eat whatever you want to, but don't be retarded

>and vegan for the past 5+ years
That's the point, m8.

Nobody's dissing vegetarianism, it's the way to go for almost every male and all females.

It's veganism that's a religion, not an actual diet.

Dude there's a fucking ton lmao I myself started like a skelly fuck from a triathlon background with Jason Blaha's 5x5 last September and I'm getting pretty close to 1/2/3/4 for reps

stopped eating any animal products 6 years ago, even tho I wouldn't consider myself vegan, I "eat like a vegan": no meat, fish, eggs, milk or anything