What are your "go to" meals you bring to work for lunch?

What are your "go to" meals you bring to work for lunch?


99.99% of Veeky Forums are students

A turkey sandwich with two string cheeses and a serving of almonds

200g of chicken breast with broccoli and a serving of black beans

I work 12 hour shifts so this is my lunch and dinner. Every weekend.

2 cups shredded cabbage
1 can of chicken breast
1 cup of shredded cheese
1/2 cup of bacon pieces

I work from 10am to 8pm
>protein shake in the car
2 chicken breasts with rice and seasoning for lunch
ground turkey browned mixed with salsa and spices. around 2:00
large greek yogurt around 5:00

>vegetables (usually broccoli because it's so fucking god tier)
>beans or cottage cheese for some extra protein

Get out of my fit

i work as a delivery driver
i just bring some weetbix with me

don't worry, I use this bread

What seasoning is good for chicken? I'm tired of garlic salt.

>using seasoning
Not gonna make it.

paprika, cumin, white pepper

>What are your "go to" meals you bring to work for lunch?
Rice, beans,ground beef and some veggie mix.

Simple and effective, sometimes I replace rice and beans for mashed potatoes or pasta.

a whole grain roll (70-100g) with 200g (weighed raw) of baked chicken breast
no tupperware, no autism, just efficiency

8oz chicken breast cooked in a little balsamic vinegar for flavor
2 cups sweet green peas
1 cup sweet potato if I'm clean bulking, otherwise I cut this out and just have the greens and chicken.

Try garlic and onion powder together. That works pretty well. You can use some balsamic vinegar too, but it adds a few calories (15/ tbsp) so be cautious.

I eat one meal a day, user.

Proteeen-rich brogurt of my boss everyday under his desk with the side of what little is left of my dignity

Can of sardines
300gram mixed raw vegetables
Half cup brown rice
Hot sauce

smoked paprika, garlic powder, pinch of brown sugar, oregano, and cumin.

BAM, delicious Louisiana-style chicken

Do you guys do anything to your beans or do you serve them directly after rinsing them?

you have to go back pablo

He uses my bread to.

>half a packet of maryland cookies
>energy drink
>100g bag of salted nuts
sometimes accmadated by a big bag of salted popcorn

there's about over 1k calories there and some sweet source in protein

honestly I just keep my shit at the work fridge.

Whole wheat with added protein bread
chicken breast/turkey breast (either sliced or leftovers from home)
tomato (I slice it there)

If I'm feeling frisky sometimes I use vegetarian non-fat cheese or some non-fat mayonnaise

That's my usual. But Fridays I bring in fish since Thursday nights are my fish nights. :)

>can of chicken breast

Fucking Americans

>8oz (dry) macaroni
>8oz lean ground turkey
>100g broccoli
>1 cup pinto beans

I don't care about whether my units are retarded, this has perfect macros and taste

How do you cook and prepare your beans? I enjoy beans but I don't really know the optimal way of preparing them from dry or canned.

Soak them overnight and then boil them until desired mushiness, which is around 30 minutes for me.

I only do salt, black pepper and grounded coriander (not fresh one). It's delish.

Black pepper and cayenne pepper

I live 2 minutes away from my office. I go home and cook whatever the fuck I want.

If you're commute is longer than 10 minutes you aren't going to make it.

>string cheese
Never gonna make it. Just off yourself now bro

Veeky Forums is mostly white people.
Don't ask white people about spice lmao

they can't even handle black pepper

This sounds pretty tasty.
My dinners for the last week was chili. And by chili, I mean chili like in Texas where there's no beans and it really should just be called ''somewhat seasoned ground beef in water".

I didn't know you could buy seasonings with EBT.

>Hurr white people season chicken with water

Kys nigger

there's a subway right next door to where i work, so usually that.

tarragon, lemon and butter

>any tasty leftovers

>Thursday nights are my fish nights. :)
This made me smile for some reason

What goes well with chicken and sweet potato?

The based broccoli.

peppered broccoli

Thanks lads.
I have broccoli with everything, it truly is goat.


egg rolls dipped in sausage gravy is good

As this seems the best thread for it, what's a good light dinner for cutting?
Hopefully around a 6-800 calories and high in protein low crabs.
I'm already eating chicken, sweet potatoes and broccoli for lunch but I need to get my dinner down and haven't found a recipe I like yet

bun-less kobe steakburger with grilled garlic asparagus/grilled onion~

Why do you use vegetarian cheese? It's not because of morals, because you have it with turkey or chicken. What are the benefits? I'm seriously intrigued.

shit son how is that gold plated treating ya

Fuck off pussy. If it's one thing we do right its chicken