Which is harder: doing a pullup or deadlifting your bodyweight?

Which is harder: doing a pullup or deadlifting your bodyweight?

They are both relatively easy, I would say pull-up for fat powerlifters and deadlift for skellys

Pullups are harder because you have to rise your weight with less muscles involved.

Im omw to DL 150Kg and i can't do a single pullup, only chinups.

>i can't do a single pullup


How is it possible that you can do chinups but not pullups? They aren't that different.

Pullups are incredibly easy from r me. Always have been.

I'm about 155 pounds and deadlifting 102.5 pounds including bar kind of hurts my back. Not to say i couldn't do more, but pullups are absolutely easier for me, to the point where i actually enjoy doing them. Even if i'm super lazy, i still do some because i find them fun.

I wonder that too. But im working on that with lat pulldowns and negative pullups.

You need to hit the lat pull down my friend

He has weak lats/forearms

are you fat?

I've been able to do both for as long as I can remember.
And I've been over 250lbs since I was 12.

Ex-fatlord, now im kinda in that limbo called strongfat where i start to look good in clothes but not at all without them.

I can DL well over my BW but can’t do a single pullup. But I don't train for pullups, and lift a lot more often So pretty much what said

lift the bar higher off the ground especially if you aren't up to 1pl8 yet

i put plates(15kg) under the bar when im lifting over 2pl8 and all my back pain is 100% gone

its magical, finally fixed my deadlift

Pullup. They're both lifting your bodyweight, but on one you're using your arms and upper back while the other uses your whole posterior chain + core.

No, you're still fat. But that's okay.

250 at 12? and doing pullups?................

Yeah, I call bs on this shit. I was a center in American football and a catcher in baseball, so I could always deadlift a lot, but at 12? Lies.

His forearms most be staggeringly weak then.

As chinups work lats a similar amount as pullups.

And you are a douchebag. The difference is that i can change with time and effort.


Pullup is harder. I at a bodyweight of 165lbs I can do a 5 reps of pullups with 55lbs added so a total of 220lbs, while my deadlift is 315x5. Scaling this down, your deadlift pattern strength should still be relatively stronger than your pullup pattern strength.

Imagine how sad your life has to be to lie about being an amazingly strong but obese child on a congolese basked weaving forum?

What. It's true.
Could bang out at least 10-12 pullups and chinups my entire life.

Radial muscle is crucial for pull ups and basically has to support/lift all the weight which at heavier weights becomes increasingly harder
I'm strongfat and can do like 20 chinups but maybe one pullup with messed up form

chinups use your biceps way more

different movement. i couldn't do pull-ups unassisted at 170 lbs, until i started to grease the groove.

every time i walked by my pull-up bar, i did two, be it with a cheat form or good. it was hard as fuck in the beginning, i even restrained from leaving the room fearing the pull-ups.

but then i started getting better at it, and i started doing more and more, now i can do 10 strict pull-ups with good form, and only in the couple last i might need to cheat.

my advice for people who can't pull-up is to just keep going at it and get a pull-up in every time you can. you do get used to it, and it does get easier by the day.