
>in the car with mommy
>"how many cans of diet soda do you drink a day, user? One?"
>"Thats so bad for you, carbonated water weakens your bones. How much water do you drink?"
>"I get all my water from diet soda"
>"NONE"?!!! So you drink NO WATER??!

tell me, am I drinking water or not? Does carbonated water weaken your bones?




it depends on the structure of the bone.

I am going to leave my mom the moment she starts complaining about me drinking sips.


No the citric acid does. And your teeth too. And artificial sweeteners are poison. And caffeine is a diuretic so you aren't hydrating yourself at all. Sorry bro... Stop drinking diet soda.

Zero calories. Caffeine free.


all me

I actually researched it. All the studies that say carbonation is bad for bones are based off of studies that researched sodas, not say sparkling/ mineral waters. So the carbonation claim is unfounded. However it is confirmed from other studies that sugar is bad for bones.

Until a study based around mineral water is done we truly will not know.

Don't ever take credit for my or my son's posts ever again.

>Zero calories
Lol so all these poisonous chemicals are good for me. Bleach has zero kcal too you dumb cunt go drink some of that.

whew lad

You're only drinking three cans of soda worth of water a day? thats barely over a liter. get a gallon jug bro. #JugLyf

Don't ever call me your son again, you're not my real dad

Phosphoric acid, actually.

It really does weaken your bones by sapping the calcium out of your body. The effects are most prominent in early youth, and have little to no effect in adults.

Jesus Christ OP just drink some fucking water

no taste

t. amerifats

first of all, if you don't drink any water you are literally a DYEL noob faggot noodle arm nigger shit

secondly, diet soda is a waste of money for stupid people like you OP

as much as i despise you, i have to admit that this is pretty on-the-money

So God damn refreshing though.

>that feel from shoving a bunch of delicious food in your mouth and washing it down with ice cold water

Next to taking a dump as one of life's great pleasures.

nigga its fucking water just drink it

also move out

How the fuck can people like you exist?

Yeah or ice cold water after a strenuous workout/cardio/sports practice. I think you're mentally ill if you don't enjoy the taste of the most important compound for life. It literally tastes like life to me. Like a big ol' chug is literally a 1up

>that feel from shoving a bunch of delicious food in your mouth and washing it down with ice cold whole milk


it literally has no taste so how can you enjoy the taste?

This. OP must be dehydrated af.

You shouldn't need to have a defined taste for it, we are meant to wanna drink it by instinct.
If you never feel for a glass of water then there is something wrong.

What about hint and sugar unsweetened flavored waters. Like hint. Or the kind that's literally carbonated water and splash of chemical flavorings


>poisonous chemicals

The sweetener in diet coke is metabolized into a couple of amino acids and some other thing that I forgot the name of which is commonly found in much larger quantities in other food.

>not drinking something with 0 calories and 140mg of caffeine

It's still got prosperous, which weakens your bones. Le diet is a le meme.

La Croix master race reporting in. Flavored with essence of fruit (fruit oils). It's been officially confirmed to be better than;