Cottage fuckign Cheese

Childhood is preferring yogurt

Adulthood is preferring cottage cheese

Veeky Forums is eating a gallon of cottage cheese a day

cottage cheese is great, but that thumbnail without zooming in looks like popcorn

But what does it taste like

just sodium my shit up

Eat 200g every morning along two slices of bread with peanut butter.
Sometimes it's a little of a farce to eat but it's a solid breakfast that gives you energy for work, so I eat it anyways.

Gave it a try but hated it. Thanks I will just stick to my quark and skyr


>lose 10 pounds
>get excited and binge
>empty my 5L cottage cheese bucket

Is not fair

A cottage

Like thatched roofs and manual labor

>get excited and binge
were you born as a woman?

True but who the hell eats popcorn with a wooden spoon

>Is not fair
It's not fair that I have to see your shitty post and spend time responding to it just so I can say that you have no self-control and won't make it unless you figure out how to not be a massive faggot.

I don't care how good this shit is for you I will never eat this shit it looks like cyst puss

It doesn't.

Imagine milk, only with the distinctive milky flavor removed, with the texture of overcooked porridge.

Greek yogurt and grape nuts is the shit, desu.

But, desu, I hate the actual flavor of yogurt. I need enough sugar that I don't notice that it's literally rotten.

Why is cottage cheese so much hyped, contrary to the other cheeses? Sure, regular cheese is fatter in percentage, but that's only because it's dryer since it's more aged. After all cottage cheese is mostly water because it's just fresh curds.

Isn't it possible to get the same amount of protein (and fat) from a small quantity of aged cheeses instead of eating a large quantity of cottage cheese? I've always wondered.

Obviously I am talking about actual cheese like cheddar and stilton and French cheeses, not industrially-processed cheese pastes and slices for hamburgers and whatnot.

It tastes like fresh cheese because that's what it is. Especially if you add salt and pepper which is how I like it. Other people prefer to add fruit jams or purees to it though.

Blend 7-8 oz of kefir, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 14oz cottage chease and thank me later.

just ignore them. it's nothing you can't get from having another protein shake
and cottage cheese tastes like shit anyway