How do we stop the right wing narrative against marxism-leninism

how do we stop the right wing narrative against marxism-leninism

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Become a Nazbol

Ouf of Veeky Forums (there the people is paranoic, stormfag and use fallacies as argument). Searching a party and making aware the working class.

literally this. modern leftists/commies are basically the same with just "we need jews and non-whites to rule us".

>we need jews and non-whites to rule us
who says that?




Historically true.

You don't.

The OP said nothing about modern leftists. Marxism-Leninism is actually very right wing by modern leftists standards.

Stalin oppressed homosexuals and abortion, supported increasing Russian birth rates and social conservatism. Mother heroine awards were given to women that did their duty in the household and had the most children.

Stalin turned the Soviet Union into a nationalistic state, abandoned world revolution, killed the Jew Trotsky and his mostly Jewish supporters. He purged Jews from the government. He even made a pact with the Nazis. The Nazis were satisfied that he removed the Jew Litvinov and replaced him with the white Russian Molotov. Globalists, international jews, and anti patriotic people that hated their own country were persecuted under the title of "rootless cosmopolitans".

The best way to stop the right wing narrative against Marxism-Leninism is to stop pretending to be a "left winger" and basically just embrace Nazbol.


>Marxism-Leninism is actually very right wing by modern leftists standards.
who the fuck cares

Maybe if your retarded system wins and everybody dies of starvation there will be no more right-wingers to complain?

guess we should all just listen to the commies then huh?

People interested in history and politics.

go preach to reddit then. Since revisionism is 'history and politics' to you.


>Stalin turned the Soviet Union into a nationalistic state

>He even made a pact with the Nazis
Because Allies didnt want to pact with USSR, the pact was strategic.

>He purged Jews from the government
After the "antisemitic purge" the 75% of the government were jew. (D. Petrovsky: La Russie sous les Juifs.)

Stop the fallacies please.

You haven't refuted anything, or even made a point.


to see the past with contemporary views is revisionsim

Modern leftists are lame as shit, its a bunch of trannys, brown people, and edgy rich kids. They go out of their way to be as inoffensive to every group of humans alive except whites. Its gay as fuck. Old school leftist knew how to get shit down, they would take over factories, fight mini wars against union busters and private militias. They would legitimately try to overthrow the state. Modern leftist just post shit tier memes and go crying to capitalists on twitter to get racists fired for offending them. Its faggy as fuck and needs to die off.

marxism leninism isnt much better than retarded spergs from pol


If anything the revisionists prevented him from taking a more nationalistic course.
>Because Allies didnt want to pact with USSR, the pact was strategic.
Trotskyites and liberals (modern leftists) at the time certainly didn't see it that way.
>After the "antisemitic purge" the 75% of the government were jew.
There was no after, there were antisemitic purges until he died mysteriously on Purim day.

you fell for a meme. the meme of free shit

>fallacy fallacy

>responds with stale reddit meme

If this were true it would mean only a small portion of people aren't leftist.

Here's one step OP to undoing the rightist rhetoric.

what narrative exactly, however well meaning marxist-leninism is, it didn't do shit, russia was a despotic poop pile before and AFTER "destalinization"

denying literal FACTS only works against you

>If this were true it would mean only a small portion of people aren't leftist.
>implying apolitical normies are not the majority

They are a small group. They just appear bigger because of the ability and autism to sit and spam their complaints online forever.

>If anything the revisionists prevented him from taking a more nationalistic course.
The revisionists created the image of a nationalistic and cult of personality Stalin for their own sake.
>Trotskyites and liberals (modern leftists) at the time certainly didn't see it that way.
They follow opportunist ideas against communism, they won't see it that way.
>There was no after, there were antisemitic purges until he died mysteriously on Purim day.
The "purges" were against criminals who wanted to kill communism, without ethnic priority. The "purges" ended when he died because then the government fell on revisionists hands.

(sry bad english)

U dont have to stop anything. History will prove marxism right, probably sooner rather than later at this point.

>history will prove Marxism right
>history proves it wrong

>History will prove marxism right, probably sooner rather than later at this point.
>still believing in old prophecies
For a bunch of sell described materialists Marxists sure do love their "its inevitable, for the infallible prophet Marx (PBUH) has proclaimed it"

OP here. I actually made this thread as a false flag shitpost lmao.

getting bullied by faggots on the streets, robbed by teh jews, wommans stealing their jobs, negroes stealing their wommans, crying on the internets, achieving nothing in life, feeling great about doubtful aryan heritage. righties: the utter bottom of the cringe barrel.

You commie bastards realize we're riding this crapitalism train into the ground right?
We're crashing this plane with no survivors.

>righties >>>> aryan heritage
imagine being this retarded

Marxism-Leninism is for authoritarians. You'd be lined up against the wall after the Nazis, if liberals had balls.

While this is obvious bait I've got nothing better to do
The answer ultimately is that you don't. Leninism is to be blunt not a good way of dealing with Socialist reform anyway and Marxism stands on it's own whether you defend it or not. The problem is the mislabelling of progressive social and economic policy as Marxist or Leninist and also ensuring that progressive policies produce positive outcomes.

The fact is most people want Socialism in one form or another but the word was so dirtied by the Soviets that they're unable to articulate it. And the shouty fringes of the left aren't exactly helping, people want and need full bellies, a roof over their heads and an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. Get that right and social justice will follow. Until that shit's sorted all the screeching in the world isn't stop one polemicist shouting about how "they" are doing better than "us"

Stalinism is the only way
Freedom is Jewish
Obey the state