Do you guys have any suggestions for getting a flat stomach and slim thighs by June for a moderately sized girl?

Do you guys have any suggestions for getting a flat stomach and slim thighs by June for a moderately sized girl?

eat at a caloric deficit, do cardio and lift weights.





>moderately sized girl

So ur fat

>One of these threads
I'll give you the run down.
Body shapes are a meme, there are no chromosomes for apple.
By moderately sized girl you mean fat but not obese right?
Eat less processed shit and do ss.
>Read the sticky

Hey jess

Literally just stop eating fatty, a 1300-1600 kcal a day diet alone will probably get you there

Cardio and crunches will help


Banana for the win.

Not op but
I've been lifting for only 1 year but I really want to cut down for summer
Currently at 5'8 135lbs, and I just want to quickly lose that last bit of stomach fat
Should I use anavar or no?

>Should I use anavar or no?

please be b8

pretty much these it seems. saying you are moderately sized is just a rationalization for you to say you are not fat.

Yeah you're right she's hot

I'm not really fat, But i still got squishy thighs and i'd say 5 pounds of stomach fat

Fuck do you think your playing with jess.
Ill run into noel leaming on Monday wearing nothing but a Mexican wresting match and a raging boner.

What? LOL
Whatever dude

>Im not fat but i have a fat body.
Women please don't change

Is that advice or criticism, i can't tell ^^'

1-10 how new are you?
>Fucking jess

>slim thighs

Why would you want that? THICC is the way to go

Do cardio and light lifting. Eat at a 500kcal deficit. No fast food or alcohol. The usual

okay fatty
eca stack
+ 600 calories a day, all protein. You won't poop. Around week 3 take a laxative so the poop doesn't turn racid in ur butt.

As a guy, and thus able to count/be honest, you can lose 7-8 lbs of fatt a week doing this.

Thanks and God bless

I want to say...2

wake up
drink a shake

*yoga farts*

let me sniff them.


I'm in the same boat as you. 6' girl at 225lbs on 12/1 last year, I'm down to ~180 atm and still dropping. Just eat under your calorie maintenance. I work an office job and don't do shit, so it's easy to cut calories like crazy and not feel too tired. I average about 1300kcal a day. That low, you need to be careful what you choose to eat. Lean meats, oats, nuts, rice, fruits, and veggies, if you're eating bread, make it wheat and no more than a fist-sized portion a day. For dairy you want lower-fat cheeses and 2% milk.

Avoid added sugar like the plague. My advice will probably get ripped apart by a fellow Veeky Forumsizen, but it's producing appreciable results for me.

hahaha alright

>and don't do shit
found your problem right thar.

Pear > Hourglass > Banana > Apple

Meh, I did weight training for a couple weeks and it ramped up my appetite to a point that I didn't feel like maintaining. I don't want gains, I just wanna be a twig. I've been fat my whole life ._. strictly cutting has worked well for me. Outta high school I was 315 and dropped to 170 just from diet. Then I went through a bad breakup and stress ate my way into my current predicament. Never again!