I'm weak Veeky Forums. How badly will I get mocked at the gym for not being able to lift a lot...

I'm weak Veeky Forums. How badly will I get mocked at the gym for not being able to lift a lot? Should I just buy a bench and weights for working out at home until I get a wee bit stronger so I don't look like a fool at the gym?

You will get mocked pretty bad
At my gym, if you bench under 2pl8 at any point, guys will come over and talk shit until you leave. One guy will physically chase people out of the gym that do this.

I'd suggest just buying hormones and going full MtF. It's a lot less effort and you get better results in terms of social standing


No one gives a fuck you're weak, they care more about their lifts than your shit-tier lifts.

Seeing as he prefers baboon's asses to normal ones, he's probably autistic and won't be able to tell that you're being ironic. This might lead to self-harm and an intensified autism.

Dude nobody gives a fuck. The only time I judge people is when they're lifting too much with shite form.

Lift a 5lb dumbell with good form, and I'll respect you significantly more than you struggling to lift something too heavy with shit form.

If someone has time to judge you while working out out, they aren't working out hard enough. Laugh at them as they throw away their gains.


go at non-peak hours until you can do lmao1pl8.

i actually prefer 2-5 am so i don't have to deal with anybody.

if your gym isn't 24/7 then it should be.

Literally no one cares how much you lift.

Dude no one cares I started benching only the bar stuck with it now 2 years later benching 125kg with pause and other 135 touch and go.

Only gym around me that is 24 hours to my knowledge is Planet Shitness. The gym I'd end up going to closes at 9 or 10pm.

brutal. really makes me realize that $50/mo for my gym isn't so bad after all.

i used to go lift during the evening hours but there's too many curlbro's and cardio bunnies, it's distracting. not to mention that they play pop music over the speakers. mid day is pretty chill though.

This reminds of my first few months in the gym. One time I was curling 10kg dumbbells and 3 guys came to me, took my dumbbells and told to me get the fuck out. Another time I was doing squats with 1pl8 those 3 same guys made fun of me for lifting "baby weights"
Honestly OP, it will be pretty bad at first, but just get through it, it will be worth it

join a boxing gym and lift when you aren't training. no one will laugh at you like at normal fitness gyms. egos are in check and people will be more inclined to directly help you. i'm sure there is one in your area for like 50 bux

Yeah I remember having this happen to me a bunch of times when I first started out. Some bigger boys took my gym bag and started throwing it around and I was too weak to get it back and I cried a lot. Better not go, opie

Not at all and if they do they're just compensating for their hidden shortcomings. Definitely lift fk the haters (even though there probably aren't any because everyone is doing their own shit)

Also when you become a regular and tear it the fuck up daily it doesn't matter what you're lifting because you're in there more than anyone else busting your ass

wtf isn't there security?
and no one else on the side was there to help?

the fuck kinda adults are out there?

No one mocks you lol, and if they do, just laugh along and say "faking it until i make it"

Nobody cares stop being a faggot

when this happens everyone else just assumes people are joking around with each other and no one does anything

>prefers baboon's asses

Edgy twink detected.

>How badly will I get mocked at the gym for not being able to lift a lot?
I have only been going to the gym for a month, at first the big guys would throw my underwear out of the window in the changing rooms and roll my barbell away when I try to do deadlifts but now I show up early and only one of the big guys is there so he can only taunt me verbally because the gym staff tell him off for being rude to me. I am hoping that after a while it is not so bad because hearing "Ahoy! Ahoy! A little baby boy!" every time I enter the gym is really embarrassing.

Everyone knows that if a man enters the gym and can't bench AT LEAST 50kg for reps the gym staff will ask you to leave and go do some push ups for a few weeks before coming back.

Gyms are full of people just like you, and the ones that are big and strong have also been weak and skinny/fat at some point

everyone will stare at you and think "what a weak fucking loser! also the fuck is wrong with his form"

you know its true so save yourself the humiliation


if you don't bench 2pl8 your first day in the gym you really don't have the genetics to make it anyway

everyone will gather around you and laugh while you struggle.
If someone offers to spot you, DON'T LET THEM! They just want to drop the bar so they can ridicule you more.
Seriously though, nobody gives a shit.

Top kek

I remember my first day at the gym. I was pretty weak, so I was only able to bench 160 lbs (including the bar). I had the safeties on the sides of the bench so that I wouldn't need a spotter, I was simply too embarrassed.

Anywho, I was in the middle of my 5 reps set, and I see two hands reach over and push the bar down on my neck. I began gasping for air. I looked up, and I saw three cut, fit, beyond natty limit guys pushing the weight down on me.

After I woke up in the hospital, I immediately contacted the gym and asked what exactly happened. They told me it's just procedure, and the guys liked me.

So don't be afraid, OP. It worked out for me. Now I can bench 185 two months later, and those gym bros don't give me shit anymore. The worst they do is throw dumbbells at me when they're finished repping, but it's just banter dude.

Is his name Big P?

Any gymgoer worth their gains won't fuck with you. In my experience, they'll actually help you.
Focus on your gains and you'll be all right.

This sounds like the beginning of a gay furry comic.

Everyone started somewhere.

Just use good form and no one will bother you. If I see people lifting hard with good form, that's all serious lifters ask for.

Just don't throw on weight before you can handle it, nothing pisses us off more than people who try to use way higher way with 1/8th range of motion.

No,just do the generic shit bad routine they give you at the beggining for a while (say a month for example) to familiarize with the gym and lifting weights.

Then from there start to experiment more for yourself do some real routine.