What physique do I need to prevent this from happening to me?

What physique do I need to prevent this from happening to me?

Doesn't matter. Army wives are notorious whores

this x100

>not being secure and masculine

Could lifting have saved him from getting cucked?

ugly af episode doe

>Don't serve in the army goyim! You'll be cucked just like in my movies!

Hey Rabbi!


Hard to tell, but it looks like he DID lift.

Hold me, I am getting "Jarhead" flashbacks.

are you serious? It's the GOAT

may sneak another fap in

Take that cancer back to /pol/

Physique doesn't matter. To avoid this you have to beat your woman.

Her face is kinda weird but that body is ridiculous

Selena Green Vargas

This physique will ensure you never get cucked ever.

YRYL. I lost. How weak do you have to be to want that shit?

So why is it that women have a last resort to do porn for money, but guys don't?

>a last resort
>implying they don't do it for fun

Guys do. It's called gay porn.

Woman hate thread? Fresh oc fo r y'all that I had saved

What about this is supposed to make me angry

Missing context

context mah nigga its missing

Wrong one lol
That one where they were talking about how two incompatible people come to be together.