Weight boxing

What's a good weekly schedule for weight training and boxing?

Will bump with black qt's in love with fucking white males.



I'd rather fuck bottom mid than top right T B H F A M









Monday lift your A program
Tuesday Box (drills and tech)
Wednesday lift your B program
Thursday Box (footwork drill and shadow mode)
Friday lift your A program
Saturday sparring
Sunday the lord rests

Next week do BAB, the ABA, etc, repeat until failure.


Thanks, sounds simple enough.




I'd fuck both of them, desu.

Ask the black bois on Veeky Forums who have to lift just to score some 6/10 easy white whore







you should only box if you enjoy the sport

boxing is not a good way to build a physique unless you train on the levels of professionals, which many don't even have great bodies

if you care more about physique than boxing skill than just stick to weight lifting

>look at all these photos of interracial couples I saved haha alt-right btfo

I actually want to weight lift to support my boxing, and my self defense skill in general.


The only acceptable non-white race to mix with is East Asian. Nignog lovers get out.

>clearly mexican

SOMEBODY needs to share the op pic on social media promoting multiculturalism and interracial relationships etc
Seeing the reactions would be interesting.

I live in area with a lot of blacks. How do i pickup one of these women? Most are married or taken

Tell a black woman you got your cock stuck in a shampoo bottle works all the time for me.


black men would spazz the fuck out claiming they were jews and how they shouldn't be race mixing. very quiet when it's a white female though...


i know what i'm talking about because one time a black girl grabbed my ass as i was walking down the street

That's not what I said at all, but k.

>see white dude with black girl
>she's easily 7-8 months pregnant
thought they looked cute together desu

stay mad


further depleting blonde hair genetics just to reproduce with a blackie.

but these specific white guys are all handsome and black girls in general are ugly. race mixing is a lose lose for white guys, win win for black guys. check mate whitey.

I hate black women. No one wants their chimp, weave wearing, smelly asses. I'll go ahead and get a GENETICALLY SUPERIOR white woman and marry her. WMBF children end up sexually confused beta virgin robots anyway while BMWF children grow up to slay pussy and achieve great things. I hope black women and white men who breed with each other suffer and get the rope!

You don't. Stick to your own women or asian women you cunt

>blacks can't be racist