Healthy candy literally grows on trees

Why arnt you eating it?

macros nigga

I only eat a small amount, too much sugar

>he counts

Sugar in fruit is healthy in moderation

Where the fuck do you get starfruit?

they sell it at Meijer.

it sucks though, it's like eating an inferior cucumber

You guys can't know how nice it is having a cup of pomegranates every time after running 16 km per day.

They and peaches are the best tasting ones.

There are studies on this that it has almost no impact on insulin sensitivity and is completely healthy to eat tons of fruit.

I had to research it for my diabetic mom who would throw fucking tantrums if she couldn't eat candy. Now she eats like 10 fucking fruits a day.

im eatin some kinda orange tangerino thing right now

i'm eating an apple right now

Fucking idiot bananas can have 30 carbs and big apples 20 carbs. How the fuck does that not count?

Im t1 diabetic and one fruit alone would put my blood sugar levels too high

Learn to fruit.

I don't think we're talking about genetic failures.

>Falling for the """""healthy"""""" carbs meme
O am i laffing

get out beetus

I only eat fruit and nuts until dinner

>muh healthy fr00tz
what's so healthy about them?
>muh vitamins
all the vitamins you can get from fruit you can also get from animals sans sugar
>muh healthy fibr
dietary fiber is the antidote for sugar. it slows down digestion and mitigates the insulin spike. you don't need the antidote if you don't take the poison...

Enjoy your heart disease and/or cancer.

This guy doesn't eat anything but fruit and he's fuckin jacked

Also helps you take nice shits

and it tastes good and is filling

Also kill yourself you autistic fuck

Read some valid studies about animal based products.

Notice how I said valid studies, not retard tier broscience/blogposts

you dont want to get starfruit. theyre a weird combo between grapes and cucumber that doesnt taste that good, and is usually pretty expensive

I eat a kiwi or 2 everyday, fucking delicious but so annoying to peel, and yes I know the spoon trick.