How can all girls seem to throw away any semblance of love they had for you at a moments notice Veeky Forums...

How can all girls seem to throw away any semblance of love they had for you at a moments notice Veeky Forums? I don't get it. Broke up with over text, no explanation, all after being told she loved me etc.


pic related, it's you on the left

I've been told I love you the day of and a month after being broken up with. Not to sound edgy, but girls are fucking retarded and you just have to keep that in mind, you can still have feelings for them you just have to have a backup plan imo

don't take girls seriously

they say whatever if it means more attention

Dubs confirmed

>girls are fucking retarded
Ain't that the truth. I just don't understand what goes through their heads.


Not taking girls seriously again. I thought I'd found one that was different from the rest. Uh oh user is wrong again!

Girls are incapable of love. Learned your lesson right OP?

>Learned your lesson right OP?
Boy oh boy have I. Back to being a fuckboy. THEY'RE ALL THE SAME I DON'T GET IT

A man betrays another man and he's made an enemy for life. We solidify out decisions by thinking rationally first and acting

A woman can tell you she loves you on monday and wants you to die on friday, and mean both equally. They act first and rationalize what they've done later on

They check out emotionally months before. The signs are subtle, but they do it.

I came inside my girlfriend for the first time while staring deep into her eyes on a vacation. We both said I love you. It was the most intimate moment of my life.

Two days later, I get a text saying "I don't feel a spark anymore, let's breakup". Just like that, my heart was crushed.

Said she wanted to marry me, have my kids, and spend every moment with me. THen just dumps me because there wasn't a spark anymore apparently. Wtf.

There's no answer man, i'll never get it. Looking back, she definitely lost interest slowly over the course of a few months.

Never listen to what a girl SAYS, focus on their actual actions.

You bring up some very good points. The thing is she was acting fine when I visited her, but it was literally a night and day change. On the last day of my visit she was acting so fucking weird and that was it. One day.

I'll keep that in mind more next time though.

Probably because you fucked up in such an obvious way you have to be retarded to need it explained to you. That's what happens when you take advice from autistic virgins on Veeky Forums

She wanted you for the child-care payments.

Eh it could be but I honestly don't think so. I don't really take much other than fitness advice from this board.

>Not to sound edgy, but girls are fucking retarded
You sound throughly stupid. I don't even know, man

>don't take girls seriously
>boohoo I've been hurt pls validate

>Girls are incapable of love
You can do better. I believe.

>A woman can tell you she loves you on monday and wants you to die on friday, and mean both equally. They act first and rationalize what they've done later on
>their A.I. is built around evil, and every woman ON EARTH deserves to fucking DIE IN A FIRE

>There's no answer man, i'll never get it.
Sounds like you gave up a long time ago, and she noticed that lol

Dumb female confirmed.

>their A.I. is built around evil, and every woman ON EARTH deserves to fucking DIE IN A FIRE

I never put a judgement like that on them.

They're not evil, they just have a different OS than us. With that knowledge maybe you'll crash the system less

I'm a cis white male though

Ah so cuck confirmed

>Confirmed tranny or girl

No straight guy refers to himself as cis. Get out



>their A.I. is built around evil, and every woman ON EARTH deserves to fucking DIE IN A FIRE
Good and evil are the same thing though

my guess is she just transferred all her feelings and emotions to another male

There's the issue.

I wish I was joking

Instead of ad hominem and straw manning people due to feeling attacked because you view your gender as your identity, make an actual counter point.

It has been a generalization since written history that women are fickle; and while it is a generalization, it doesn't come about for no reason. We all carry genetic baggage we have to fight against. Making childish quips does you no service in another persons perception of you, and I fear that scorpion lost it's sting a long time ago since most men learn to try and use logic to navigate through human interaction by late highschool.

>nerd couldn't get laid

No woman will love you more than your mom does.

No, no you're not.

I have never met a man who communicated so poorly a counter arguement as what you posted above.

>>nerd couldn't get laid
Holy shit user.

I can't even argue with that, you're absolutely right

>all after being told she loved me etc.
if shes fucked other guys before you, she lied about loving you.

Women will only ever truly love their own children, they only love anyone else for as long as it suits them


end your life now pls


Thanks for including in the disinformation meme that the meme is a disinformation.


Just how it goes men can do the same. Never love someone so much you can't stand to see them go.

im pretty sure it comes down to planning and pretending not to care.

ive always been the one to ice out gfs and casual relationships once i've had enough.

i don't think its gender exclusive, it's just women tend to be the ones making the decision to end the relationship more often than not.

over a period of weeks you start to disconnect, distance yourself, and then you just end it.

sucks but at a certain point relationships are toxic and its better for both people if you just move on.

i'd also add i reflect on 2 exgfs that i did this too and i'm somewhat sorrowful even half a decade later.

but then i remember why i did it and its sorta bitter sweet because you know you made the right decision for both sides.

>Heritage Foundation

Well, I'm skeptical, but I'll check your sources and reply soon after. Btw, the first two CDC links are dead.

>men can do the same

No we can't. We don't get bored or dissatisfied, we never cheat and "pump and dump" is just some heinous bullshit harpies invented to make us look bad.

that's just how they are. don't expect agency or intelligence and you will deal with them better

they are as dumb as your dog but disloyal, petty and vindictive. treat them accordingly(your dog deserves more love)

those numbers seem low

>being told she loved me
words == meaningless == burn zero calories
action == measurable == burn non-zero calories

If a woman is talking about love she is really hoping to make you believe and relax in "pure trust" as a means to make you more compromising. But if you are weak enough to fall for it before she has actually compromised heavily (making her pay the most of all her previous lovers) you prove yourself silly and unworthy.

>I just don't understand what goes through their heads.

A random assortment of dicks, usually.

no just all the ones they've tried

She obviously never meant it in the first place.
Fuck this /r9k/ tier bullshit

Lmao, no man ever fucked a girl and never cheated on a woman, that's just a lie created by feminists.
There is no point even discussing. The cognitive dissonance is beyond me.

They are emotional manipulators, it is their nature. You just have to accept this and not make the same mistake of getting too close ever again. Always keep your guard up, don't let them exploit you.

You only get one go-around in this life, don't waste it by getting stuck on one of many potential emotional abusers.

Loyalty isn't in their genes. Think about it - society is built on conquest and rape. The women who didn't submit to the victors were killed, those that switched alliances at the blink of an eye perpetuated their genes. Now, thousands years later, you expect women to suddenly have loyalty?

Women are literally bred to be incapable of loyalty (with a few deviations) and to enjoy rape by strong men (conquerors).

This is the problem with non-verbal communication

You should at least go and see her face-to-face and ask why. Thats the masculine thing to do.
